Drum Roll Please!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

The fat lady has sung. What a week! I feel like vampire from all my late nights and have the luggage under my eyes to prove it.

Before I get to the good stuff, I wanted to thank everyone again for stopping in. You've made a newbie very happy!

I've taken your comments and suggestions to heart and am looking into ways to make the site pop. I start a web design class tomorrow night so who knows, I could be creating something myself!

With that, congratulations to poster #14, Lucy! I sent Lucy an email this morning.

Here's what Lucy said:

  • "I second the color suggestion! Pick something that is you! Good luck figuring out a new career/job."
Thank you for the well wishes on the job front. I have an interview tomorrow! I hope to see some of you again.

I'll definitely be part of the next Carnival. This was too much fun to pass up. Oh, I did win something from Heather at Desperately Seeking Sanity. Check out her site, she's got a great sense of humor. She's one of the many I added to my Google Reader.

I have a birthday party to go to and dinner guests coming tonight. Enjoy your Sunday!

Here are your random numbers:

Timestamp: 2008-04-27 07:03:31 UTC


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