Wordless Wednesday: One of These Days My Poor Husband Will Have His Very Own Closet

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

For more Wordless Wednesday visit: 5 Minutes for Mom, Mom Dot, What's That Smell


  1. oh, that kind of reminds me of my hubby's closet space

  2. Nah.....
    FYI- those velvet covered hangers not only prevent slipping but, they allow more room in your closet :)

  3. LOL - my hubby finally got room in the closet because we got a bigger closet. But I still have the guest room closet as well.

  4. I have the bigger closet in our room. It's only fair! But my husband does have a closet of his own. He trims his beard in there, so I never enter it!

  5. NOw I don't feel so bad for taking up so much room in mine! Although my hubby does have almost as many shoes as I do. He's such a girl!

    If you still wanted to write a guest post for me, I'd love it. Email it to me by Friday so that I can schedule it for while I'm gone next week.

  6. Funny! We have a walk in closet so we both have a side and share the middle with no problem.

  7. Are those three black garments in the middle his? ;D I bet he's still happy as can be...

  8. @Stephanie- That is his closet. I've taken over the shelves and the far right side has my dresses. :D


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