36 Reasons I'm Happy Today

Thursday, August 6, 2009

1. I have a great husband.
2. My son isn't too bad either.
3. My family are Rock Stars! (Thanks Mom and Dad!)
4. I live in Southern California.
5. I have a ginormous stack of books to read.
6. School starts SOON!
7. Weeds
8. True Blood
9. Football season starts SUNDAY!
10. I'm going to the General Mills Eat and Greet in a few weeks.
11. I'm still on a bit of a BlogHer high.
12. I have my new fave, Mango Smirnoff Ice, in the fridge.
13. I bought My Big Fat Greek Wedding at Target for $5.
14. Our cat is so stinkin' cute (even though she still peeing in the house, the little bitch)
15. My new purple bathrobe.
16. I have amazing friends.
17. I spent yesterday at the beach.
18. I will probably spend all of next week at the beach, too (husband's family is in town)
19. I'm still enjoying this blog and being part of the online community.
20. This time next year I'll be on my first trip to New York at BlogHer 10.
21. I think I've lost weight.
22. Hearing my son playing outside with the neighbors. It sounds like summer.
23. Californication
24. The season premieres of Grey's Anatomy, Brother's and Sisters and Desperate Housewives are only a little over a month away.
25. The United States of Tara (I'm a cable TV junkie can you tell?)
26. I finally have the DIY Network.
27. No new grey hairs.
28. My first two pairs of Cole Haan shoes are beautiful.
29. I got a really cute evening bag from Target for $3.
30. It's almost the weekend.
31. I'm spending the day with my boys.
32. We're going to Sea World with friends.
33. Today's weather couldn't be more perfect.
34. I got to renew my driver's license online (I actually like my current picture).
35. Birthday money.
36. 40 is still 4 years away.

There's still time to enter the Foot Petals giveaway (consider it a birthday present!)


  1. Oh Melanie... you are so blessed!

  2. I just have one thing to say to your 36.

    Happy Birthday!

  3. Even though I have to say "50 is still 9 years away" AND you dis my NFL faves, I'll wish you a happy happy day. :D Birthdays & football season are always cause to celebrate!

  4. Those are some great reasons to be happy!

  5. Reasons I love this post:
    1. I LOVE WEEDS! (Need to catch up though, I am still on Season 3)
    2. Thunder Bolts & Lighting -- So excited about NFL (pretty bummed that I'm not currently watching the blacked out game--whatever!)
    3. A $3.00 purse--God, I love that place!
    4. Thanks for reminding me about the tv show season premieres (can't wait to see what's gonna happen with Susan and the creepy albinoish really bad acting guy
    5. Never been to BlogHer but I'm thinking 2010 in the Big Apple is a good time to attend

    Happy Belated B-Day!

    Oh, and are those Library books in that ginormous stack? :-)


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