Can You Smell That?

Thursday, May 29, 2008

It's the smell of change in the air! I'm got something going behind the scenes and I'm SO excited! Should happen next week some time. Stay tuned, there might even be a giveaway...


  1. NOoOOoooOOOoooOooooo!! No suspense!! No waiting!! Oh. Wait. Tomorrow, my computer will be packed and waiting to go live in Missouri. So I won't be able to find out for a couple of days anyway. Okay. I feel slightly better. Except not, because TWO DAYS WITHOUT INTERNETSES IS TOO MUCH!!


  2. You'll get through it. Just think of all the fun you'll have catching up while you "take a little break" from unpacking! Here's some safe travel vibes heading your way -------->

  3. I know I'm late commenting. Just got back into town and am making my way through my reader........

    What's up girl???

    I'm watching your blog!!

  4. Hey Soliloquy! Thanks for stopping in. I've been dying to go to the MAC counter! If only a bag of money would magically fall from the sky...

  5. Dude, what is it? Come on... no fair.


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