I'm sad for the workers who will lose their jobs. I'm sad for their cities and towns because their economies will suffer too as will that of the supporting industry's like steel. There will be many ripples in this pond. There's a lot of history and tradition in the US auto industry and it's sad to see it come to an end this way.
But I think US auto makers needed a big Ty-from-Extreme-Makeover standing-outside-their-offices-with-a-bullhorn sized wake up call.

I know there are plans in the works to save some of the brands that fall under the GM umbrella, like Saturn, and to speed up the development of their electric and hybrids, but doesn't this seem like they're using sippy cups to bail water from their sinking ship? Shouldn't they have been pushing the other options well before now? If I'm wrong, or missing something vital, I'd love it if you could explain it me.