Say Hola! to My New Fave

Friday, November 7, 2008

Given a choice between a bowl of vanilla bean ice cream and mango sherbet, unless I'm PMS'ing I will almost always go for the sorbet. So when I won a sherbet party from Hola Fruta I was beside myself.

The day the boxes
arrived I wanted to grab a spoon and hunker down on the couch but since the five cartons (uh huh, FIVE) were shipped on dry ice they had to temper (fancy word for thaw a little) in the freezer overnight.

I invited our neighbors over for the tasting using the mardi gras beads and invitations that came in the party kit but they weren't able to come for two whole days and I figured it would be tacky and rude to serve sherbet with
giant scoops little divets missing so I waited. I hate waiting. And every time I opened the freezer there they were:

Hola Mango! Hola Peach! And Ole Margarita! And hi to the steaks. Wednesday took forever and day to come but finally I got to set out all the cartons and spoons, scoopers and bowls and we got our sherbet on!

Can I tell you how good this sherbet is? It's not icy or grainy but smooth like an ice cream. We let the kids taste as many flavors as they wanted. Drama Kid was in heaven because he rarely gets dessert at home let alone as many scoops as he wanted.

General consensus was the Mango rocks the house but they're all really good. I have a quart and half left and I'm so sad because I have yet to see Hola Fruta in my stores and the giant stack of coupons they gave me are going unused. Sigh.

What about you? Sherbet or ice cream? What's your flavor of choice?

*The Hola Fruta people didn't ask me to post about this.

I'm Only A Little Whiny

Thursday, November 6, 2008

About a month ago, our adopted soldier asked that instead of sending care packages to him, could I ask my friends and family to gather shoes that he and his unit could distribute to the Iraqi children.

In his email he said that so many of the children don't have any shoes and their feet are cracked, bloody and infected.
That about broke my heart into thousands of little pieces and I sent a message to family and friends asking if, rather than taking their kids' gently used shoes to Goodwill, they could give them to me.

also sent a message to a local radio station, to Ellen, my neighbor's school and my son's school. I sent a pair of Drama Kids' hardly worn sandals as a "test" pair to see if they would be well received since they're not brand new. Sgt. said the people in the villages are rather proud. When he got the package he said they were perfect and he'd let me know once he'd given them out.

I have about 20 pairs of shoes in my garage right now, but I really hoped I'd get a better response from the schools. I've been
bummed and mopey and disappointed that I haven't been more successful at the ONE thing Sgt. has asked of me. Then I got an email today that lifted me out of my funk a little.

This is the kind of stuff we don't see enough of on the news. I'm happy someone was successful. I've tried but can't pick out my son's pair. Knowing they are there and will go to a child in need makes me smile.

On a side note, several people have asked how to get involved with adopting a soldier. I received two emails recently from Adopt A US Soldier and for the first time in years there is a surplus of soldiers waiting to be adopted. The weather in Iraq is about to change and fleece blankets, hats and gloves are on the soldiers' most wanted list.

Wordless wednesday Sunset at the Beach

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Either I caught the sun in the split second it was about to implode and then changed its mind or there was something on my camera lens.

History in the Making

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

In all honesty, I didn't think I'd see this day until I had grandchildren. Millions of people are casting their votes for a party that will put either a black man or a woman into the highest offices in our government. I was so proud to stand in the booth today and choose the candidate I feel will best represent and work for the needs of the American public. No matter which candidate wins, history is being made today.

It is our duty as Americans to know the issues and the candidates and to make our opinions known by going to the polls. Those who say they will not vote, that their vote doesn't matter, that they do not like the candidates so why bother should be ashamed. Voting is privilege and honor not to be taken lightly and to ignore that responsibility is like taking a shit in the middle of the Vatican.

I cast my vote this morning because African American blood was shed for my right to do so.

I cast my vote today because women before me spoke up and demanded their voices be heard within the political arena.

I cast my vote today because men and women in the armed services fight and die to protect my freedom, rights and the democracy of our great nation. I cast my vote because I am a parent who wants her child to see how important it is to be involved in the political process. I voted today because I want our country to be great again.

In the Blink of An Eye

Monday, November 3, 2008

Yesterday morning, before Drama Kid's second birthday party (yes, two I'm a sucker and softie, sue me). I watched the video from his first birthday and got all teary.

I cannot believe how fast the time has gone. Before I had him life seemed to move at a normal pace. Slow even. But
the minute the doctor put him in my arms, time seems to have accelerated tenfold. Maybe pushing a baby out releases something into the atmosphere?

I look at him when he doesn't know I'm watching and sometimes the love, pride, honor at being his mom, protectiveness and fear for the day he strikes out on his own overwhelms me. He is such an incredible little man.

Dear Drama Kid-
In the blink of an eye you have
gone from baby to boy. You bypassed crawling, hit the ground running and never looked back. Your fearlessness has stopped my heart more times than I like to count. Your sensitivity, empathy and loving nature makes me smile.

You are the light and joy in our lives and we thank God for blessing us with you. We wish you love, health, peace and happiness in your sixth year. You are, and always will be, my precious cargo. Happy birthday! We love you so, so much!

October Bloggy Carnival Winners!!!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Sorry this is so late. We went to a birthday/Halloween party last night and had the first of two birthday parties for my son today.The carnival is fun but I'm glad it's over! Though I'm sure in January we'll all be saying, "Already? It seems like we just had a carnival!"

Thank you to everyone who entered. I really wanted this carnival to be at least as good as my last one and it ended up being better! Thank you too to my sponsors, EarthExpressions and Dropps for offering such great prizes.
Congratulations everyone!

The winners:

The Target card goes to Chantelle

The grand prize winner of a three-month supply of Dropps is Grace. Betsy and Emily (no blog) are the runners up and will receive samples.

The book lover's prize goes to Suz.

The handmade pendant from EarthExpressions goes to ahiltz.

The three boxes of Jer's Handmade chocolates goes to Rebecca (no blog).

Go back to the Bloggy Carnival Giveaway to see a list of all the winners.

Bloggy Carnival Giveaway Day 5- $25 Target Gift Card

Thursday, October 30, 2008

**COMMENTS NOW CLOSED** Short and sweet today. I'm a bargain shopper by nature. I avoid paying full price whenever I can. I research things online and cut coupons. This is the first time in several years the holidays are going to take more than a little creativity on my part. And I know I'm not alone. Hopefully this will help.

To enter:
1. Leave a comment. More than "enter me," or "I'm in!" please. What are you doing this weekend? What did you have for dinner last night? Tell me a joke. Whatever.

2. I MUST have a way to get in touch with you! NoReply@Blogger will not send you a response. I will have to delete comments with no contact info.

3. Comments will close on Friday, October 31st at 11:59pm CA time.

4. I will use to draw the winners and post the results/notify winner via email and in a "Winners" post on Saturday 11/1.

6. You don't need a blog to win, but I MUST have a way to contact you. US residents only (sorry!)

***My other 4 giveaways also end tonight. Odds are pretty good!***

Day 1: chocolate from Jer's Handmade

Day 2: handmade pendant from Etsy seller EarthExpressions

Day 3: great fiction book, $5 each to Starbucks/Barnes and Noble, tote

Day 4: enviro friendly Dropps laundry soap

Bloggy Giveaway Day 4- Enviro Friendly Laundry Soap


Going green and changing the impact my family has on the environment can often seem daunting. Sometimes it's hard for me to know where to start, what changes to make, what we can afford to do and what changes will have the most impact.

I believe we all need to be more conscious of what is happening to our planet, but I also believe in doing what is practical for you and your family. I'd love to stop using paper towels, but know I'd never be able to keep up with the laundry so I try to buy recycled ones and I use cloth towels for dusting and light cleaning.

One change I have been able to stick with is using environmentally friendly laundry soap. When I saw an ad for today's sponsor, I emailed and they responded right away with a really great offer for THREE winners!

Dropps are concentrated liquid gel pods just like ones for the dishwasher. They dissolve immediately, are biodegradable and are phosphate, chlorine and NPE free (I had to look up the last one, it's nonylphenol ethoxylate). Dropps are sold online through their site, Amazon and Drugstore; and in Target, Wal Mart and Whole Foods.

They come in three sizes: 2,20 and 26 load pouches. I asked if a larger size is available through Costco or Sam's. A 42 load size will be available in December but only at the current locations. They come in a Fresh scent or dye-free non-scented which would be good for hubby's eczema.

One winner will receive a three-month supply of Dropps! That's 60 washloads (three 20 load pouches)! And two runners up will receive sample packages.

**Update: The literal second I hit publish, the doorbell rang with my samples! I'm not being dramatic either. I swear! Funny how things like that happen. Like when you think of a song and it comes on the radio. Anyway, I gathered up some of the mountains of my laundry and used one of the 2-load packs for a large load. The packs float and look like dying jellyfish while they're dissolving.

To enter:

1. Go to the Dropps site to read more about their environmental benefits.

2. Come back here and leave a comment on this post and tell me your impressions or what you're doing to be more green - required.
3. I MUST have a way to get in touch with you! NoReply@Blogger will not send you a response. I will have to delete comments with no contact info.
4. Comments will close on Friday, October 31st at 11:59pm CA time.

5. I will use to draw the winners and post the results/notify winner via email and in a "Winners" post on Saturday 11/1. The lowest number will be grand prize winner.

6. You don't need a blog to win, but I MUST have a way to contact you. US residents only (sorry!)
***Enter the day 1 chocolate giveaway here, day 2 handmade pendant here and day 3 book lover's prize here. Tomorrow: Target

Bloggy Giveaway Day 3- Book Lovers Prize

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

**COMMENTS NOW CLOSED** If you have been here before you know how much I like to read. If you haven't been here before, I REALLY like to read. In my reading list recently I gave a big thumbs up to Joshilyn Jackson and predicted she'd become one of my favorite auhors. After reading her latest book, The Girl Who Stopped Swimming, I stand by that statement even more. The book was really good. No, great. I couldn't put it down. If you're not reading her, you should be.

I've been using my local library more and more since our budget can't keep up with book bingeing. I got the email that the new book was available last Wednesday but didn't pick it up until Friday literally minutes before the 5 o'clock closing time. I started reading it in the evening after dinner, stayed up till about midnight and finished it at 12:47 pm on Saturday. Did I mention it's a really good book?

Jackson has a very easy writing style. Her characters are unique and vibrant. The stories flow and the plots are engaging. When I saw one of her books on the clearance rack, I knew it would make a great giveaway.

The winner will receive a new hardback copy of Jackson's book Between, Georgia, a $5 Starbucks card, $5 Barnes and Noble card and a re-usable tote.

To enter:

1. Go to Joshilyn Jackson's site to read the synopses of her three books (She doesn't know I'm doing this).

2. Come back here and leave a comment on this post and tell me which you'd like to read first (under the books tab) - required.

3. I MUST have a way to get in touch with you! NoReply@Blogger will not send you a response. I will have to delete comments with no contact info.

4. Comments will close on Friday, October 31st at 11:59pm CA time.

5. I will use to draw the winner and post the results/notify winner via email and in a "Winners" post on Saturday 11/1.

6. You don't need a blog to win, but I MUST have a way to contact you. US residents only (sorry!)

**Enter the day 1 chocolate giveaway here and the day 2 pendant here**

Bloggy Carnival Giveaway Day 2- Handmade Pendant

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

**COMMENTS NOW CLOSED** As Napoleon Dynamite would say, "Lucky!" Today I have a handmade wood pendant from the Etsy shop of Susy at EarthExpressions. It will pain me to give this away.

Susy's jewelry is just beautiful. I'm so ha
ppy she responded to my tweet and offered to participate in my giveaway. In addition to the wood pendants she has recycled glass pendants and rings.

Susy has a special going on right now, be sure to read the details when you click over to her site (the one of a kind pieces are awesome!). You can also sign up for her mailing list to be alerted to other sales and specials.
AND she has generously offered a 15% discount to any order placed during the Carnival (10/27-10/31). Use code ADramaticMommy at checkout. Susy will apply the discount for you or you can ask for a revised invoice. Awesome!

The winner of today's giveaway will receive this pendant and tin:

Gorgeous, right? Here's how to enter:

1. Go to the EarthExpressions shop to see the other items Susy offers.

2. Come back here and leave a comment on this post and tell me what you'd buy - required.

3. I MUST have a way to get in touch with you! NoReply@Blogger will not send you a response. I will have to delete comments with no contact info.

4. Comments will close on Friday, October 31st at 11:59pm CA time.

5. I will use to draw the winner and post the results/notify winner via email and in a "Winners" post on Saturday 11/1.

6. You don't need a blog to win, but I MUST have a way to contact you. Guess what internationals? You're in! (Thanks Susy!)

***Enter my day 1 chocolate giveaway here***

Bloggy Carnival Giveaway Day 1- Gourmet Chocolates

Monday, October 27, 2008

**COMMENTS NOW CLOSED** It's the most wonderful time of the year! Bloggy Giveaway Carnival time! I have so much fun during this week. The last carnival had over 1,000 participants and with the holidays coming, I bet it will be that big again (if not bigger!)

Welcome to people visiting for the first time. I appreciate you stopping by and I'd love to see you back again. My last carnival went so well I decided to do it again. I'll have a different item each day this week so please check back.

I thought I'd start the week with chocolate. It's one of my addictions and this company, Jer's Gourmet Chocolates, feeds the addiction well. Jer's is a local company started by Jerry Swain in his parent's kitchen. If you like chocolate and peanut butter, you'll love these!

I have three boxes of the newest item in their product line, the peanut butter bars. The winner will receive one box each of Toffee Break, Cara Mella and the Original IncrediBar (I'm keeping the Pretzo Change-O!). Each box has two bars.

To enter:
1. Go to the Jer's Handmade site to see the other items offered.

2. Come back here and leave a comment on this post and tell me what you'd buy - required.

3. I MUST have a way to get in touch with you! NoReply@Blogger will not send you a response. I will have to delete comments with no contact info.

4. Comments will close on Friday, October 31st at 11:59pm CA time.

5. I will use to draw the winner and post the results/notify winner via email and in a "Winners" post on Saturday 11/1.

6. You don't need a blog to win, but I MUST have a way to contact you. US residents only (sorry!)

7. If you live in a warm weather state, I will ship them as quickly as I can afford to but I'm not responsible for their condition on arrival.

A Mini Rant

Sunday, October 26, 2008

I need to get this off my chest so I can move on. Tomorrow is the first day of the last Bloggy Carnival Giveaway of the year. I sent out several letters asking for donations. Can I just say the etiquette in business seems to have gone of leg warmers and ripped jeans?

I get it that not everyone "understands" blogging and the culture. I know I'm not on the A-list with a giant readership. But for a business to not even send a generic form letter in this day and age is pathetic. It's unprofessional, inconsiderate and bad business.

Thanks, I feel better.

Any Interest in A Christmas Wishlist Carnival?

Friday, October 24, 2008

I am thinking of doing a What I'd Put on My Christmas List if Money Were No Object post. Is anyone interested in playing along? We can limit it to 5 things. Leave a comment if you're interested. If enough people want to play I'll put up a Mr. Linky. (Image from here)

A New Bitch, Seahorse Testicles and A Wedding

The Bitches went out last night and it was good. We brought a new bitch into the group and she's either quiet by nature or we scared her a little.

We ate good food, drank a little and indulged in dessert. And flossed.

At the end of the night, in a Prop 8 moment, we had an impromptu wedding officiated by two corpses. These two have been flirting for awhile. It's good they finally made it official (Tom and Tech Support are totally OK with it. I think).

And does this seahorse look well endowed or is just me?

Missed you, bitches. Let's not wait so long again, OK?

Shoes missing: Aaryn and Sam (and the new bitch)

Snippets: Those Grey Guys

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Drama Kid wore his Raider jersey to school yesterday and he had to set something straight with one his friends:

DK: Today at school J told me those grey guys never win anything.

Me: Well, he's sort of right. Our team hasn't been good for several years now.

DK: But I told him at least we've won three Super Balls.

Me and Drama Dad: That's Super Bowl.

We were still so proud! *sniff*

(image from here)

(Almost) Wordless Wednesday #18: Look Who's a Yellow Belt!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

He also received an award for respect. Toot! Toot!
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