Prepare To Have Your Heart Melted

Friday, October 23, 2009

I don't usually put things on the front of my fridge. One of the reasons I got a stainless was to keep it clean looking and uncluttered. "Oh, sorry kiddo. We can't put magnets here, they might leave a scratch."

Yeah, yeah, yeah. We shouldn't lie to our kids. Pfft.

Anyway, when Tyler was a toddler, we had those alphabet magnets on the fridge and they drove me crazy. But, when Tyler handed me this last night, how could I say no?

"I love my Mom. She is perFect! She is very prety too. She is doing the breas canser walk. Whit my grandma to. She is nice."
(typos and misspellings left in for cuteness)

What's on your fridge today?

Putting My Foot Down

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I made a decision. There could be repercussions, but I just don't care.

Feelings may be hurt. There might even be tears. But I will stay strong.

I'm bucking tradition, dancing to the beat of my own drum, singing my own tune.

I will no longer cave to the pressure. Give in to societal norms. Follow the crowd.

I, Mel A Dramatic Mommy, am declaring an end to giving out post birthday party treat bags.

Who's with me?
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