Works for Me Wednesday: Cheap model kits for boys

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

I don't know about you, but the end of the school year is sending me into a panic. My 5 year olds last day of kindergarten is in a few days. Since I was working until recently, I've never had to deal with the summer boredom blues.

Now, I'm faced with keeping DS entertained without spending a lot of money.
In looking for craft ideas, it seems the store shelves are either full of sparkly, feathery things to make, or are a little more complicated than my son can handle without getting impatient and frustrated.

I went to Michaels looking for model kits that he could do with little supervision. I lucked out with these. I bought six kits: a tank, helicopter, fighter jet, tri-plane, railroad train, and racecar.

Each kit comes with the paint, paint brush, glue and sandpaper.

Some of the pieces, like the ones from the tank kit, are small so be careful around younger children.

The instructions call for the pieces to be sanded and painted before assembly, so it's a great "start now, finish when your father gets home" project.

And the best part, they were only $1 each!

For more "Mom, I'm bored" ideas head on over to Shannon's.

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  1. Oooh! I got my four boys a bunch of those at Christmas time...and they have SO much fun with them! I think we still have a couple to dig out. I couldn't believe what a great price they were!

  2. Hi Laura-
    Thanks for stopping by! You have a cute family!

  3. Wow. Very brave of you. Sanding? No thanks. Get a splinter kid. It's good for ya. :)

  4. I love this idea! I'm going to have to head to Michael's and pick a few up. I have a 4.5 year old that needs to be kept busy too. Very, very busy. Since Mama's very, very busy :)


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