Tastemaker 2010 Challenge Update- The Stage Has Been Set

Friday, October 30, 2009

I spent all day yesterday prepping for the video shoot. It's taken me longer than I intended to get this first project done. I had a few ideas, but none of them seemed really good. Then Busy Dad threw down the gauntlet and I knew I had to do something I felt really confident about.

Mary, from The Mama Mary Show tagged me in a meme awhile back. She wanted to know where I thought my life would be now if I had chosen another path. If I were to play the "Woulda, Coulda, Shouda" game, what would I be doing instead? I told her I'd be in business as an event planner. The fact that the idea for my first Tastemaker challenge didn't come to me right away, based on my "Woulda, Coulda" career choice has me wondering if I am overestimating my abilities just a little.

For my first Tastemaker 2010 project, I've planned a theme party. In the final video I'll walk you through it giving tips and ideas on everything from invitations, to decor and food suggestions. I'll link the recipes I used in the accompanying post and maybe offer the invitations I created as a template others can use (if I can figure out how!)

After my video goes live on You Tube I'm going to need a favor. After you watch the video please take a second to rank it using the star system underneath the video. Five stars would make me really happy! You will need a You Tube account (you're good if you already have a Gmail or other Google account) and if you don't already have one thank you in advance for signing up! This has been really fun to put together. My anal tendencies may have pushed me to go a little over the top, but who wants a below the top party? My Whrrl story below gives you a little sneak peak.

Thanks for your patience. I'm almost there!

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  1. It looks like you've been busy. Staying tuned.

  2. Looks like you're on your way to a very cool theme party. Can't wait for more!


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