My Life in Six Words

Friday, August 22, 2008

The most awesome Mommy Pie tagged me last week in a meme. I have to describe my life in six words then tag five other people.

My answers to these types of things always depend on my mood. Today is Friday and I'm not in the best of moods.

Let's see if I will answer this differently next week.

My Life in Six Words on Friday:

1. Boring

2. Routine

3. Good

4. Hopeful

5. Mellow

6. Happy

My Life In Six Words on Tuesday:
1. Stasis
2. Good
3. Happy
4. Optimistic
5. Funny
6. Evolving

What a difference a weekend makes. I'm not tagging anyone. I'm sorry. Feel free to play along either here or on your blog and let me know if you do!


  1. Smart lady. SOO true how quickly things change. My six words are probably already outta date.

    Thanks for playin' (nnd for the sweet compliment)!

  2. Tired

    (that's me, today...) Miss you Mel.

  3. I like the compare and contrast. I'm glad things look better this week.

  4. I hopped over from Miz Foolery's and wanted to say, I totally understand what a difference a weekend makes. Last weekend would've been:

    1. Boring
    2. Lonely
    3 Drudgery
    4. OK
    5. happy about my cubs ;)
    6. Anticipating

    This weekend, well I'll have to get back to you on 5 of them but I am Excited!

    come by the saloon and talk some baseball!!


Thank you for visiting and letting me know your thoughts!

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