Where Has Melanie Been?

Monday, May 23, 2011

Well, hello! How are you? I have neglected you guys the past week and I'm sorry. I have no excuses, just lots of reasons.

Tyler's hockey schedule keeps us hopping. We had an 8am game this past weekend at a rink about 40 minutes away. 

I've read three books since my last review.

I've been working on the San Diego Blog Conference site (which I haven't told you about!) that I started a few months ago with Katie and Deb. If you'll be attending BlogHer this summer you'll definitely want to check it out.

I bought another URL. I've been looking into ways to get that project up and running. 

I started online traffic school for my speeding ticket. 

I've been to a social media Tweetup and a Mad Men theme birthday party.

I'm revising my promo/giveaway documents.

I'm fighting with my bank over a charge I didn't authorize and hoping all my money shows up in the proper accounts post haste.

We've had a Pirates of the Caribbean movie marathon and went to see Thor.

AND I took on a consulting client. 

Y'all, I've barely got my head above water. If you could see the condition of my house, you'd agree.

But, I'm having fun. Better busy than bored I always say. What's going on your world?


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