Bike Helmet Organization with Command Hooks | Works for Me Wednesday

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Necessity is the mother of all invention. I will add: mother's tired of tripping over their children's crap come up with the best solutions.

Somehow, we ended up with three bike helmets for Tyler. That's three helmets that get tossed on the garage floor and left outside our neighbor's houses. Plus, Tyler can never find one when he needs it.

My solution came to me when I was going through my coupon binder. I'd been planning to buy another Command hook to display a wreath and the proverbial light bulb went on. I bought one package of two hooks. Each holds up to three pounds.

Now, in theory, Tyler has no excuses.

What's working for you today?

Hey, Jealousy

Monday, November 28, 2011

A few weeks ago, a friend tweeted she was about to head to Spain. I tweeted back that Spain is on my top list of places to see and that I was jealous. That got me thinking about the word jealousy. Me being the dork that I am, I looked it up.

By definition, jealousy isn't something I usually feel. Frankly, I think it's a wasted emotion. But it's become so common, and one of those words people say automatically.

I think what we really mean is that we are envious. There really isn't anything I need to be jealous of anyone else for. I like who I am. I like my life. Sure, there are things someone else may have that I want. But, they're just things.

I certainly don't want to be anyone else. That would be a huge disservice to everyone I know and love because they're part of the life I have now and help make me the person I am.

If you're going to feel something, jealousy shouldn't be it. Happy. Sad. Glad. Mad. Euphoric. Heartbroken. Furious. Envious (even though it's one of the Deadly Sins). Feel anything but never jealousy. It get's you nowhere.

From now on, I'm making a conscious effort not to confuse the two words. It will probably sound strange and antiquated for me to reply, "how I envy you," instead of "OMG I'm so jealous!" but it will definitely be more me and more true.

What are you making a conscious effort to do these days?
*10 points if you get the reference of the post title.
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