Happy New School Year: Nestle Family Prize Package {Giveaway}

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

***Contest closed. Thank you all for entering!***

We're so happy with the way Tyler has adjusted to being back at school. He was worried he wouldn't like his teacher and that the work would be too hard. But, he loves his teacher and so far he's doing fine. I told myself that this year I will be more involved with with his class. I volunteered when he was in kindergarten but didn't end up helping much last year.

There was an issue with one of the moms who helped test the kids on their spelling words and I wasn't aware of it until mid way through the school year. I don't want something like that to happen again so I want to make my presence known. Plus, it can't hurt to make friends with his teacher (squeaky wheel and all that).

I've told Tyler many times that when it comes to school and his education, he'll get out of it what he puts into it. I think that's true for us parents too, at least while our kids are "new" students. I can see a difference in the kids who seem to have support and involvement at home and those who don't.

This year seems to have a lot riding on it. The kids have to learn twice as much as they did last year. Phil and I are Tyler's best advocates. It's up to us to create an environment where he can not only thrive, but excel and hopefully develop a lifelong love of learning. And for that, we need to be right there with him, every step of the way.

Win It!

What about you? Have you resolved to do anything new or different this school year? Have your kids? Leave the answer in the comments.

One winner will receive a Nestle Happy New School Year prize package with coupons and recipes for Nestle products*.
Nestle Family is supporting parents and Kids' resolutions to make this school year great with a sweepstakes that could win you $5,000 and your school a $2,000 literacy grant.

To enter (please read all the rules):

1. Leave a comment on this post answering the question above. This is required.

2. I MUST have a way to get in touch with you! I will have to delete comments with no contact info.

3. This contest will be open until Friday, September 25th. Comments will close on at 11:59pm CA time.

4. I will use random.org to draw the winner and post the results/notify winner via email. (US only, I'm sorry!)

5. For two extra entries: (not required) Tweet, and/or blog about this contest and leave each of your links in a separate comment (three contest entry opportunities total). You will need a free Twitter account.

6. You do not have to follow me on Twitter, follow this blog or subscribe to this blog as a method of entry. Tweet as often as you like, but only one Tweet will count as an extra entry. Leave one comment for each entry method. Here is the URL to this post: http://bit.ly/NestleFam

7. *Nestle is sponsoring this giveaway. The prize package is awarded in the form of free product coupons that the PR company will mail to the winner. To enter the $5,000 Ready, Set, School giveaway, go to the Nestle Family site. My contest is not affiliated with their sweepstakes.


  1. The kids in my family are working on not being such huge procrastinators. It's weird since I'm the only one without that problem!

  2. being prepared for the day-homework done the night before, clothes laid out and lunch made

    tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com

  3. This year I have vowed to be more organized. If I don't get everything ready the night before then the mornings are too hectic so I made a firm commitment to getting it all done. And spending at least an hour an evening going over the days work.

  4. This school year I've resolved to become more of a morning person. I don't want my bad moods to rub off on my kids, so I'm trying harder to become more pleasant in the morning.

    Debbie: rebbiedeed(at)hotmail(dot)com

  5. I now follow your blog.

    Debbie: rebbiedeed(at)hotmail(dot)com

  6. I am actually going back to school to take some classes while I look for work. I already have a degree but I am taking classes in something not related to my degree. FOr me it will be very different getting my mindset to the school mode.

  7. Now that my son is in second grade, I have given him more responsibilty. He sets his alarm clock, picks out his clothes and does his homework without being asked. It gives me a little more time to focus on his 3 younger siblings.


  8. We are new to school but I have resolved to cont. teaching lessons from home on the days we have off.

  9. At the beginning of this school year, I resolved to make sure that I would pack my kids lunches the night before so I am not running around like a lunatic the morning of trying to get my kids ready for school. Thanks for a great giveaway :)

  10. My son has just started Kindergarten. We are trying to make sure he has a great start to his schooling. Being on time, and preparing as much the night before so we can have smooth mornings.

  11. My youngest just started high school. We are just trying to make a smooth adjustment to the new school, by getting plenty of rest and being as prepared as possible.

  12. I have to make sure my daughter gets enough sleep. Upping the amount of time she's in school has been hard on her, and has lead to tears when the teacher has commented about her staying in lines when she's coloring. I feel that same need to be her advocate, and I'm constantly trying to bolster her confidence and give her help at home.

  13. My oldest just started high school so she is starting to feel more pressure to keep her grades up. We have talked about ideas to help with this. Her biggest drawback is waiting until the last minute for homework and studying for tests. I have been more proactive this year with asking her to show me her work at night.

    candaceotto32 at yahoo dot com

  14. Well, we homeschool, so our days are a bit different. Before, we used to always have chore and playtime and cleaning stuff in the mornings, eat lunch, then do school. Well, it was always chaotic, trying to get done with school so we could get dinner ready. This year, we switched things around. We do our early morning routine, then jump right into school. by lunch time it's out of the way, and then we have the whole afternoon to do what we need to and have fun! Ours day are much ore relaxed and it seems there is so much more time!


  15. I am letting my kids have an hour of downtime when they get home from school before starting homework. This really helps with the stress level of all of us.

  16. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  17. http://twitter.com/jane4girls/status/4376431500

    tweeted, didn't post my other tweet link correct

  18. I have decided to come up with some fun learning games for my son to do to help him with his homework.

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