2008 San Diego Breast Cancer 3-Day Day 3 Pictures

Monday, November 24, 2008

I'm still on a high from the weekend. Mom says the walk is like a religious experience and I can see why. I can't yet put into words how great it was to volunteer and be "behind the scenes."

Seeing the walkers and crew members come in for the final stretch was so inspiring. I was handing out their Victory shirts and the single long-stemmed pink roses that Pro Flowers provides every year.

As the walkers passed through the Victory
tent, the crew received grey shirts, walkers got white and survivors, pink. My table was right next to where the survivors picked up their shirts. It was very hard not to be in tears all day.

Seeing that pile of pink shirts grow smaller throughout the day was both heartbreaking and celebratory. If I had the privilege of handing a rose to a survivor I bowed and said "congratulations" which definitely had more than one meaning.

(She was limping so badly her friends had to help keep her standing)

One woman stopped for her shirt and her team had her pose for a photo. One second she was smiling and laughing and the next she was sobbing. They wrapped her in a group hug and they all cried together. I felt a bit like a voyeur. Even surrounded by thousands of people it was such an
intimate moment.

I also got to be there when they announced that the last wa
lker was about to come in. I saw her Saturday and honestly thought she was a homeless person taking advantage of the sweets and other things being passed out along the route.

When the announcement came out that she was on her way in, every walker there cheered and moved forward to try and get her picture. She was brought in with a police escort and when she stopped to put on her shirt she was in tears. As were so many others. She posed for photos and I gave her the entire bundle of flowers I was holding.

The official statistics haven't come out but I heard there were between 4,500-5,000 walkers this year and they raised just over $11 million dollars.

My mom is already committed to walking again next year. She may or may not stop after her tenth which she really wants to do in either San Francisco or Denver.

These ladies were not allowed to walk since they are currently undergoing their chemo treatments. They are both in their 20's.

I will definitely be out there again next year and I hope you will too. And like I mentioned in my first post, when the walkers take off one shoe and lift it high as the survivors enter The Survivors Circle, it gets me, every time.

Way to go mom! You rock!

Read about the other two days of the walk: Day 1, Day 2

2008 San Diego Breast Cancer 3-Day Day 2 Pictures

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Mom has blisters. Actually, she has five. Today is going to be tough. But I know she can do it.

Passing out gum, mints and baby wipes.

Some people are so clever with their tent decorations and team names. This is the Boobs Farm Whinery. There were two bottles of Boone's wrapped in pink on the ground.

The Remembrance Tent. One small tent for each city that hosts the walk. The San Diego tent is showcased in the larger tent along with photos of people who have recently passed and journals to leave a message to a loved one.

This woman has raised more money total for Komen than any other walker (click to her website, I don't want to give it away but prepare to have your socks knocked off). She gets to sleep in a special tricked out tent sponsored by New Balance.

Overheard: "I'm fine as long as I keep moving."

"If I stop now every muscle in my body will freeze up. I won't even be able to smile."

This is part of Main Street. There is a post office, store for buying merchandise, a tent for bingo, free foot massages and samples.

The walkers come through this area lined with flags as they finish for the day and head into camp. Other walkers stay to cheer them in, there's loud, upbeat music and bottled waters.

Read about the other two days of the walk: Day 1, Day 3

2008 San Diego Breast Cancer 3-Day Day 1 Pictures

Saturday, November 22, 2008

My mom rocked it yesterday! She was already eating lunch by the time I headed down to La Jolla. Cross you fingers that her hot spots don't turn into blisters today.

Read about the other two days of the walk: Day 2, Day 3

480 Miles, $50K and Counting - The Breast Cancer 3 Day

Friday, November 21, 2008

When my mom told me she was going to do the Susan G Komen 3 Day walk I laughed at her. Sleeping on the ground in a tent? Public showers? Right. I get my aversion to all things camping from her. I said I'd believe it when I saw it.

And show me she did! This weekend my mom will take to the streets of San Diego for the eighth time. Uh-huh, eight. And my lazy ass will be there on the sidelines and volunteering on Sunday.

This year I decided to Go Pink or Go Home and went on a little shopping spree yesterday (love you honey!) This is what I'm wearing today.

I found this necklace on Etsy. Perfect for the occasion, no?

I normally don't wear pink and didn't realize how hard it is to find pink clothes in adult sizes, especially in fall. I felt like such the soccer mom at Charlotte Russe and Forever 21.

Then I had the brilliant idea that I should wear a black and pink bra with my leather jacket a la biker chick and spent half an hour looking for an inexpensive one.

The way I see it, some of these women have gone through chemo, radiation and worse, so I can get over my body issues for a day.

And I can't possibly go to a breast cancer awareness event without a pink wig and feather boa.

But I will be wearing pants.

If you've never experienced this event I strongly encourage, actually no, I'm telling you to go. It's an amazing way to spend an afternoon. The walkers really feed off the energy of the supporters. People come dressed in some pretty wild costumes. If your city is host to a walk next year please go and show your support.

I tell you, it's hard not to tear up when you see people in their pink survivor shirts or see the man who is walking for the wife, daughter or sister he has lost. And the closing ceremonies, where all the walkers and crew form a tunnel and take off one shoe and hold them up saber style as the survivors enter? Makes me cry buckets. Every. Single. Time.

Please send out some no blisters vibes to my mom. I will spare you pictures of her worst blister episode. You're totally welcome. Have a great weekend!

Read about all three days of the walk: Day 1, Day 2, Day 3.
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