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***CLOSED*** I don't know about you guys but I'm about carnival'd out and I still have so many to enter! But I have to take the time to thank everyone for participating and Tweeting for me. I really appreciate it and I'm sure the sponsors do too. I've got new followers on Twitter and here on the blog and I hope you stick around. You won't regret it. I can be pretty funny sometimes. Moving on. Short and sweet today:
This giveaway is a little self serving. I just agreed to do book reviews at a fairly new site, and I want to have an arsenal of books at the ready (see that? sounding literary already!) So, to enter this contest please leave me a suggestion for a really good book. Maybe your favorite of all time or one that made you think, made you cry, or was just so good you read it in a few hours.
My only caveat (again with the literary!) is no Twilight or Sisterhood of the Shopaholics. Not that those books are bad (I don't want to incur the wrath of you Twilighters. You're serious about that Edward guy. Plus, I read plenty of chick lit). I just want books with a little more.... meat to them.
In exchange for providing me with your suggestions I will buy a book for you.* I know there are a lot of fellow readers out there and I'm sure your "to be read" lists are just as long as mine. So to enter:
1. Leave me a comment with your most awesomest book suggestion (required).
2. *The winner will receive a book from me in the form of a $20 gift card to Borders, Barnes and Noble or Amazon for an international winner (some countries don't allow Amazon cards, make sure yours does before entering).
3. For an extra entry (not required), send out a Tweet about this contest and come back to this post with the link to your Tweet. Here's the shortened link to this post: (you'll need a Twitter account.)*ETA: If you're the chosen winner and you've sent out a Tweet to help me publicize, I'll throw in a $5 Starbucks card!
4. I MUST have a way to get in touch with you! NoReply@Blogger will not send you a response. I will have to delete comments with no contact info.You can leave your email address in the myemail [at] thisaddress [dot] com format to prevent spam.5. Comments will close on Friday, January 30th at 11:59pm CA time.6. I will use to draw the winner and post the results/notify winners via email and in a "Winners" post on Saturday 1/31. 7. Winner will have until Monday, 2/2 to respond or a new winner will be chosen.8. You don't need a blog to win, but I MUST have a way to contact you. US residents only (sorry!)Below are my other giveaways which also end tonight. Click the picture or follow the link in my upper right sidebar to enter.

(Coffee photo from here)Be sure to visit the carnival giveaway hub all week for more great contests!
***CLOSED*** My addiction to Twitter gets stronger every day. I'm following (and being followed) by some really great people. I got to meet a follower for the first time on Monday, and I just connected with a woman who lives near me and will be helping me train for the breast cancer walk. I take back everything I said about Twitter being useless and pointless!
The first of today's giveaways comes from one of my followers. I'm not sure what I Tweeted to get Kevin's attention but I'm so glad I did. His Etsy shop, KanYoFuse, is full of beautiful pendants made of glass, which is one of my favorite materials to wear. Kevin has generously offered pendants to THREE winners!

Ooh, ahhh! I love these and hate that they will not be adorning my neck (top to bottom they are named Champagne Hearts on Shimmering Purple, Be Mine Flowers and Lovesick Dragonflies).
To enter (two entries possible):
1. Go to the KanYoFuse shop to see the other items Kevin offers. 2. Come back here and leave a comment on this post and tell me what other item you'd buy - required. (You can also tell me which of the three you'd like most - optional)
3. For an extra entry (not required), send out a Tweet about this contest and come back to this post with the link to your Tweet. Here's the shortened link to this post: (you'll need a Twitter account.)*ETA: If you're the chosen winner and you've sent out a Tweet to help me publicize, I'll throw in a $5 Starbucks card!
4. I MUST have a way to get in touch with you! NoReply@Blogger will not send you a response. I will have to delete comments with no contact info.You can leave your email address in the myemail [at] thisaddress [dot] com format to prevent spam.5. Comments will close on Friday, January 30th at 11:59pm CA time.6. I will use to draw the three winners and post the results/notify winners via email and in a "Winners" post on Saturday 1/31. 7. Winners will have until Monday, 2/2 to respond or a new winner will be chosen.8. You don't need a blog to win, but I MUST have a way to contact you. US residents only (sorry!)
*I have other giveaways: One for a really cute enamel pocket mirror here, a different glass pendant here and gourmet cookies here and $20 for books here.
*Be sure to visit the carnival giveaway hub all week for more great contests!
I'm so sorry everyone! I have to leave for the dentist soon and time got away from me. If I don't eat before I go I'll be miserable. I'll try to get two giveaways up to when I get back to make up for it.
Take a sneak peek here and here. Be back later!
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