Sarah Palin's Debate Strategy

Saturday, October 4, 2008


  1. Isn't this a hoot?! Unfortunately, probably closer to the truth than not.

  2. LMAO!

    I will admit, looking at the debate chart made me almost as crazy as listening to her voice!

  3. I bet that was on the teleprompter during the debate.

  4. LOL! I was apathetic about Gov. Palin prior to the debate. Now? I cannot stand her. At all.

    The only reason I didn't sleep during the debate was that I was following the discussions on Twitter. I swear THOSE were better than the debate.

  5. Oh my goodness..this is hillarious! Just what I needed this morning because I can't get enough of the jokes about the debate - anyone watch SNL? Can't wait for Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert to give us their rendition... :-) Thanks for sharing.

  6. A friend sent this to me and I could not stop laughing. "Do something cute." As in winking excessively? I almost threw something at my TV.

  7. LOL, I haven't seen this yet. I like the mixed bag of goodies you post. I'll be back.

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  8. Hi Nicole! Nice to meet you. Shopping? Count me in!

  9. haha, I love it! Seriously, the woman is lucky if she can put a sentence together. It is terrifying to think she could be one step from the presidency.

    Just found your blog today, awesome!


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