Future Politician?!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

This is one of my cliche Mommy Blogger posts where I brag about my kid. Tyler decided to run for Student Council again this year. I didn't think he would after how disappointed he was to lose by one vote last year. We helped him put together his bullet points and then he wrote the speech. He practiced for us and it was so cute! He gave me permission to post it here. 

My name it Tyler. I've been a student here since kindergarten. I think I should be on Student Council for know that I can give the school good ideas such as:
Menu suggestions for the cafeteria like the Mexican Lasagne my mom makes, the Tony Hawk skate boarding program for PE and once a month Movie Night Mondays!! (double exclamations are his)

Our school is great but I know it can be better. I should be on Student Council because I play hockey so I am responsible and a team player. Thank you for your time and listening and please vote for Tyler. 

Adorable! He lost by two votes this time but he's OK about it and I'm just happy he had the confidence to try again. He's really coming into his own and it's wonderful to see. 

1 comment:

  1. As much fun as it is to see them win, I find it incredibly gratifying when they bounce back from losses right away. That's a pretty important life skill.


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