Arguing on Christmas Eve

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

I spent part of my Christmas Eve arguing with my mom and Gramma. My mom got a gift that she ended up not wanting. Someone re-gifted to her some cheese, meat and chocolates. I'm not sure what she thought she was getting but they told her it was a gift basket and she took it. When she got it home and opened the box, well, she was less than impressed.

She tried to pass it off to me and I declined. The two of them were discussing whether there were any parties they could take the food to when I said, "why don't we give it to a homeless person?" They both agreed it was an excellent idea. "Great, I'll get a zipper bag to put it all in."

They looked at me as though I'd sprouted another arm.

"You can't do that."

"That's tacky.

"You can't give someone a gift in a zipper bag."

"But. They're homeless."

"So? That doesn't matter.

"It's Christmas."

"OK. So, how am I supposed to hand someone this giant box through the car window?" And how are they going to carry the box around?"

That stumped them a bit. We went around some more with me still in favor of simplicity and they in favor of gift wrapping.

Coffee mug added for scale
"Are you really arguing with me on how we're going to give a homeless person something neither of you want?"

"Well, when you put it that way..."

We finally settled on putting all of the food in zipper bags and then using one of the gift bags Mom had in her stash (also something she didn't want).

We put the gift bag in the car and headed out for last minute shopping at Target. On the way there, all the homeless people we saw were on the opposite side of the street. But, when we were leaving, there was a man standing right in the median.

I started to hand the bag to my mom and she shook her head slightly.

"No, not him."

"Why not? He's not homeless enough for you?"

I couldn't believe we were going to end up bringing the food back home after all the fuss. But, mom remembered she needed something for a recipe and while I ran into the grocery store, she and Gramma drove across to the other parking lot and found someone who met their (obviously) very strict Homelessness Guidelines and gave the food to him.

Next time, I think I'll just take the re-gift and handle things my way.

Don't Tell Grammy

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Tyler is spending a week at my mom's house again this year. We were talking about it before he left and he could tell by my voice that I was sad.

"Why are you sad?"

"Because I'll miss you."

"We can always Skype."

(laughing) "You know what, you're right. Remind me to fix the Skype and Facetime on Grammy's phone while we're up there."

"I'll have to help her. You know she's not good with technology. Oh! But, don't tell her I said that!"

My Husband plus Extra Plywood Equals | Wordless Wednesday

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Liar, Liar Pants on Fire | Happy Birthday!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Scene: Mother is seated on the couch in the living room reading a book. Father and Son are downstairs on the computer. Mother can hear their conversation.

Son: Dad, how old are you going to be tomorrow?

Father: I'll be 34.

Mother hears this and goes into the kitchen, pulling the fire extinguisher from underneath the cabinet. She hurries downstairs and runs into the office.

Father: What are you doing?

Mother: Here, I thought you might need this.

Father: [taking the extinguisher] Why?

Mother: To put out your pant legs.

[Father looks confused]

Father: What are you talking about?

Mother: I figured your pants were going to combust over that whopper you just told our son about your age.

[Father, still slow on the uptake, continues to look confused]

Mother: Didn't you just tell our son you're turning 34?

Father: [laughing because he's finally caught on] Actually, I told him I'm going to be 24.

Mother: That's even worse! I got here just in time.

Happy Birthday, honey. I love you!

Shopping Apps for Saving Money | Frugal Friday

Friday, December 9, 2011

I am so unprepared for Christmas! I have no idea what we're going to get for everyone. I originally thought of photo books, but I don't think I have enough really good pictures from this past year to build one. So, I'm heading out today to wander Target, TJ Maxx and my other favorite stores.

I put a new app on my phone today to test while I'm at Target. Amazon launched their PriceCheck app in hopes of cashing in on shoppers looking for last minute deals.

How it works: when you see an item you'd like to buy; scan it, take a picture, speak the name or type the item name into the app and enter the price listed at the store. Other prices will come up to let you see whether you're getting the best deal. If you put the item in your Amazon shopping cart and end up buying it within 24 hours, you'll get a discount.

I like the idea of this. It's always nice to know if an item is cheaper at another store. But, unless you're an Amazon Prime member, there's still shipping costs to deal with. I'll scan a few items and update with how I like the app.

Other shopping apps I use to help save money:
Michaels (offers digital coupons)
Card Star (to organize all my store cards)
Target (digital coupons)
Shop Kick (digital coupons)

Am I missing any other good money saving apps?

Bike Helmet Organization with Command Hooks | Works for Me Wednesday

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Necessity is the mother of all invention. I will add: mother's tired of tripping over their children's crap come up with the best solutions.

Somehow, we ended up with three bike helmets for Tyler. That's three helmets that get tossed on the garage floor and left outside our neighbor's houses. Plus, Tyler can never find one when he needs it.

My solution came to me when I was going through my coupon binder. I'd been planning to buy another Command hook to display a wreath and the proverbial light bulb went on. I bought one package of two hooks. Each holds up to three pounds.

Now, in theory, Tyler has no excuses.

What's working for you today?
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