A Day in the Life at the Drama House

Monday, October 13, 2008

Mrs. G has asked that we share a typical day with you. Being an at home mom, many of my days are carbon copies of one another: lather, rinse repeat. And I'm OK with that.

I have my
book club, my blogging group, my adopted soldier and The Bitches to help mix things up. And this past weekend I took a little trip to Orlando to meet some of my newest blog friends (more on that later).

My day starts fairly early.

After much grumbling and stalling we head upstairs.

I feed both animals, make lunch and it's back downstairs for the brushing of the teeth and hair, finding of the shoes and Star Wars Lego guys and then off to school.

Occasionally I get to walk Drama Kid into school to say goodbye and if I'm lucky I get a hug and kiss before he runs off.

After drop off I head down to the beach for my walk.

By the time I get to the beach it's about 9:15. I walk for distance not speed so I'm usually not home until close to 11:00. I have breakfast which is some combination of coffee, tea, chai latte, cereal or my oatmeal.

Then I shower and spend hours some time on the computer. I'll start laundry, load the dishwasher and try not to cringe every time I walk by Drama Kid's room.

After this it's errand time. I'm either at Costco, Henry's, Trader Joe's, getting gas, returning library books and/or movies, buying birthday presents or any of the other things that "someone" should be doing to keep the household running smoothly.

By now it's close to pick up time at school and the mad dash to make it to martial arts class somewhat on time (school lets out at 3:10, class starts at 3:30). I read and listen to my iPod.

Class ends at 4:20 then it's home for homework, a little play time, dinner and getting Drama Kid to bed. Writing it out makes it seem really boring. Sometimes I think I need MORE in my life but then I take a step back and realize I have everything I need, and lots of stuff I want and it really can't get any better than that.

Head over to Mr's G. for a list of other Day in the Life stories.

Sincere Thanks

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Several people have been really helpful with my 50 State Postcard Drive. I'm overdue in thanking them. I really appreciate you taking up my cause and helping me get the word out. I'm about halfway there! (Read the update here)

Thanks again to everyone who has sent a card. Your messages are so kind. I've enjoyed reading them and know Sgt. will too. THANK YOU!!

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