Wordless Wednesday #13 - When Dad Makes Dinner

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


  1. Why waste a perfectly good plastic bowl when that measuring cup will do just fine lol.

  2. Haha. When my husband makes dinner, it's Ramen. lol

  3. Yep that looks familiar.

    Except, when my hubby is REALLY feeling adventurous, he makes something truly unique to the Brits (because he is one ya know), called Bubble and Squeak. Why is it called Bubble and Squeak?

    Because my luvlies that's what you do ALL FREAKIN NIGHT LONG after eating it. It's main ingredient is CABBAGE!

  4. Because leftover corn is always in demand.

  5. LOL I think I have made that dinner

  6. That is really funny!

    Just stopping over to let you know that you are all linked up on Blog Around the World. Check in daily to see who we are visiting and where...and read my Friday Guest Bloggers!

  7. Hey. Did MY husband make dinner for you too?

  8. Because savig that lefter over TABLE spoon prevents kids from starving in China. (or wherever they are starving from)

    My husband saves all leftovers, but rarely eats any.
    He is just proud of the savin.

  9. Should be fine until you need to use the measuring cup again. :)


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