Supporting My School in My Own Way

Monday, August 22, 2011

*This post is sponsored by Volunteer Spot

I've always thought I don't have it in me to be a Room Mom or on the PTO. As anal and organized as I can be, I don't feel I have the time to be quite that available throughout the school year. Oddly, just last week I was offered a chance to apply for a position on the fundraising committee. On one hand, I think it would be something different to do and a new challenge. It would be a way to help the school bring in funds. It would look good on a resume.

But, I'm torn. It would take a lot of my time. If I do decide I'm going to do the 3 Day, I'd hate to accept the position and then neglect it as the training intensifies. I'm also not sure I'm PTO Mom material if you know what I mean. There's also my vision board. If I take on another project, how will it effect my other goals?

And, let's be real. If I'm being 100% honest? There are days I really enjoy not having my kid around. Do I really want to spend so much time on campus around other people's? It's definitely something to think about. I'm flattered to be considered and I'll definitely weigh all my options before I decide.

For most school districts, it seems like it all boils down to money, money, money. As much as we'd love to, we can't donate the $250 our school asks for each year and participate in all the fundraisers, dine outs, the carnival and stock the classroom with supplies. There are times I feel like we should just leave a stack of blank checks in the school office!

I know schools are hurting, funds and programs are being cut, and many families aren't in a position to buy all the supplies they need. We wish we could do more. But there's only so much in our coffers. I really do try to help the school, Tyler's teachers and the brave souls who take on the Room Parent title. For me, giving my time is just as important as giving money. I hope Tyler's new teacher has some of the same types of classroom activities his last teacher did because I was able to help out in ways that made sense for us.

Secret Reader
I really loved her Secret Reader activity. We parents signed up to bring in one of our favorite childhood books to read on a Friday afternoon. All week long the kids would get one clue per day to try to guess who's parent would be coming in. I read a few stories from the Mrs. Piggle Wiggle Treasury. After class lots of the kids told me they'd never heard of Mrs. Piggle Wiggle but they loved the ones I read and wanted to look for the books at the library. That was a great feeling!

I also helped out as class Photographer. I went to the room parties and a few of the school activities to take pictures. I put them all on a flash drive and gave it to the room parent for her to pass along to the yearbook committee.

Class Parties
I sent in lots of food throughout the year but my favorite contributions were for Valentine's Day and after the kids had a lesson on American Indians. For the Valentine party, we had to bring in pink or red foods. I was worried the kids would think I was a party pooper but knew there would be a ton of junk and I wanted to offer something a little healthy. I served strawberry yogurt with raspberry granola in pink Dixie cups. Some of the kids came back for thirds! For the Indian Feast, the kids were to ask us if they could bring in the dish they loved to eat most at home. I took in big batch of chili.

We collect Boxtops for Education religiously! Tyler's school turns it into a competition and winning classrooms get to have some type of party each semester. I'm not (too) ashamed to admit I've ripped a Boxtop off packaging from my neighbors' recycle bins.

I also buy supplies all year long when they're on sale, buy teacher gifts and contribute items for the Halloween Carnival raffle. This year, if Tyler's teacher plans any type of computer or online lesson I want to volunteer to talk to the class about internet safety and privacy.

Those are a few of the things I do to help our school in my own way. How about you? Did you participate in anything fun I can share with Tyler's new teacher?


I SUPPORT MY SCHOOL... MY WAY! And I’m joining VolunteerSpot’s sponsored Back To School campaign to help raise visibility for parent involvement in schools. 

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1 comment:

  1. Whoa! Back up! You were asked to APPLY for a position on the fundraising committee? Yikes! I'll take you, no questions asked, no training supplied! You want to do it, you're in!

    Plus, at our school, EVERYONE is PTA mom/dad material. We try hard not to be exclusive and try to ask for volunteers from a variety of people representing a variety of elementary schools (we're at middle school that mixes parts of 5 elementaries), not just the one elementary that it's easy to get volunteers from.

    Thanks for sharing your list of ways you support your school. I think all ways are important and every little bit adds up to a great school!


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