I'm fortunate to have lots of close friends. The many new people I've met through blogging, friends I've known since grade school, and some since high school and college. Today's PROMPTuesday from Deb is to write about a friend:
"Do you have a friend who makes you laugh, a guaranteed good time? Write about this friend. Tell us a funny memory, something he or she said, or some goofball thing you did together."

It would take me many blog posts to tell you about my friends Amy and Amber. I met Amy in fifth grade and Amber sophomore year of high school. Amy still lives in our hometown and I try to get together with her whenever we go back to visit my mom. Amber's sister lives in San Diego and I see her when she comes down to visit. I saw both of them a few weeks ago at our first adult sleep over (not like THAT! well, maybe a little).

Anyway, when I saw the PROMPTuesday topic for this week I immediately thought of my high school year book and all the things Amy and Amber wrote in it.
From Amy: "Melvin, I will never, ever forget all the good times we had... Conejo Cowboys (with that BABE R (Let's Smurf 2, 3,4), Chasing JH around town, Conejo Valley Days (the more you show, the faster you go!), getting jobs together, having scream sessions at Foster's, Los Tantos Favoritos, visiting T at the Red Onion... Geez, there's so much we've done! Excuse me, is this yours? Does it fly? La, la, la Prin-cess Bride!"

From Amber (who wrote one sentance along the top of the page for 30 pages): "Junior year was a blast but this year, WOAH BABY! We've had some record breaking experiences. I'll never forget our math chats. You've taught me so much. Not just about the nasty stuff, but you made me really take a look at me. I'm very happy for you and Phil (Regis, Philopean). I'm glad we took the plunge into Life Skills [class] together!"

None of that means anything to you. Most of the things we find hilarious with friends leave everyone else scratching their heads. But to me it represents good times, great memories and pee your pants laughter (see adult weekend above).The fact that I can read those words, look through my pictures and scrapbooks and instantly go back to that time and start laughing all over again is a true testament to how much these two mean to me.

We've been through high school crushes, first boyfriends, crappy jobs, losing our virginity, college stress, sending friends off to the military, marriage and divorce, pregnancy and babies and anything and everything in between. We've laughed, cried, been drunk and danced together (sometimes on tables). I love them like sisters and I'm so glad I have them in my life. Homie and Bub, thank you so much for all the laughs we've had and those yet to come!