A Mini Rant

Sunday, October 26, 2008

I need to get this off my chest so I can move on. Tomorrow is the first day of the last Bloggy Carnival Giveaway of the year. I sent out several letters asking for donations. Can I just say the etiquette in business seems to have gone of leg warmers and ripped jeans?

I get it that not everyone "understands" blogging and the culture. I know I'm not on the A-list with a giant readership. But for a business to not even send a generic form letter in this day and age is pathetic. It's unprofessional, inconsiderate and bad business.

Thanks, I feel better.


  1. Yes, it is bad these days. How about when you have a job interview, and they don't call or even send a postcard to tell you that you didn't get the job? They just leave you to deduce it on your own. Supremely rude!

  2. I'd say anyone sending an email deserves some kind of response. But someone sending a real letter? Absolutely merits a response.

  3. just wanted to say that I liked your little vent ;) hope it gets better for you

  4. just wanted to say that I liked your little vent ;) hope it gets better for you

  5. vent away. i'm sorry you had to deal with crappy service.


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