Today's giveaway is inspired by my trip to the grocery store, an email Drama Dad sent me and a funny video. He forwarded a slide show from The Pocono Record about plastic grocery bags and how harmful they are. Seeing the data expressed in numbers really hit home.I'm sure these have gone around the web, but they're new to me. I found both the videos on You Tube. The quality (and music!) of the slide show isn't that great, but the other video is really funny. This past Monday, I took all my canvas bags and one paper bag to the commissary. I had enough of my own bags that I only needed to take one (paper) bag from the store. And it felt really good. I confess, I still have some plastic bags. I use them in my bathroom trash cans and for the cat litter. But I use them until they are nasty. When I find a better alternative I'll definitely switch.One person really can make a difference. My small changes plus yours do add up. In the spirit of going green little by little, today's winner will get four re-usable bags from Trader Joe's (3 totes and 1 bottle carrier) and a $5 gift card.
To enter:
1. Watch the videos above if you haven't already or go to The Pocono Record's site to view the slide show (the slide show is much cleaner).2. Come back here and leave a comment on this post and tell me your thoughts, impressions, what you're doing to go green or what re-usable bags you use (I'm looking for a few more cute ones) - required. Easy. 3. I MUST have a way to get in touch with you! NoReply@Blogger will not send you a response. I will have to delete comments with no contact info.4. Comments will close on Friday, August 1st at 11:59pm CA time.5. I will use random.org to draw the winner and post the results/notify winner via email and in a "Winners" post on Saturday 8/2.6. You don't need a blog to win, but I MUST have a way to contact you. US residents only (sorry!)You can still enter my first pendant giveaway here, the Chick Lit, Starbucks/Barnes and Noble GC and second pendant giveaways. I will have new prizes tomorrow and Friday. The easiest way to keep up, of course, is to subscribe to my feed but that's not a requirement of entry (yet, hee hee). 
Thanks again for coming! Be sure to keep checking the Bloggy Carnival Giveaway hub for more great prizes. I popped in before posting and there were 800+ giveaways. I bet this year will break 1,000. Have fun!