She had a great answer though it wasn't what I wanted to hear. I feel like I'm making progress with the goals for this blog and I need to strike while the iron is hot, so to speak. The money I'm considering spending (that I consider a business investment) isn't financed, or on credit. I have the money, but now I'm wondering if it's wise to spend it, or to wait. I guess I need to think about the ramifications of not spending the money and what it could mean if I don't. I'm just worried that my current momentum might come to an abrupt halt and I won't be able to get the ball rolling again. If I wait, what exactly am I waiting for?! Let the soul searching commence!
For you guys, Suze is sending out a code in our emails that we can post for you to access her website and print out $2500 worth of documents relating to wills and trusts! This is something that has been on my list of much needed things to do. It's so important to make sure we secure the best possible financial future for our kids. Phil has a will through the military but I don't. Please check back tomorrow for the code. I'll put it on this post!
Did anyone follow the conversation on Twitter? What did you get out of it? You can go to Twitter Search and pull up the #suze hashtag to read all our observations.
Thank you Avon for putting this call together!
The code for the Will and Trust Kit is Moms Rule. Go to www.suzeorman.com and click the Will and Trust Kit link in the blue vertical nav bar on the upper left. Click the orange git code button and enter Moms Rule. you will be given an activation code. I suggest printing the page, just in case. The code is good until midnight EST on Saturday, 4/25.