40 Books in 12 Months - I Can Do It!

Monday, April 22, 2013

So, I did something that may end up being really awesome or really dumb. I set a goal for myself to read 40 books by the end of December. I love to read so I'm pretty sure I can pull this off. I'm a little bit ahead of the pace Goodreads says I should be on.

Hopefully I'll remember to do at least short reviews of all the books here on the site, but if I don't you can always follow me on Goodreads to at least see my star ratings. I'm always on the lookout for new titles and authors to add to my To Be Read Pile. If you've come across anything good lately let me know!

See the titles I've read so far in my 2013 reading list

2013 Reading Challenge

2013 Reading Challenge
Melanie has read 13 books toward her goal of 40 books.
Image from Google Images

Blog Breaks and Boredom

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Holy hiatus! I've never been away from the blog this long. I can't tell you how many times over the past several months I've stared at the blinking cursor in the post editor, trying to compose something, anything, to show that I'm still alive. I've even Googled 'coming back from a blog break.' It's not that I don't have anything to say, I'm just not sure the things on my mind are interesting enough to keep the blog going. How can I find my voice again after being gone so long? Who's still around to read? Should that even matter?

So, what have I been up to? Not much really, just being with my family. There have been a lot of meals at the dinner table, movie nights at home, beach days, pool days, good books, homework, client work and hockey. So. Much. Hockey! And then there was Dennis. I didn't want to talk much about him here because I felt I should protect his privacy a little and they were his stories to tell, not mine. But, long story short, he came from Sweden last August to live with us and now we have another member in our family. He went home a few weeks ago. Tyler misses him terribly. Dennis is Tyler's best friend, big brother and hero rolled into one.

Maybe Dennis leaving is part of why I felt the need to get back online. I must admit, it was really nice to have someone to talk to every day who was on the other side of the kitchen table as opposed to the other side of the monitor. As much as I enjoyed all the family time I've started to get the same feeling that led me to start blogging in the first place. I got so caught up in 'being present' for everyone else that I forgot myself and the things that make me happy. Writing makes me happy. Social media makes me happy. When I'm happy it's hard to feel lonely or bored. And let's face it, being an at home mom can often be both lonely and boring.

So here I am attempting to get back on the horse. Come with me for the ride?
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