Wordless Wednesday #5

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


  1. that's an awesome picture :) Happy WW.

  2. I love orange :)
    Happy WW!

  3. Forgive me for being dense, but what are those?

  4. At first I thought it was a wall of shoes, lol. What is it? Very curious.
    Happy WW

  5. I thought shoes too but that was just wishful thinking!

  6. What is it? Did i ever tell you that I love your blog design? Very cool and well, happy.
    There, now I've told you. (note to self)

  7. I'm with everyone else. Tell tell! What ARE they?

    Great shot though, whatever it is!

  8. Wow! You've got me. I even clicked to get a closer look and still can't figure out what it is a picture of :)

  9. Hi Everyone! Thanks SO much for stopping by! I see lots of new faces and I hope you'll all be back!

    I didn't expect this reaction from the photo! I'm going to be a little cruel and make you wait a bit longer for the answer. I'm curious to see if someone will figure it out!

    (See Jackie G, I let the game go on longer this time! And yes, you did compliment the blog but I never tire of compliments!)

  10. so they look like bird skulls . Am I close? Pretty cool shot. Happy Wordless

  11. THey look liks skulls of some kind of animal. Love the orange color!

  12. I just have no idea what this is...shoes?

  13. Oops! Sorry, I didn't mean to drag it out this long. Blame it on all the sun I've gotten this week at the beach.

    Ryanne and Tiff are the closest. They are Dire Wolf skulls from the La Brea Tar Pit.

    I thought the orange lighting made it look pretty in a gothic sort of way.

    Next week's picture won't be a mystery. Have a good weekend!


Thank you for visiting and letting me know your thoughts!

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