Overheard at Grammy's House

Monday, April 13, 2009

Drama Kid: "Grammy, can you catch one of the rabbits [in your yard] for me?"

Grammy: "No, I think they're too fast for me."

DK: " Well, you can sneak up on them."

Grammy: "I think they'll still smell me coming."

DK: "Why don't you just take a shower first?"

Walking for Maddie Spohr

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Yesterday was tough for me. Learning the news of Maddie's passing hit me hard. Knowing Heather and Maddie mostly through her blog, I didn't think that would be the case. But, as you know, the relationships we develop online often happen quickly and when we connect, the connection is deep. I will be attending Maddie's service next Tuesday in Los Angeles, and I've joined a team of other bloggers to walk in the March for Babies on April 25th. The love and support on the web has been amazing to witness.

If you'd like information on how to participate, please email me. There are fund raising efforts for the walk, for Maddie's service and Stefanie of Baby on Bored is organizing a grocery trip.

Update: Maddie's service is at 2:30 on Tuesday 4/14 at Old North Church at Forest Lawn Memorial Park in Hollywood Hills. Please wear purple in honor of Maddie. Cards can be sent to 11870 Santa Monica Blvd. #106-514, Los Angeles, CA 90025.
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