Guess What Wii Got?

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Drama Dad is my hero! We've been combing the internet and relentlessly stalking Target, WalMart, Toys R Us and BestBuy hoping we'd get lucky. Shows how much we know.

Apparently, lines form before the stores open. This has been the gaming equivalent of The Holy Grail. Even if I was only sort of near one of these stores, I would run in just in case. I've burned enough gas to more than pay for the the thing itself!

But, this past Sunday, victory! Drama Dad set his alarm, threw on some clothes and rushed out the door around 9:00. The hunt was on. He had a route in mind, starting east and working his way west among the strip malls. He was just about to leave store #3 when he spotted it, low on a shelf not in the same area as the other Wii accessories.

Within an hour of my proud warriors return, I was doing this:

And I am sore. But in a good way. I'm loving the Yoga and Aerobics. The Balance excercises are hard but fun, and the Strength Training is intimidating but necessary.

The first time I did the soccer excercise (bend at the waist to "head" the balls coming at you) and my Mii got hit in the face with a cleat, I laughed so hard I spit. Drama Kid thinks this is hilarious.

And the Hula Hooping? Made me sweat a little. I will not tell you my Wii Fit age, but suffice it to say my competitive nature almost guarantees I'll be excercising enough to see that number go down!

The more you excercise, the more "credits" you earn in your bank. The credits unlock other excercises or yoga poses. I really like the way the excercises force you to focus on your center and posture. The closer you are to center balance, the more your score for that excercise goes up.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have an overwhelming desire to her my son's infectious laugh so I'm off to play excercise. (PS- Nintendo has no idea I posted this).

Update: I ended up doing more time because I unlocked more excercises. And I'm happy to report my Fit age dropped significantly to 36!

add to kirtsy


  1. I think I NEED that! Maybe it will trick me into exercising.

  2. I am new to your blog -
    I SO need to get me one of these!!! Totally jealous here!!!

  3. We have been going back and forth on getting a Wii...I think this just tipped the scales (no pun intended) in favour of getting one. My 18 year old, who heads off to college in August (sniffle) thinks we should get HER one too for her dorm, after seeing all your pics!

  4. Sarah- It definitely doesn't feel like exercise (except the next day!)

    Amanda- Welcome! I love seeing new faces.

    Auds- LOL! She'd be really popular on her floor. (Hmm, that could be either good or bad) We LOVE our system, it's been great for us and having play dates/Happy Hour. I don't know anyone who's regretted buying one.

  5. Oh I am so jealous! We also look everytime we're near a store where we might possibly find one. And thank you for showing the screen shots because now I just KNOW that I need one!!! :)

  6. I want a Wii so I can do that!

  7. We love our Wii Fit here! My favorite is the hula hoop!!!

  8. Elizabeth- It's definitely been worth the investment.

    Meg- Use the Wii Fit sight, you might get lucky.

    Leah- The hula hoop is great. My hips are so sore from trying to get 400 spins per side!

    Again, welcome to the new faces. I'm so happy you're here!

  9. I LOVE my Wiiii! I have sent the hubby out in search of the wii fit so that as soon as I am no longer crippled I can play. I get so jealous everytime I hear it's a blast...LOL.

  10. I'm dying to get our Wii out of storage just for Wii Fit. Gaaaaa!!

  11. I want one, I want one, I want one.

    When is the invitation coming for a BitchHer Group Yoga via the Wii Fit?

    I'm waiting....

  12. We bought a PS2 before the Wii came out. It is fun for my son, but I have Wii envy. Especially seeing the WiiFit. Glad you are enjoying though.

  13. We bought a PS2 before the Wii came out. It is fun for my son, but I have Wii envy. Especially seeing the WiiFit. Glad you are enjoying though.

  14. I've convinced myself that this is the only way I will ever ever exercise (in the privacy of my own home, blinds closed, with computer-created peer pressure). They had one at BlogHer to try out but no frickin' thank you.

    Will send my husband out each dawn until we get one...

    P.S. You are *hawt* in your sweats - I'm totally not joking. Carry on.

  15. We don't yet own a Wii, but we've been thinking about it for a while now. My interest went up a lot when I saw the Wii Fit come out. Now that I've seen this post, though, I'm dying to get one!!! Maybe this weekend?????


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