I woke up early Saturday with my stomach growling. I'd tried to eat a big dinner Friday night, but I guess I danced it all off at The Belly Up. When I got to the office they were running behind. There was a sweet older couple in the lobby. They were speaking to each other really loudly and it gave the rest of us a chuckle.
Finally they call me back. I was hoping to be immediately greeted with a gas mask and then peeled off the floor. No such luck. While I'm waiting, the little old woman from the lobby goes under. She's in the chair to my left. I can't see but I can hear everything. I'm in the chair hungry, tired and nervous. She starts moaning and screaming.
They have to ask her repeatedly to keep her hands down and to breathe through her nose. Then the drilling starts. Sweet Baby Jesus the drilling! I fully expected to see the staff walking around in those hard hats with the protectors to keep the sparks off their faces. And the suction! Good lord it sounded like they were sucking off her whole face!
And all the while the beeping of the heart monitor she was attached to was so irregular, at times I was afraid a trip to dentist would turn into a Grey's Anatomy episode but without the McDoctors. It was awful! I was trying to relax and breathe but listening to her did nothing for my nerves*.
I was in the chair so long, her procedure ended and another person sat down. She was a teenager with her mom. She was crying and begging to be put under but her mom said no. Her mom told the hygienist that she had a friend who went under and is now permanently in a wheelchair and she didn't want her daughter to be put to sleep. Great. I hadn't even thought about paralyzation!
Finally, it's my turn and I can't wait for the drugs so I don't have to hear anymore. Once they gave me the sedative I didn't even have time to count back from 10 to 9. When I woke up, they hustled me right out the back through the storage room. I don't remember getting in the car or handing her the camera but my mom took this video (blood alert, consider yourself warned).
I put tea bags in my mouth to help the clotting. I've spent the weekend mostly in bed eating cut up noodles, smashed bananas, pudding and drinking microwaved smoothies (to take the chill off).
*I found out later that the woman is 96. They couldn't put her all the way under because it's too dangerous with someone her age. I feel bad for wishing she'd shut the hell up and get hold of herself.
I'm so sorry!! I think I might be happy that I got mine drilled out before they were fully formed back in 9th grade.
ReplyDeleteOh, you poor thing. I had mine done in my early 20s, I think. My mom took care of me: she set a timer for 20 minutes and every time it went off, she came in and woke me up, made me roll my head over onto an ice pack. That way I iced each side of my mouth 20 minutes at a time. I was WAYYYY too crabby and exhausted to have accomplished that on my own. No bruising, no swelling. Thanks Mom!!!
ReplyDeleteAnd I hope you come through with flying colors, Mel.
-- Laurie
I had my wisdom teeth removed in my 20s, but don't remember it looking that painful. Hope you're feeling better!
ReplyDeleteMy sympathies, I had my wisdom teeth out when I was in college and was bruised all the way down my neck and across my jaw to my ears.
ReplyDeleteIt does get better though!
Aw, feel better. I do not understand that new doctor office set up with the open room for multiple procedures. What is up with that? I had my wisdom teeth removed in my 20s and it actually was not that painful - 4 at the same time. I woke up laughing and the attendant said to me "stop laughing, people are in pain here!" Reprimanded at the doctors office not my idea of fun. LOL
ReplyDeleteSending virtual hugs your way, what a crappy weekend!!!
ReplyDeleteTake care!
Mel, I think you need a different oral surgeon--that setup sounds downright cruel. You ought to at least get a little privacy while having your wisdom teeth removed. Take it EASY and REST. Good luck with the recovery--you're lucky to have your mom with you.
ReplyDeleteOMG, help!! I read only the first two lines and had to stop because I am supposed to get my wisdom teeth ASAP and I am scared to death. And wouldn't you know, two months after my doctor orders me to do it, my top wisdom teeth deside to grow in (only the two lower teeth were in before).
ReplyDeleteOkay, I'm not doing it.
I'm getting mine out next week. I'm very nervous. A girl I knew in highschool got hers done on a Friday and she was found dead on Sunday and they do not know why. I am very nervous. Ugh! I dont want to do it!
ReplyDeleteonly you can make teabags in the mouth look cute :)