Breast Cancer Awareness: My Mammogram Vlog

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

I had my first mammogram on September 10th. Everything I'd heard about them made me nervous.
Oy! The squishing, smooshing, squeezing and flattening! Yes, those things do happen, but like
Tootsie, after it was over I left thinking, "eh, that was no big deal."

I've given birth, had an episiotomy, cracked and bleeding nipples and stubbed my pinkie toe countless times. For those of you who haven't had your first mammogram, please don't stress about it. It was over in a flash and only mildly uncomfortable. It was kind of fascinating actually.

Anyway, in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness month I thought I'd play with my new toy and share with you the details of my second mammogram. Sorry it ends so abruptly. Apparently I talk too much. Image from here.
(Please scroll to the bottom to donate free mammograms)

Just Because There's No Smoke...

Monday, September 29, 2008

My son almost set our house on fire two weeks ago. I light candles all the time. I love the glow and the smell. Drama Kid has never shown an interest in fire, not even as an infant, so having lit candles all over the house has never been a concern for me.

He was in the powder room supposedly washing his feet. He hates shoes and always plays outside barefoot. I was in the kitchen making dinner and heard him make a strange noise. I ask "what are you doing?" and of course I get no response.

My Spidey Sense went on alert and when I walked into the bathroom, I saw the sword from one of his Ninja Turtles on the counter. Melted. I figure he'd been holding it over the flame and nothing more. I yelled and he got a spanking (he didn't cry, I must be losing my touch) and I sent him to his room.

Something made me go back into the bathroom and that's when I saw the trashcan start to flame. I call him back upstairs and ask again, "what were you doing?" He was lighting the toilet paper on fire! One of the pieces caught and he dropped it in the trash when it singed his fingertip.

I stood over the flaming trashcan yelling at him about how dangerous and stupid that was and how could have burned not just our house but our two neighbors' as well. In hindsight I guess I should have put the flames out first but hopefully they added to the drama and he's learned his lesson.

I almost went to get my camera so I could post a picture but changed my mind. My husband says all boys get into trouble playing with fire. How about your kids? Any near misses?
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