Sincere Thanks
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Thanks again to everyone who has sent a card. Your messages are so kind. I've enjoyed reading them and know Sgt. will too. THANK YOU!!
Monday, September 15, 2008
Thank you SO much to everyone who has offered to send a postcard! I really appreciate it. I've gotten a great response but still need more participation.
One of the reason's I decided to do this is because of something Sgt. said to me. I asked him what a typical day is like and many other questions in an effort to get to know him better. This is part of an email that went back and forth:
Me: Is there more we can be doing as citizens to show our support?
Sgt: There is always more, but it's not in the deeds being done it's the amount of people doing them. Hope that makes sense.
Me: No, elaborate, pleaseSgt: Like I stated, what you are doing is awesome [adopting a soldier], and let's us know at least some of America cares that we chose to do what we do. So I guess what I'm saying is keep the care packages coming, but get more people involved.
To me some of America isn't good enough. I'd like to see most of America getting involved. And I also know that a lot of people don't support the war here, and that's fine, but at least support the troops. We didn't choose to come here, but we are here, so at least acknowledge that we; the American military; have sacrificed so much for a country we love and support us for that if nothing else.
Well, after reading that I decided care packages weren't enough. If you have friends or family in any of these states please consider passing this along. These are the "taken" states (but the more the merrier, international would be great too!)
The states I still need:
**Update 12/10** Only need 28 more!
***Update 10/9*** I now have 20 cards not including duplicates. Keep 'em coming!
***Update 9/23*** I have received 10 postcards so far. People have asked whether they can send a card even though their state is "taken" and the answer is most definitely yes!
Suzanne gave me this address to where you can upload a photo onto a postcard and THEY will pay the postage. Thanks Suzanne!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
I've enjoyed getting to know Sgt. R and look forward to building our friendship while he is deployed. I've committed to sending one care package a month. It's not required, just something I feel strongly about.
And here's where you come in (it will only cost a stamp): I'm pretty competitive and want my care packages to be the best. I want Sgt. R to be envied. I think it would be nice to include notes from other people since he and I email pretty regularly.
I'd like to be able to include a few postcards in each of his care packages and hope to get one from each of the 50 states. It can be a joke, a funny website or just a quick hello. If you find a funny/interesting newspaper or magazine article that would be goo too.
They have limited access to TV and Sgt. and his group (squad?) are separated from their main unit and they are BORED.
If you would like to send a postcard to Sgt. R please email me at ADramaticMommy [at] gmail [dot] com and I'll give you my address. I don't know too many people in other states so please pass this around.
This isn't about supporting the war. This is about the men and women who miss their families. Anything from "home" goes a long way in making them feel a little less lonely. Thank you!
PS- Sgt. is originally from Ohio and is a HUGE Buckeye's fan. I hope someone from Ohio represents! (postcard photos from here)
***Read the update here***