Showing posts with label breast cancer 3 day gear. Show all posts
Showing posts with label breast cancer 3 day gear. Show all posts

Knee Socks as Armwarmers | Works for Me Wednesday {vlog}

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

UPDATE: So, apparently the audio isn't working. I can't figure out why I can hear the original and the edited versions, but nothing in the uploaded one. I'm working on it!

UPDATE 2: I started from scratch with a new video. What a hassle! 

Hi there! Long time no see. As usual, many reasons but no excuses. Today I decided to do a quick vlog. I threw my hands up and said, "screw it." I figured if I waited until my hair looked nice, the house was clean, I put makeup on, I had something important to say etc. etc. I'd never blog or vlog again.

So, here I am showing you one piece of my 3 Day gear. I've been wearing these arm warmers lately and getting lots of comments and questions from people I train with.

3 Day Walker Discount at Roadrunner Sports | 3 Day Thursday

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Last weekend I stopped in to Roadrunner Sports on my home from my training walk. The salesperson told me about their VIP program. Right now, you can join online for $1.99. He was nice enough to match the online price for me so I could join in the store. 

In addition to the VIP 10%, 3 Day walkers get an additional 10%. You have to mention the 3 Day each time you purchase because that data isn't stored with your information. 

It can't hurt to ask if your store will match the online price, too. This couldn't have happened at a better time since I'm ready to buy new shoes, which are easily the most expensive piece of gear needed for the 3 day. 

Happy shopping!

*Not a sponsored post, just an FYI
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