Bloggy Giveaway Day 3- Book Lovers Prize

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

**COMMENTS NOW CLOSED** If you have been here before you know how much I like to read. If you haven't been here before, I REALLY like to read. In my reading list recently I gave a big thumbs up to Joshilyn Jackson and predicted she'd become one of my favorite auhors. After reading her latest book, The Girl Who Stopped Swimming, I stand by that statement even more. The book was really good. No, great. I couldn't put it down. If you're not reading her, you should be.

I've been using my local library more and more since our budget can't keep up with book bingeing. I got the email that the new book was available last Wednesday but didn't pick it up until Friday literally minutes before the 5 o'clock closing time. I started reading it in the evening after dinner, stayed up till about midnight and finished it at 12:47 pm on Saturday. Did I mention it's a really good book?

Jackson has a very easy writing style. Her characters are unique and vibrant. The stories flow and the plots are engaging. When I saw one of her books on the clearance rack, I knew it would make a great giveaway.

The winner will receive a new hardback copy of Jackson's book Between, Georgia, a $5 Starbucks card, $5 Barnes and Noble card and a re-usable tote.

To enter:

1. Go to Joshilyn Jackson's site to read the synopses of her three books (She doesn't know I'm doing this).

2. Come back here and leave a comment on this post and tell me which you'd like to read first (under the books tab) - required.

3. I MUST have a way to get in touch with you! NoReply@Blogger will not send you a response. I will have to delete comments with no contact info.

4. Comments will close on Friday, October 31st at 11:59pm CA time.

5. I will use to draw the winner and post the results/notify winner via email and in a "Winners" post on Saturday 11/1.

6. You don't need a blog to win, but I MUST have a way to contact you. US residents only (sorry!)

**Enter the day 1 chocolate giveaway here and the day 2 pendant here**


  1. This is such a great giveaway - I love being introduced to a new author and I need some new books for all of my holiday travels!

    The book Gods in Alabama is probably where I'd start. The book sounds intriguing with the deal made with God, the idea of better yourself and then being challenged by someone you love to make a decision...intriguing!

    Thanks for the opportunity!
    suserat at yahoo dot com

  2. I would love to read Between Geogia. Thanks for the chance to win.

  3. I guess Gods in Alabama would be where I would start.All three books sound really awesome!!! I sure hope to be the winner here.Thanks!

  4. ok, wow, now I want to read Joshilyn Jackson's books! I love to read really really love to read and will write this author down for the next trip to the library. I think I would want to read God's in Alabama first as it appears that was the first one she wrote. thansk! sounds like a great give away. I have also been laid off and am trying to fine somehting else. Hard market....

  5. Between Georgia is probably my first choice, but honestly, they all look really great! Thank you for the giveaway and please enter me :)

  6. They all sound so good, but I would have to pick The Girl Who Stopped Swimming because I am into ghost books right now.

    shelcows at gmail dot com

  7. Cool giveaway, I love discovering new authors! I'd start with The Girl Who Stopped Swimming just because I have a sister who is completely opposite me so I'm drawn to the storyline. utgal2004 at yahoo dot com

  8. I would love to read them all but I would start with The Girl Who Stopped Swimming. I love a good mystery.

  9. "Gods in Alabama" sounds really good.

  10. The girl who Stopped Swimming.

  11. gods in Alabama looks really good.

    ruthkerri (at) yahoo (dot) com

  12. I have read Between and Gods so that leaves Swimming. She is a great author and I will be ordering Swimming from the library after I post!!! Thanks so much for the giveaway. I would pass Between on to my little sis!

  13. They all sound amazing! I think I would probably start with gods in Alabama. Thanks for introducing me to this author.

  14. the girl who stopped swimming- its got a ghost in it, THAT sounds wonderful.

  15. I love to read books in the order they were written so it would be Gods in Alabama

  16. This is a great giveaway! Thank you so much!

    The Girl Who Stopped Swimming sounded very interesting! But I also liked gods in Alabama. I believe I just found some books to add to my to read list!

    Thanks for sharing this author!

    Thanks for the great giveaway!


  17. The girl who stopped swimming looks like an interesting book.

    superpaige@ ericksonfamily dot com

  18. Gods in Alabama sounds like a great place to start to me.

    Great giveaway, thanks for hosting.

    (my e-mail is in my profile)

  19. I read The Girl Who Stopped Swimming and loved it as well. I would like to read gods In Alabama and/or Between Georgia next. I use the Library to save money as well! Thanks for the giveaway.

  20. I would love to read The Girl Who
    Stopped Swimming. It sounds neat. Actually, I'm interested in all of her books. :) How fantastic! Thank you for this giveaway; I hope I win :)
    eyeslikesugar (at) gmail (dot) com

  21. I would love to read The Girl who stopped swimming. It sounds great. Thanks for the chance.

  22. I would LOVE to win....the Gods in Alabama looks great, they all do really. What a treat to win! Thanks! cross_home2001 (at) yahoo (dot) com

  23. All of her books sound very good. I think thoug if I had to, I would start with, The Girl Who Stopped Swimming. All of the 'family secrets', and the ghost, I love books like that. It sounds really good! Thank you :)

  24. They all sound really good. I would probably start with Gods in Alabama. But I don't know. I would want all 3 and depending on my mood that day, I would decide which one to start with.

  25. I like the synopsis of Between, Georgia. I'm an artist too, so I can relate easily. The story sounds both heartbreaking (her going blind) but inspiring too. I'm going to check our library to see if they have her books, and if not, I'll scan though them at Barnes and Noble and see if I want to buy one. Thanks for sharing!

  26. I'd like to read Gods in Alabama since it is her debut book. I always like to start with an author's earliest work.

    thanks for the chance to win this great giveaway

  27. The Girl Who Stopped Swimming would be my choice! Thank you so much for doing this giveaway for us!

  28. All three look good--and I'd probably be drawn first to Gods in Alabama or Between, Georgia.

    Becky (

  29. Between, Georgia sounds really interesting. I'd like to read it first!

  30. I think I'd start with The Girl Who Stopped Swimming.
    parknj at basicisp dot net

  31. oooh book! squee! I will definitely have to check out her books!( prob at the library) I am interested in the girl who stopped swimming. I like that it has a quilter in it. But I will prob read all three!

  32. I love reading and am always in search of a new author--all of these books sound great! I must check out your list, too.

    I think I would like Gods in Alabama. If I don't win it I am definitely going to buy it next time I am at Barnes and Noble!

    Thanks for a great giveaway!

  33. They all look good but if I had to choose it would be gods in Alabama. I love to read and would enjoy this if I won it! :)

  34. I think I'd like to read Between, Georgia. It really seems compelling. Thanks. This is a great giveaway!

  35. Wow, Between Georgia definitely sounds intriguing, and I think it would be the one I would read first. The drama with the family feud and the blind/deaf mom sounds amazing.
    akreese (at) hotmail (dot) com

  36. I would say Gods in Alabama!

    Thank you for the great giveaway!

    kerin0874 (at) yahoo (dot) com

  37. I think between georgia sounds really good yet sad. The characters go through so much in this book and it makes my appreciatiation towards life even better.

  38. I love hearing about authors I haven't read yet! Thank you for the heads up! I would start with Gods in Alabama although the other ones sound really good, too! I love the library, too.....thank heavens cause the kids are always wanting to read new books!

  39. Gods in Alabama, definitely.

    Come enter my Amazon giveaway!

  40. I'd really be interested in reading gods in Alabama

  41. I guess I'd start with The God in Alabma, but they all sound good.

  42. I'd say Between, Georgia, but they all look good!
    sj3girls AT hotmail DOT com

  43. Thanks for such a great giveaway! I would like to read Between, Georgia!

  44. I'd have to say The Girl Who Stopped Swimming. Anything with ghosts in it is my kinda book.

  45. I read the Girl Who Stopped Swimming too and really loved her very southern writing style. Next up: Gods in Alabama.


    melodywarnick at gmail dot com

  46. Hey Mel,

    Thanks for your birthday wishes! These contests sound awesome!

    I have an idea for your book bingeing. Get a Kindle--I just got one for my birthday and I think it'll pay for itself in a few months! :)

  47. I love books and I love learning about new authors and finding a new series of books to get involved in.

    They all look great! I think "Gods in Alabama" would be my first choice.

    I hope this giveaway brings a lot of new readers to your friend's books.

    Thank you very much for the giveaway!

    HunnyV "at" Optonline "dot" net

  48. I would like to read The Girl Who Stopped Swimming.

  49. Between Georgia looks like such a great read!

  50. My word, the book Between, Georgia looks like it would be a fantastic read!

  51. I would love to read Gods in Alabama. It sounds like a really wonderful book. What am I saying? They all sound pretty wonderful. She is definitely an author I will have to start reading.

  52. Hard choice..they all sound interesting. I think I would go with The Girl Who Stopped Swimming though.

  53. I would start with Gods in Alabama. Sounds like a great somewhat different story.
    Thank you for the giveaway.

  54. They all sound good, but I'd start with the Gods who stopped swimming.

  55. I would love to read The Girl Who Stopped Swimming ... I'm intrigued and I like the hint of mystery. Thanks for bringing this author to my attention.

  56. I would read Gods In Alabama first.

  57. I think I would read god's in alabama first sounds more interesting to me :D

    lc_intocable [at]yahoo [dot]com

  58. gods in Alabama

    lilacbutterfly [at]

  59. Thanks for the great giveaway. I think I'd like to read the Girl Who Stopped Swimming first.

  60. I would choose Between Georgia. I would love to see how that story plays out!

  61. Gods in Alabama looks enthralling, so I'd jump in there.

  62. I'd read Gods in Alabama, then Between Georgia. Her books sound so good! Thanks for the giveaway!

    zarache AT aol DOT com

  63. They all sound great, but I would have to say The Girl Who Stopped Swimming.


  64. Betwwen Georgia. I too love to read. I'm about 1/3 through the current book I'm reading.

  65. All 3 books sound interesting but I think I'd start with Gods in Alabama

  66. The Girl Who Stopped Swimming sounds like something I'd really fact, I'm sure I've read that synopsis on Amazon & don't know how it hasn't made it to my wish list...before now that is! Thanks for sharing some wonderful books!

  67. These all look great. I'd probably read gods in Alabama first.


  68. Gods in Alabama

    txhottie_86 at yahoo dot com

  69. The Girl Who Stopped Swimming sounds very interesting!

  70. I am going to pick The Girl Who Stopped Swimming. I originally picked Between Georgia because my elementary school best friends last name was Crabtree and I have a friend that lives in Athens but decided to go with the other book because it sounds like something I'd pick out on my own.

  71. girl who stopped swimming...looked or pulled me in first..nice...

  72. the girl who stopped swimming looks great! ^p^

  73. I would start with The Girl Who Stopped Swimming.


  74. I think I would choose Between,Georgia. All of them look good but I think I would start with this one.

  75. I would choose Between Georgia. They all sound good. Thanks for the giveaway.

  76. Oh I need a new author to read. I would prolly go for The Girl who Stopped Swimming. Great prize!

  77. I think I'd like "Gods of Alabama"

  78. I liked the synopsis of Between, Georgia the best! I too, have been checking more books out of the library lately - I'll have to see if they have these available! Thanks

  79. I love ghost stories so I would choose The Girl Who Stopped Swimming.

  80. I would luv to read The Girl Who Stopped Swimming :)

    Thank you for a Great Giveaway!

  81. I would love to read Between Geogia first.

  82. I would definitely read gods in Alabama first. It sounds like an amazing book. Thanks for the giveaway!

  83. The girl who stopped swimming

    Thanks for the chance to win, please throw my name into the hat!


  84. I'd want to read The Girl Who Stopped Swimming.

  85. I would start with Gods in Alabama!! Thanks for your giveaway!!

  86. I think I'd read the Girl Who Stopped Swimming first. Unless I change my mind, and then it would be the gods of Alabama.

  87. I would like to read The Girl Who Stopped Swimming first. Then maybe Between Georgia. Thanks for the giveaway!

  88. I really wish I had picked up The Girl Who Stopped Swimming when I had the chance. You are the first person I have seen who has read it and now i am disappointed that I didn't get it!!!!

    sherri419 at gmail dot com

  89. i'd start with the girl who stopped intruiging!

  90. I'd go for The Girl who Stopped Swimming, but they all have me wanting to read her, now! Thanks for the giveaway!

  91. I would like to read "Between, Georgia" first, but they all sound like wonderful reads!

    Great prize!!

    I'd love to be entered in your giveaway!!

    Thanks so much!!
    Michele R.(CA)

  92. I would like to read, The Girl Who Stopped Swimming.

    Thank you!

    janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

  93. Gods in Alabama looked really interesting. When I saw one of the reviewers on the website (here: ) liken the author to Flannery O'Connor, I was hooked!

  94. Wow. Hard decision. I think I'd pick Between, Georgia just because I love sign language. I am an interpreter and would love to see what she does with her deaf character. The Girl Who Stopped Swimming also looks fabulous.

    gitrecca (at) gmail (dot) com

  95. I have to go check out a book from the library now! I want to read them all, but I would probably start with The Girl Who Stopped Swimming. A good ghost story would always keep me up reading under the covers with a flashlight! rebecca342(at)gmail(dot)com

  96. I would pick The Girl Who Stopped Swimming first. They all sound absolutely wonderful though.


    mchattons at yahoo dot com

  97. they all sound great. I would probably start with Gods in Alabama, though, I am a southerner and I love books set in the south.

    I have written down Joshilyn's name and book titles to look for next time I go to the bookstore.

    thanks so much for sharing

    ceashark at aol dot com

  98. I would buy the Peanut Brittle Bites - Assorted Flavors Covered in Chocolate - 8 Pack Tray which sounds awesome. Thanks for the chance to win.


  99. scare the life out of me!! :) i want to read the girl who stopped swimming!! Great giveaway! I hope I'm chosen as the lucky winner! :)

  100. i'd like to read The Girl Who Stopped Swimming. planning the trip to the library...
    (email in profile)

  101. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you! I'm doing a book challnege to finish a book a week. I'm starving for new-to-me authors to try-out having exhausted the resources of my old standbys. :) I can't wait to try out Joshilyn Jackson's books! I'm adding "The Girl Who Stopped Swimming" to my wish list/library list/next time Barnes and Noble empties my wallet list." Awesome!

  102. I'd want to read "The Girl Who Stopped Swimming" first if for no other reason than the fact that the synopsis mentions 'walking straight into a frying pan protected only by Crisco'. What a visual!

  103. I'd like to read The girl who stopped swimming. I love a good mystery.


  104. I read gods in Alabama this past summer and LOVED it, so I'd like to read one of the other books next! Thanks for sharing!

  105. Ok, I admit it. I can cheat a little here because of those three books listed I actually have one of them right here waiting to be read. It's The Girl Who Stopped Swimming so that's the one I'll be reading first!

  106. They all look like great reads, but especially god in Alabama! Thanks for a great giveaway!

  107. I promise,promise,promise that I read what all 3 were about and I would read The Girl Who Stopped Swimming first.

  108. I would start with The Girl Who Stopped Swimming

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