Showing posts with label DS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DS. Show all posts

Wordless Wednesday: Epcot Center Through A Child's Eyes

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I gave Tyler the camera for a little while today at Epcot. I love seeing thing's through his eyes. There are more of his pictures on Flickr.

Living With Boys, Never a Dull Moment

Monday, February 1, 2010

Tyler had Martin Luther King day off of school. We got up on Tuesday and started getting his breakfast and lunch ready. He must have still been in vacation mode, not realizing he had school that day, because I came out of the kitchen to tell him his breakfast was ready and saw this:

Love this kid!

From the Cute Things My Kid Says Files: Never Have, Never Will

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Scene: The family decides to relax in the neighborhood jacuzzi before dinner. The son, who had been splashing in the pool, is told to come into the jacuzzi if he'd like to warm up before the walk home. The son, who is 7 going on 17, has of late perfected eye rolling, sarcasm and the ability to convey to his parents he feels they know absolutely nothing at all with just one word. Son get in the jacuzzi and makes the following announcement.

Son: I had to partner with K again at school today. She's so annoying.

Mother: What did you have to partner up for?

Son: Some math thing.

Father: Why do you say she's annoying?

Son: She just is.

[Mother and Father exchange a look, complete with raised eyebrows]

Father: Is K cute?

Son: [looks horror stricken] Nooo-wuh! 
(Translation: Whatever. It's like you don't even know me! And? You're old.)

Mother: Well, who do you think is cute at school?

Son: I don't think anyone is cute. Never have, never will.
[Mother breathes a sigh of relief]


*That's not K in the picture. It's actually Deb's daughter.

Wordless Wednesday: San Diego Zoo

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

For more Wordless Wednesday visit: 5 Minutes for Mom, Mom Dot, What's That Smell

Happy Veteran's Day

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Patriotic play last year at Tyler's school

Right now my son is upstairs coloring a photo for his Dad for Veteran's Day. It's the planting of the flag at Iwo Jima. If we ask Tyler what he wants to be when he grows up, he usually gives us several things ranging from football player to policeman. But 'soldier' is usually a constant. I've told Phil before that, as Tyler gets older, we need to talk with him about it and change his mind.

But lately I've been thining about my position and where it comes from. I see his little face now, as a child, and I can't picture the man he's going to be. I have that Mother Bear need to keep him safe and with no future insight into what the political climate will be by the time he's 18, the idea of him putting on a uniform scares me.

But, I'm proud of my husband for his service. Being in the military was good for Phil. Who says it won't be good for Tyler too? It's not up to me whether he joins. It's a decision I hope Tyler will include his parents in but ultimately it's up to him. I can't applaud others for their desire and willingness to serve their country but not apply that to my own son.

Who knows what the future holds? But, for now, I have decided not to try and dissuade Tyler from any military aspirations. It wouldn't be fair to him.

Happy Veterans Day to the men and women who put on their uniforms out of a love for their country, a desire to serve and a sense of patriotism and honor. Your service to our country is appreciated today and all days!

Happy 7th Birthday, Little Man!

Monday, November 2, 2009

I've tried to put together a post several times and nothing sounds right. I've heard that, when you have story to tell and don't know where to start, it's always helpful to go back to the beginning. These are excerpts from my journal during my pregnancy.

January 28, 2002

Last week and this week I've been having Imaginary Pregnancy Symptoms: tired, faint cramps, cravings and really sore boobs. I'm either late or pregnant. I took a HPT and saw a faint line. I'm not sure what to make of it.

March 1, 2002

The waiting was killing me so I broke down and took a HPT right when I got home. The faint line isn't so faint anymore! I can't believe it, I'm pregnant! I called Phil. I was going to wait until Tuesday [after the doctor appointment] but I had to share. On our first try, we made a baby!

March 6, 2002

I got the blood test results and I was right! I couldn't keep the secret, I called Mom. Needless to say she was shocked. She was out with friends from church over the weekend and they were talking to her about their grandkids. When they asked if I was thinking about kids she said, "I'll be 75 before I'm a grandmother!" We showed her.

April 4, 2002

I went to St. Louis with Mom. I had my first OB visit the day after I got back. I got to see the baby. Talk about amazing! To see that little blob and the only moving part is the heart. I wish Phil could have been there.

May 12, 2002
Today is Mother's Day. I haven't yet thought of what that means to me. I'm so ready to be a mom. Part of me feels it's the direction I've been heading.I have no idea what career path I should take. Maybe 'Mom' is it. Phil called to wish me a Happy Mother's Day. I can't wait for him to come home. We'll finally be able to act like expecting parents. Next year at this time we'll have a 7 month old boy/girl.

June 22, 2002

Phil is finally home! I got to pick him up on Saturday the 1st. It was the best day I've had since I found out about the baby. It was so good to see him again. He was surprised by how much I was showing.
Now for the really exciting news: It's a boy! We went for an ultrasound on the 17th. It was so good to have Phil home for that. He's only seen the baby in the ultrasound photos I sent to [Hawaii]. I'm glad the baby was moving around so much. The lab tech had the perfect side view on the monitor. She asked if we wanted to know the sex, but I spotted the evidence before she said anything. It was a little surprising since I'd been "feeling" girl for a long time. But of course, I'm happy. We've started working on our lists of names.

August 6, 2002
Wow, I can't believe I'm this old. I never pictured being where I am in my life at this age. I figured I'd have kids by 23! Shows what I know. But, here I am, wife and soon to be mother.

October 2, 2002

Countdown has begun. I'm at home on semi bedrest. Doctors orders.
I feel like more should be happening internally. I haven't had any Braxton Hicks (at least I don't think so). My mucus plug is still there. The baby is less active but so am I. It's hard to get into a comfortable sleep position and my heartburn is out of control. When the baby does stretch out it's either against my cervix or rib cage. Talk about painful! I've been catching up on all my baby book reading. I still have to read the manual on the breast pump. It looks pretty scary!

November 1, 2002

Well, tonight's the night. I went to my non stress test appointment this morning. When it was my turn for the sonogram, I told the nurse, "please tell me something that means this baby will be coming out!!!" I got my wish. My amniotic fluid dropped from a 9.5 on Monday to a 3 today. The lowest it should be is a 5. The nurses called the doctor's office to get their advice. I'm going to the hospital at midnight for my induction.
It's close to 7pm and I should be sleeping. I tried but I can't stop thinking about what's to come. After months of waiting and wondering he's finally going to be here. Until the doctor tells me he's fine and I hear him cry, I won't be able to breathe. After tonight, my life will never be the same. We will leave this house a couple and come back a family.

Happy Birthday Tyler. We love you so much, and have since the day we found out you were coming. Without a doubt, you are the best thing that's ever happened to me. You carry my heart in your pocket every day. Watching you grow and mature has been so wonderful. You're an amazing little man. I can't wait to see what changes come in your seventh year. You blow me away, every single day.

Raising Respectful Sons

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

My son will turn 7 in a few days. He's still a bit of a Mama's Boy, and that's just fine with me. He will hug and kiss me for no reason. Tell me he loves me and that I'm beautiful. He has pulled out my chair at home and in restaurants. He's held doors open and said, "ladies first." Sometimes he'll open the car door for me and close it when I get in. He's growing up to be quite the little gentleman.

When I found out we were having a boy, I told Phil how important it was to me to teach him to be respectful to women. More than just being a gentleman, I want him to understand the concept of not being dismissive toward women, not objectifying them or demeaning them. As Tyler grows up I want him to know what a healthy male/female relationship looks like. It's our job as his parents to teach him those qualities and to lead by example.

Last weekend, a 15-year old girl was gang raped in Richmond California. Allegedly, as many as 20 people watched it happen. So far, five arrests have been made. In this day and age of pocket video cameras and phones with video cameras, I think it's only a matter of time before a tape surfaces. I'm disgusted and so sad for the young woman and her family. And I'm angry with those boys' parents because they failed so miserably at teaching their sons the same lessons I'm teaching mine.

Prepare To Have Your Heart Melted

Friday, October 23, 2009

I don't usually put things on the front of my fridge. One of the reasons I got a stainless was to keep it clean looking and uncluttered. "Oh, sorry kiddo. We can't put magnets here, they might leave a scratch."

Yeah, yeah, yeah. We shouldn't lie to our kids. Pfft.

Anyway, when Tyler was a toddler, we had those alphabet magnets on the fridge and they drove me crazy. But, when Tyler handed me this last night, how could I say no?

"I love my Mom. She is perFect! She is very prety too. She is doing the breas canser walk. Whit my grandma to. She is nice."
(typos and misspellings left in for cuteness)

What's on your fridge today?

Putting My Foot Down

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I made a decision. There could be repercussions, but I just don't care.

Feelings may be hurt. There might even be tears. But I will stay strong.

I'm bucking tradition, dancing to the beat of my own drum, singing my own tune.

I will no longer cave to the pressure. Give in to societal norms. Follow the crowd.

I, Mel A Dramatic Mommy, am declaring an end to giving out post birthday party treat bags.

Who's with me?

Works For Me Wednesday: Digital Gift Wish List

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Two years ago, when we asked Tyler what he wanted for his birthday and Christmas, he started rattling off the names of the latest popular toys and characters and I had no idea what he was talking about. I figured my parents and in-laws wouldn't either so I came up with a solution that has worked really well.

A few weeks before his birthday, we take Tyler to the store (usually Target or WalMart but occasionally Toys R Us) and have him choose 10-15 items, then we take pictures of him holding each one. I upload all the pictures to Costco or Snapfish and then send out an email with the toy names and the link to the album. I CC all the grandparents and they reply back when they purchase an item so there are no duplicates or buying a Bionicle he already has (because they all look alike to me!).

Tyler gets exactly what he wants, the grandparents don't have to guess what is "in" that year, I don't have to explain what a Bakugan is and everyone chooses what fits their budget.

For more WFMW visit Kristen at We Are That Family

Maybe You Need to Ask Different Questions

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Overheard: [Tyler to his friend J] "My mom would probably say no. No, no, no, no. That's all parents seem to say sometimes."

Tyler: [to me] "No offense, Mom."

None taken, little guy. None taken.


Friday, October 2, 2009

We're taking Tyler out of school a little early today to head up to Disneyland for an early Halloween party. He doesn't know it yet, so I'm looking forward to the surprise. It got me thinking about the vacation post I did a few days ago. I was, well still am, pretty spoiled but my kid has gotten to do some pretty awesome things as a result of this little corner of the web I have.

We don't mind spoiling him when he's earned it. But this idea he has about going on vacation being the coolest thing ever! has me wondering how he views things like what we're getting to do this evening. We tell him they're special occasions that we are fortunate enough to be included in, but maybe to him they are part of his 'normal', if that makes any sense.

I don't want him to start to taking our outings for granted, thereby taking us for granted. I don't want him to develop a "what have you done for me today" kind of attitude. That would suck because I have no patience for brats.

I'm not really going anywhere with this. It's just something swirling around my head today. What's swirling around in yours?

Guess Who's A Green Belt?!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

And he got his second Respect award!

Wordless Wednesday: Go Padres!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

(Tyler was so cute, he kept saying it was the best. day. ever!)

Geek References Are Above His Head (For Now)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Scene: It's early evening, just after dinner. Tyler comes in from playing outside. He sits down on the couch next to Phil.

Tyler: "Daddy, can I ask you a question?"

Phil: "42."

T: "What?"

P: "The answer to your question. It's 42."

T: (confused) "My question wasn't about how old you are."

[Mommy, sitting at the kitchen table, can barely contain herself and has to work hard to stifle her laughter]

P: (to Mommy) "You can wipe that smirk off your face."

I love my kid!

First Day of School: My Baby's in Second Grade!

Monday, August 31, 2009

A special breakfast

Surprises in his lunchbox

The walk to campus

One last hug goodbye

Mom, you can leave now

Overheard: Tyler Explains Being Biracial

Friday, August 14, 2009

"My mommy is brown and my dad is white.
They mixed together and made my color."

Mama, Look At Me!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

"Mama, did you see me?! I was in the deep end!"

Wordless Wednesday: Some Things Never Change

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

For more Wordless Wednesday visit:5 Minutes for Mom, Mom Dot, What's That Smell


Thursday, July 9, 2009

Scene: The family decides to take a late afternoon visit to the pool. The mother, who prefers to jacuzzi, notices an unusually high amount of debris floating on the surface. Father and son dive into the pool. Mother grabs the pool skimmer-cleaning thingy.

Son: "What is Mommy doing?"

Father: "She's cleaning the leaves and stuff out of the jacuzzi."

Son: "Why?"

Father: "Mommy works here now."

Son: "Yay! Mommy found a new job!"
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