2008 San Diego Breast Cancer 3-Day Day 1 Pictures

Saturday, November 22, 2008

My mom rocked it yesterday! She was already eating lunch by the time I headed down to La Jolla. Cross you fingers that her hot spots don't turn into blisters today.

Read about the other two days of the walk: Day 2, Day 3

480 Miles, $50K and Counting - The Breast Cancer 3 Day

Friday, November 21, 2008

When my mom told me she was going to do the Susan G Komen 3 Day walk I laughed at her. Sleeping on the ground in a tent? Public showers? Right. I get my aversion to all things camping from her. I said I'd believe it when I saw it.

And show me she did! This weekend my mom will take to the streets of San Diego for the eighth time. Uh-huh, eight. And my lazy ass will be there on the sidelines and volunteering on Sunday.

This year I decided to Go Pink or Go Home and went on a little shopping spree yesterday (love you honey!) This is what I'm wearing today.

I found this necklace on Etsy. Perfect for the occasion, no?

I normally don't wear pink and didn't realize how hard it is to find pink clothes in adult sizes, especially in fall. I felt like such the soccer mom at Charlotte Russe and Forever 21.

Then I had the brilliant idea that I should wear a black and pink bra with my leather jacket a la biker chick and spent half an hour looking for an inexpensive one.

The way I see it, some of these women have gone through chemo, radiation and worse, so I can get over my body issues for a day.

And I can't possibly go to a breast cancer awareness event without a pink wig and feather boa.

But I will be wearing pants.

If you've never experienced this event I strongly encourage, actually no, I'm telling you to go. It's an amazing way to spend an afternoon. The walkers really feed off the energy of the supporters. People come dressed in some pretty wild costumes. If your city is host to a walk next year please go and show your support.

I tell you, it's hard not to tear up when you see people in their pink survivor shirts or see the man who is walking for the wife, daughter or sister he has lost. And the closing ceremonies, where all the walkers and crew form a tunnel and take off one shoe and hold them up saber style as the survivors enter? Makes me cry buckets. Every. Single. Time.

Please send out some no blisters vibes to my mom. I will spare you pictures of her worst blister episode. You're totally welcome. Have a great weekend!

Read about all three days of the walk: Day 1, Day 2, Day 3.
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