Must See TV

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I love TV. I know what people say about it being a time waster and rotting your brain. Whatever. There's some great stuff on TV! I'm stoked all the fall shows are back. Here's what I'd be watching every day if my family decided they didn't need to eat or wear clean laundry (click on the picture to view larger):

What about you? What will you be watching at night?


  1. This week's episode of Lipstick Jungle is already on the NBC website. I watched it on Sunday night.

  2. Thank God for my DVR! I have several shows that conflict with each other and this way I get to see them all!
    example: The Office and Grey's Anatomy

  3. I'm not hip on too many of the mainstream shows. Too much sex, vulgarity and violence. That being said - I am watching "The Biggest Loser" this year and Survivor starts this Thursday. I always have to watch that. :)

  4. This reminds me that I need to get my DVR set up with all of the new shows! I have an excel sheet with everything liste- not nearly as fancy as yours!

  5. Too funny! I just the same type of post this afternoon! I have some of the same shows. I don't know what I did before my Tivo! lol Many of the shows I record and watch at odd hours.

  6. Thursday nights are "my" t.v. night. Survivor and Grey's Anatomy.
    I am really looking forward to this Thursday.

  7. I know that Lipstick Jungle doesn't always have the best morals, but I love that show! One night during the off season I couldn't sleep and watched every episode online.

  8. I'm going to check out Fringe tonight. I heard a good review of it on the radio. It's right after House.

  9. I am so ready for a new Grey's. You can bet that is one I'll be watching.
    I tivo'd the CSI Miami... can't miss that but don't want to watch it while hubby is out of town (yes - I'm a chicken!).
    I've been thinking about adding Lipstick Jungle to my list of shows this season. Is it a good one?

  10. I love, love, LOVE Project Runway. I am also a big fan of Ugly Betty and The Office. Oooo, and The View. And Ellen. LOL

    Also, what did you think of the Weeds finale?! Aren't you just freaking out!!!

  11. House, MD
    The Mentalist
    My Name Is Earl
    The Office

    I think that's it for me. Well, aside from my weird compulsion to watch "Clean House" any time I happen to catch it on. But let's not talk about that.

  12. House, Law&Order, Bones. (Sense a theme here?)

    Law&Order is great because you never have to DVR it. Just turn on TNT (The Law&Order channel) and your odds are great that you're gong to hit an episode.

  13. I love that you made a chart! : ) I'm a tv nut too.

    My "regulars" right now include:

    Prison Break
    The Office
    The Amazing Race
    2 1/2 Men

    A lot of those overlap on time/day so thank goodness for a DVR!

  14. I can't wait for Friday Night Lights to return. And, like Cheri, we're Survivor fans here.

  15. I'm so pissed I missed The Office premiere last night!
    That's my favorite.

    And I love creepy stuff, so Fringe is totally on my list.

  16. I've been trying to cut back, but there is one I don't miss - The Amazing Race. But it looks like you're not a fan of reality tv, but it's my favorite!

  17. I like 30 Rock. We only get two channels though, so I have to watch it online.


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