Remembering 9/11

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Just for being Americans... By Dave Barry of the Miami Herald

Published Thursday, September 13, 2001

No humor column today. I don't want to write it, and you don't want to read it.

No words of wisdom, either. I wish I were wise enough to say something that would help make sense of this horror, something that would help ease the unimaginable pain of the victims' loved ones, but I'm not that wise. I'm barely capable of thinking. Like many others, I've spent the hours since Tuesday morning staring at the television screen, sometimes crying, sometimes furious, but mostly just stunned.

What I can't get out of my mind is the fact that they used our own planes. I grew up in the Cold War, when we always pictured the threat as coming in the form of missiles - sleek, efficient death machines, unmanned, hurtling over the North Pole from far away.

But what came, instead, were our own commercial airliners, big friendly flying buses coming from Newark and Boston with innocent people on board. Red, white and blue planes, with "United" and "American" written on the side. The planes you've flown in and I've flown in. That's what they used to attack us.

They were able to do it in part because our airport security is pathetic. But mainly they were able to do it because we are an open and trusting society that simply is not set up to cope with evil men, right here among us, who want to kill as many Americans as they can.

That's what's so hard to comprehend. They want us to die just for being Americans. They don't care which Americans die: military civilian Americans, young Americans, old Americans. Baby Americans. They don't care. To them, we're all mortal enemies.

The truth is that most Americans, until Tuesday, were only dimly aware of their existence, and posed no threat to them. But that doesn't matter to them; all that matters is that we're Americans. And so they used our own planes to kill us. And then their supporters celebrated in the streets.

I'm not naive about my country. My country is definitely not always right; my country has at times been terribly wrong. But I know this about Americans: We don't set out to kill innocent people. We don't cheer when innocent people die.

A DECENT PEOPLE The people who did this to us are monsters; the people who cheered them have hate-sickened minds. One reason they can cheer is that they know we would never do to them what their heroes did to us, even though we could, a thousand times worse. They know that when we hunt down the monsters, we will try hard not to harm the innocent. Those are the handcuffs we willingly wear, because for all our flaws, we are a decent people.

And now we are a traumatized people. The TV commentators keep saying that the attacks have awakened a "sleeping giant." And I guess we do look like a giant, to the rest of the world. But when I look around, I don't see a giant: I see millions of individuals - the resilient and caring citizens of New York and Washington; the incredibly brave firefighters, police officers and rescue workers risking their lives in the dust and flames; the politicians standing on the steps of the Capitol and singing an off-key rendition of God Bless America that, corny as it was, had me weeping; the reporters and photographers who have not slept, and will not sleep, as long as there is news to report; the people in my community, and communities across America, lining up to give blood, wishing they could do more.

A GOOD COUNTRY No, I don't see a giant. What I see is Americans. We may have the power of a giant, but we also have the heart of a good and generous people, and we will get through this. We will grieve for our dead, and tend to our wounded, and repair the damage, and tighten our security, and put our planes back in the air.

Eventually most of us, the ones lucky enough not to have lost somebody, will resume our lives. Some day, our country will track down the rest of the monsters behind this, and make them pay, and I suppose that will make most of us feel a little better. But revenge and hatred won't be why we'll go on. We'll go on because we know this is a good country, a country worth keeping.

(Pentagon Memorial)

Those who would destroy it only make us see more clearly how precious it is.

(all photos pulled from Google Images, clink on photo for source)

Wordless Wednesday #14 - The View at Happy Hour

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Need Your Help!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Last month I signed up with the Adopt A Soldier program. I've been emailing my soldier and sent my first care package a few weeks ago (and forgot to take pictures!)

I've enjoyed getting to know Sgt. R and look forward to building our friendship while he is deployed. I've committed to sending one care package a month. It's not required, just something I feel strongly about.

And here's where you come in (it will only cost a stamp): I'm pretty competitive and want my care packages to be the best. I want Sgt. R to be envied. I think it would be nice to include notes from other people since he and I email pretty regularly.

I'd like to be able to include a few postcards in each of his care packages and hope to get one from each of the 50 states.
It can be a joke, a funny website or just a quick hello. If you find a funny/interesting newspaper or
magazine article that would be goo too.

They have limited access to TV and Sgt. and his group (squad?) are separated from their main unit and they are BORED.

If you would like to send a postcard to Sgt. R please email me at ADramaticMommy [at] gmail [dot] com and I'll give you my address. I don't know too many people in other states so please pass this around.

This isn't about supporting the war. This is about the men and women who miss their families. Anything from "home" goes a long way in making them feel a little less lon
ely. Thank you!

PS- Sgt. is originally from Ohio and is a HUGE Buckeye's fan. I hope someone from Ohio represents! (postcard photos from here)

***Read the update here***

Dipping My Toes In

My uncle emailed this to me:

A white man asked his black friend, "Are you voting for Barack Obama just because he's black?”

The black man responded by saying, "Why not? Hell, in this country men are pulled over everyday just cause they're black; passed over for
promotions just cause they're black; considered to be criminals just
cause they're black; and there are going to be thousands of you who
won't be voting for him just because he's black!

However, you do not seem to have a problem with that! This country was built with the sweat and whip off the black slaves' back, and now a descendant of those same slaves has a chance to lead the same country, where we weren't even considered to be people, where we weren't allowed to be educated, drink from the same water fountains, eat in the same restaurants, or even vote.

So yes! I'm going to vote for him! But it's not just because he's black, but because he is hope, he is change, and he now allows me to understand when my grandson says that he wants to be president when he grows up, it is not a fairy tale but a short term goal.

He now sees, understands and knows that he can achieve, withstand and do ANYTHING just because he's black!"

(photo from

A Wedding Story

Monday, September 8, 2008

He came home on leave and she asked, "So, um, do you still want to marry me?" and he said, "Hell yes! " and they exchanged vows one week later in a civil ceremony. There were no flowers, no rings, no photographers. The wedding colors were denim and denim.
After the ceremony they went home to their apartment by the beach, he carried her over the threshold and they ate macaroni and cheese. She went to work, he got ready to head back to his ship the next day.

They kept their marriage secret from all but a few close friends and family intending to "get engaged" when they saved up for the rings and then "get married" six months later because who needs a long engagement and they had been together since they were 17 (except for the time he was stationed in Italy) and they got married two days after his sister and didn't want to steal her thunder.

Except there was a flaw in their plan. If they "married" so soon after his sister, his out of town relatives would not be able to fly out to California again so soon, so they "got engaged" but changed their plans and set a date one year in the future on the day of their original anniversary in high school.

She put a deposit on a place and she and her mother shopped for dresses and she would take off her wedding band when any of the family were around and they continued to live happily together at their apartment by the beach.


Except their was another flaw in their plan. After almost eight months, her father, who worked in law enforcement, started to get suspicious so he wrote to the county recorder's office and requested a copy of their marriage license which he produced one day with a "do you have something you want to tell us?"

And she fessed up and explained the reasons why they didn't tell and stopped looking for dresses and canceled the place and was secretly a little relieved because the "wedding" was getting bigger than she wanted it to anyway.

Her mother threw them a party and a few close friends and family ate, drank and got merry to celebrate the couple's soon to be one year anniversary and she thought, "we'll just renew our vows on our ten year anniversary," and they continued to live happily in their apartment by the beach.

Fast forward 10 years, two more apartments, at least five jobs, several cars, a post 9/11 activation, one baby, typical marriage ups and downs, a house purchased, a kitchen remodeled and job lost and that's where you will find them today.

And she would like him to know how very lucky she is and how much she loves him and how thankful she is for the life they have built together and she would marry him in secret all over again but this time in a dress and they continue to live happily together in their house
by near pretty close to the beach.

Happy Anniversary Honey! 

(That was the really really condensed version)

Friday Funky

Friday, September 5, 2008

The kids are back in school, back on a routine and it's Friday! I don't know about you but that makes me want to do a happy dance! Have a good weekend!

SeeqPod - Playable Search

If Men Wore Bras...

They'd be cheaper and not vary so much by brand. I spent the better part of yesterday going back and forth from the racks (hee hee) to the dressing rooms.

Apparently the girls have gotten bigger. Did you hear that? Yeah, that was my husband.

I finally got fed up, grabbed a whole bunch and will be sorting through the candy colored pile this weekend. (Big sale at Kohl's if you're in need of new boulder holders too).

Wordless Wednesday #13 - When Dad Makes Dinner

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Coming Attractions

For the past few weeks. I've been in a blogging funk. (Here's the part where you say, Really? I hadn't noticed!).

I've sat in front of the computer with nothing original coming to mind and said ah, screw it.

Hopefully having some quiet time will help and if nothing else I can use a distraction from missing my baby.

Here are a few things I've written in my notebook that I hope to get to soon:

1. The fall TV and movie schedules and how I'd love to be a couch potato.
2. Cascade vs. Electrasol
3. Adding to my reading list and the books I've purchased recently (I think it's becoming an addiction. I just can't stop!).

4. My adopted soldier and how I'll need your help (it will only cost you a stamp).

5. The 10 Things About Me meme Steph tagged me for.

Very ambitious, I know.

To My Son on His First Day of School

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

When I woke you this morning with kisses and a "wake up First Grader!," I was fine.

When I made your breakfast I was fine.

When we took our first day pictures and set out walking to school, I was fine.
When we got to your new classroom and introduced ourselves to your new teacher, I was fine.

When you ran off to play tether ball without a backward glance, even then I was fine.

But when the bell rang, and it was time for me to say goodbye, that's when I stopped being fine.

Seeing you there, at your own little desk with the cubby built in, I was overwhelmed with pride and love and longing for the baby I used to have.

As I write this there are tears on the keyboard. But they are happy tears.

Know that Daddy and I are so proud of you. You are the best kid any parents could have.

We're so blessed and grateful you chose us to be your Mom and Dad.

You will always be my favorite, my precious cargo.

And when I pick you up from school later today with a "how'd it go First Grader?", I will be fine.

Weekend Events 8/29 - 9/1

Friday, August 29, 2008

Have a great holiday weekend!

The Leucadia Art Walk is Sunday from 10-5 on Highway 101 in Encinitas.

Scrapbook Expo at the Convention Center today and tomorrow.

This is the last weekend for the
Etch A Sketch exhibit at the UCSD Arts Library. (photo from here)
Chris Cornell at the
House of Blues tonight. (photo from here)

Apparently this is a good weekend for
Grunion Runs (mostly Sunday/early Monday) Eeew!

12th Annual Weiner Nationals at Qualcomm Stadium Saturday at 9:30 (this has happened 11 times before?!)

The Padres play the Colorado Rockies today, tomorrow and Sunday.

Kids Puppets on Parade Monday at Balboa Park.

Not a huge movie weekend despite the holiday. The only one I've heard of
is Traitor.

Dance Party Friday

Anyone remember Dance Party USA? I used to watch it religiously. I would call my friend and we'd watch together over the phone. Ahh, memories. Happy Friday and have a great holiday weekend!

SeeqPod - Playable Search

Wordless Wednesday #12 - Playing Calvin Pool with Drama Dad

Going Through Withdrawls

Monday, August 25, 2008

I can without a doubt say this was the best Olympics I've ever seen. I don't know what to do with myself at night.

Thank you Team USA for making it so compelling.

Thank you for giving families an opportunity to sit down and watch TV together.

Thank you for giving us parents a way to show our kids what hard work, dedication and perseverance can achieve.

Thank you for handling yourselves with grace.

Thank you. Just, thank you. No, really, thank you. A lot.

I cheered for you and shed tears for you. Can't wait to see what you do in 2012.
(Photos from NBC, MSNBC and Phelp's abs from here)

My Life in Six Words

Friday, August 22, 2008

The most awesome Mommy Pie tagged me last week in a meme. I have to describe my life in six words then tag five other people.

My answers to these types of things always depend on my mood. Today is Friday and I'm not in the best of moods.

Let's see if I will answer this differently next week.

My Life in Six Words on Friday:

1. Boring

2. Routine

3. Good

4. Hopeful

5. Mellow

6. Happy

My Life In Six Words on Tuesday:
1. Stasis
2. Good
3. Happy
4. Optimistic
5. Funny
6. Evolving

What a difference a weekend makes. I'm not tagging anyone. I'm sorry. Feel free to play along either here or on your blog and let me know if you do!

A Little Funk for Your Friday

A few songs to put a wiggle in your butt, bob to your head and bounce in your step. Happy Friday and have a good weekend! (Sorry for any earworms!)

SeeqPod - Playable Search

Wordless Wednesday #11 Yum!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read - Groucho Marx

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Since I still can't string a sentence into an original post, I give you my reading wish list. Well, part of it. I keep a running list of books I want to read in my PDA. Here are a few. Click on the book title to go to a synopsis. If you've read any of the titles, let me know!

Why Girls Are Weird, Pamela Ribon

The Senator's Wife, Sue Miller

The Rest of Her Life, Laura Moriarty

Mermaids in the Basement, Michael Lee West

The Heroines, Eileen Favorite

Don't You Forget About Me, Jancee Dunn

The Grift, Debra Ginsberg

(Book covers from Google Images and Amazon)

Brain Cells Not Firing

Monday, August 18, 2008

Because I have absolutely nothing interesting to say, here's what I put on my iPod today. If you have any 'shake that booty' music to add, please leave it in the comments. I love having great music in my playlist for my walking or housecleaning!

Thanks to Moosh In Indy, San Diego Momma, Single Working Mommy and Modern Single Momma!

Weekend Events 8/15 - 8/17

Friday, August 15, 2008

Surf Competition and Beach Festival at the Oceanside
pier today through Sunday. (click on photo, picture from there)

Surfrider Foundation beach clean up at Moonlight beach with after party at The Belly Up.

Moonlight Movie in Del Mar. Showing Surf's Up around 8pm. Free

Lots of movies opening this weekend including one with a little controversy. Drama Dad is taking a vacation day Monday to take Drama Kid to see the new Star Wars.
Leo Carillo Film Festival every Friday through September 12th. Showing films from Hollywood's Golden Age. Free

Home and Garden

Remodeling Show at the San Diego Convention Center.

B Side Players Saturday at
The Belly Up.

The Wailers at the
Del Mar Fairground tonight after the races.


Sea Life Aquarium opened August 11th. Open until 8:00pm through the end of September.
(movie photos from Fandango)

38 Miles

Thursday, August 14, 2008

According to Mapquest, that's the distance between my front door and the salon I'll be going to today to get my hair done. Why? Because that's where the stylist I go to, and have followed around the county for about 10 years, works. Because once you find the person who can work magic with your hair, they own you. I'm nothing if not loyal.

I have always had a love hate relationship with my hair. When I was little, I loved having hair, hated getting it done. I wasn't "tender headed" but the tugging, pulling
and hurt knuckles from those giant beads at the end of the elastic hair ties as well as  the occasional burn from the hot comb (heated on the stove) made me (and my mom) a little cranky.
Now, as an adult, I love getting my hair done but hate the expense and the time I have to spend on it. I love my highlights. I love the scalp massage (almost orgasmic!). I love the look of a fresh blowout. I love how shiny and bouncy my hair is when it's just been done. I love that my husband and son remember to compliment me when I get home.

I hate the three to three and half hours I spend in the salon (though with travel time there and back I get a nice amount of 'me time'). I hate the smell of the relaxer. I hate the occasional chemical burns on my scalp.
But, ethnic hair is high maintenance hair so high it's ho, high
ho down the freeway I go. I don't think there is anything else in my life that I will schedule 9 weeks in advance, secure a sitter and make sure the car has a full tank of gas for other than a night out with my husband which better end with sex.
So, if you happen to be at My Happy Place later this afternoon and see a woman who looks like me with shiny swinging hair, please stop and say and hello.  

(hot comb photo credit here)

Wordless Wednesday #10 Superheroes - Just Like Us

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

My Inner Lolita

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

I was 12 the first time I was seriously attracted to an older man. I had just seen White Nights, and fell in love with Mikhail Baryshnikov. And man, did I want to be a dancer! I wanted someone with his eyes and accent and body to hold me and dance with me the way he did in the opening sequence of that movie. And I wanted to dance to Say You, Say Me by Lionel Ritchie.

Misha's (I can call him that) grace, beauty and passion are legendary and unparalleled. He oozes sex appeal. I watched White Nights whenever it was on cable. The politics of the story was lost on me, but the dancing! The dancing was so moving. I am a fan of ballet (and Misha) because of that movie.

There's more August Movie Madness over at Jen's. (photo from here, movie sequence from You Tube)
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