I Got Nuthin'

Monday, August 17, 2009

I've been staring at my monitor for ages and can't come up with anything remotely interesting or coherent. I will take the lazy way out and resort to a list of things that have been on my mind lately:

1. Back to school- I've not shopped for anything except a backpack.
2. Another summer is gone and once again we did not get to take our First Ever Family Vacation.
3. Babies.
4. My training and fund raising for the Breast Cancer 3 Day are no where near on track.
5. My trip to Minnesota- I'm looking forward to meeting everyone and am geeked out at the idea of seeing the Betty Crocker test kitchen.
6. School starts in two weeks! I'm having a friend over for mimosas after we drop the kids off.
7. Going back to work.
8. What I see as the "future" of this blog and "where" I want it go.
9. I 'marked all as read' in my reader Saturday night and I feel so guilty.
10. Getting Phil back in school.

What's on your mind today?

Overheard: Tyler Explains Being Biracial

Friday, August 14, 2009

"My mommy is brown and my dad is white.
They mixed together and made my color."
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