Need Blogger Help Please!

Monday, June 30, 2008

I would like to change my URL to match my new blog name. I know the URL is available. Has anyone done this successfully? I understand it's a problem in the new Blogger templates. I found a tutorial online but would like hear it from you.

How did you let people know the URL was changing?

Did you have to change the address of each post?

What about people who have linked to me? Or the WFMW and Wordless Wednesdays?

Would it be easier to switch to a domain name and re-direct to that?

How hard it that to do? What are the costs associated with a domain name? Where should I buy the domain from? How do I check the availability of a domain name?

I know I should have thought of all this before I started blogging! Thanks for the advice!


  1. Alright, since you want to switch anyway, let me take this time to say - leave Blogger. Get a self-hosted WordPress with your own domain name. You will save yourself much time and trouble later on.

    I'm more than willing to walk you through all of this, my friend. Also, if you go look, you can see that my Blogger blog redirects right to my current blog. That part is actually easy-peasy.

  2. P.S. Your feed? Still jacked up for me. :/

  3. I'm going to disagree with Steph about Wordpress. I'm sure Blogger has its fair share of issues, I am ready strangle Wordpress to death over problems that I have had with them. I guess there is no real easy fix.

    I do think it is pretty easy to point your old domain to a new one. Don't ask me how, but I think it is easy to do. So I think when someone clicks on an old link if you have this site pointed to your new site, it should automatically redirect them.

    I couldn't find a spot to leave a comment in the Movie Madness post. Are they disabled for that post?

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. @Jen - I've used Blogger, and I promise WordPress is better. Not to say that it doesn't have its own glitches, but for sure, it's not as bad as Blogger, at least in my experience.

    What issues are you having? Maybe I could help? steph[at]quirkyblogger[dot]com.

  6. I went to and registered my domain, signed up for their service and had them install my WordPress software (for free) all in one shot. My service costs $8.95 a month for a self-hosted WordPress blog.

    Living Dot has been prompt with any support questions I have and it's been a good experience for me.

    I've used both WordPress and Blogger, and much prefer WordPress.

    As far as subscribers...I'd post a line to your current blog directing people to the new website and then park a line on this blog re-directing people to your new URL.

    Deb :)

  7. I just recently changed to my own domain name through blogger. Cost $10 for one year. Not bad at all. I have no real issues with Blogger, so that's why I didn't switch to another host.

    Making the switch was pretty darn easy. All I did was go into the Blogger settings, opened up the Publishing settings, clicked on Custom Domain and followed the directions.

    Oh and all my links on other people's sites just redirect themselves. Too easy!

  8. I'm in the process of switching too...just went from the wordpress site to self hosted wordpress, so, at the moment I am trying to redirect all traffic and letting anyone know the new site.

    I love you for having me in your blogroll....I'd love to stay there...will you change my url to: ??

    And let me know if you change yours so I can update it on my site!

    Good luck!

    PS...the caramel looks delish!


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