(Almost) Wordless Wednesday #24: C Is For Cookies

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

I baked eight things this year (forgot to include the oatmeal chocolate chip on this plate. Oops!). I'm drowning in cookies! Next year someone please talk me down from the cookie madness!

For more Wordless Wednesday visit 5 Minutes for Mom, Mom Dot, What's That Smell


  1. Great looking cookies...and you can never make enough!

  2. Those look great! I wish I had a plate. It is a labor of love.

  3. HOw thoughtful to send that plate to me, you really shoudlnt have

  4. Oh, I'm so jealous! I do baking every year, but just couldn't do it this year. I wish I had!!
    Great job - gorgeous cookies!

  5. Ooh i love cookies. At least you have plenty to give as gifts!!!

  6. Me me!! Pick me!! I want some!! Merry Christmas!

  7. They look so delicious! I don't think I'm going to talk you down next year.

  8. Cookies are great! :)

    I just found your blog, feel free to stop by and say hello at mine as well! :)


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