What I'm Thankful for This Holiday

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

At Thanksgiving dinner, someone asked my Gramma why her finger was splinted. She told the story of how she got the injury and all I could feel was gratitude.
Gratitudephoto © 2009 Kate | more info (via: Wylio)
My Gramma lives in the midwest. She's been taking the bus for years even though she has a license. Last month when she was coming home from the market she got off before her usual stop to get in a little exercise. She tripped, fell and landed on her right side. Her hand and arm broke some of her fall but not enough to protect her face. She was wearing sunglasses and they broke when her face hit the sidewalk, tearing the skin in the corner of her eye.

After the fall, she wasn't aware enough to dig her cell out of her purse. Fortunately, someone drove by and saw her lying there. The woman drove Gramma home, helped her inside and stayed until Gramma cleaned some of the blood off her face. Gramma is not sure how long she was on the ground. She doesn't remember the car ride to her house. She doesn't remember the woman's name. We're sure she must have blacked out.

The doctor visit afterward showed she had fractured the bones around her eye socket. Luckily there was no glass in her eye from her sunglasses and no bone fragments to worry about. She landed on the opposite side of her torn rotator cuff that she had surgery on last year, which is also lucky because that shoulder still gives her trouble. Her eye doctor says she won't need plastic surgery, she's healing well on her own. Her finger probably broke and didn't heal properly which is why she keeps it in a splint. But if that's the extent of her lasting injuries, we'll take it.

What happened to Gramma could have been so much worse. She doesn't live in the best neighborhood. An elderly woman; alone, injured and possibly unconscious is the perfect storm for something really, really bad. This holiday season, I am most grateful for the kindness of strangers.

Happy Birthday to My Husband

Monday, December 13, 2010

If you don't watch The Walking Dead this won't be funny. Even if you do watch, it still might not be funny.
Birthday Cakephoto © 2009 Omer Wazir | more info (via: Wylio)

Today is Phil's birthday. I'm really glad I married such a handy guy. He put in the wood floors in our kitchen and gave me recessed lights in the living room for my birthday. He can reach all the stuff on the high shelves, doesn't mind doing catch and release duty with spiders and I've never had to man the grill. 

But the real reason I'm glad I've kept him around? Zombies. We just watched the first season of The Walking Dead. After almost 12 1/2 years of marriage it took a TV show for me to find out my husband is an expert at the undead!

Each night of the show Phil would say, "That's totally unrealistic! Those people are so stupid!" and tell me what he'd do differently. And you know what? He's right. Those people ARE stupid. Phil's plan for the zombie apocalypse is so much better than what they've been doing on the show.

I know it's only season one, but with the mistakes the survivors have made so far, it's surprising they're still alive. Have they not driven past a single RV lot? Why aren't they sharpening sticks to make more bow and arrows? And what's with the tiny gas cans?

I can't share all the details of Phil's plan with you (gotta conserve resources, right?), but let's just say if you're not married to someone with military base access who knows how to drive a Humvee, fire a 50 Cal, and drive a LARK; you're zombie food. 

So, happy birthday babe. I'm so glad to be married to you. I feel better knowing we'll be just fine when the zombies start taking over. Just think, we could be the next Adam and Eve!
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