Showing posts with label mammogram. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mammogram. Show all posts

National Mammography Day- Have You Smooshed Your Boobs?

Friday, October 16, 2009

We were nervous about starting Tyler in kindergarten at the age of 4. We were worried he wasn't really ready for a classroom setting. But he had a fabulous teacher. She is the type of teacher every kid should have as their first. Earlier this week, I found out she has breast cancer. She went in for a mammogram over the summer and was diagnosed as stage 2. She had a double mastectomy and is currently in chemo.

Today is National Mammography Day. Do you need to have your boobs smooshed? If you are not sure if it's time for your first mammogram (generally considered a baseline mammogram), or if you don't know how often to get mammograms after your first,
please talk to your doctor. Know your family history, know your risks and get to know your body.

Mammograms aren't as scary as they're made out to be. I was freaked out when I got my first mammogram last year, but it was over quickly and only mildly uncomfortable. Don't let the fear of the unknown prevent you from doing something that could possibly save your life.

I have added Tyler's teacher's name to my list of breast cancer fighters. If you'd like to see a name on the list of survivors, fighters or angels leave it in the comments or follow the links to each individual post. I will be thinking of Mrs. R and her family next month while I'm walking.

Find more information about mammograms on these sites:
Susan G Komen
BreastCancer. org
The National Breast Cancer Foundation

Watch a video on how to do a breast self exam here.

Help me reach my goal for the San Diego Breast Cancer 3-Day!

Breast Cancer Awareness: My Mammogram Vlog

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

I had my first mammogram on September 10th. Everything I'd heard about them made me nervous.
Oy! The squishing, smooshing, squeezing and flattening! Yes, those things do happen, but like
Tootsie, after it was over I left thinking, "eh, that was no big deal."

I've given birth, had an episiotomy, cracked and bleeding nipples and stubbed my pinkie toe countless times. For those of you who haven't had your first mammogram, please don't stress about it. It was over in a flash and only mildly uncomfortable. It was kind of fascinating actually.

Anyway, in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness month I thought I'd play with my new toy and share with you the details of my second mammogram. Sorry it ends so abruptly. Apparently I talk too much. Image from here.
(Please scroll to the bottom to donate free mammograms)

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