Showing posts with label reading. Show all posts
Showing posts with label reading. Show all posts

Bloggy Carnival Giveaway Day 5- Encouraging Me Time For You

Friday, January 30, 2009

***CLOSED*** I don't know about you guys but I'm about carnival'd out and I still have so many to enter! But I have to take the time to thank everyone for participating and Tweeting for me. I really appreciate it and I'm sure the sponsors do too. I've got new followers on Twitter and here on the blog and I hope you stick around. You won't regret it. I can be pretty funny sometimes. Moving on. Short and sweet today:

This giveaway is a little self serving. I just agreed to do book reviews at a fairly new site, and I want to have an arsenal of books at the ready (see that? sounding literary already!) So, to enter this contest please leave me a suggestion for a really good book. Maybe your favorite of all time or one that made you think, made you cry, or was just so good you read it in a few hours.

My only caveat (again with the literary!) is no Twilight or Sisterhood of the Shopaholics. Not that those books are bad (I don't want to incur the wrath of you Twilighters. You're serious about that Edward guy. Plus, I read plenty of chick lit). I just want books with a little more.... meat to them.

In exchange for providing me with your suggestions I will buy a book for you.* I know there are a lot of fellow readers out there and I'm sure your "to be read" lists are just as long as mine. So to enter:

1. Leave me a comment with your most awesomest book suggestion (required).

2. *The winner will receive a book from me in the form of a $20 gift card to Borders, Barnes and Noble or Amazon for an international winner (some countries don't allow Amazon cards, make sure yours does before entering).

3. For an extra entry
(not required), send out a Tweet about this contest and come back to this post with the link to your Tweet. Here's the shortened link to this post: (you'll need a Twitter account.)*ETA: If you're the chosen winner and you've sent out a Tweet to help me publicize, I'll throw in a $5 Starbucks card!

4. I MUST have a way to get in touch with you! NoReply@Blogger will not send you a response. I will have to delete comments with no contact info.You can leave your email address in the myemail [at] thisaddress [dot] com format to prevent spam.

5. Comments will close on Friday, January 30th at 11:59pm CA time.

6. I will use to draw the winner and post the results/notify winners via email and in a "Winners" post on Saturday 1/31.

7. Winner will have until Monday, 2/2 to respond or a new winner will be chosen.

8. You don't need a blog to win, but I MUST have a way to contact you. US residents only (sorry!)

Below are my other giveaways which also end tonight. Click the picture or follow the link in my upper right sidebar to enter.

(Coffee photo from here)
Be sure to visit the carnival giveaway hub all week for more great contests!

Bloggy Giveaway Day 3- Book Lovers Prize

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

**COMMENTS NOW CLOSED** If you have been here before you know how much I like to read. If you haven't been here before, I REALLY like to read. In my reading list recently I gave a big thumbs up to Joshilyn Jackson and predicted she'd become one of my favorite auhors. After reading her latest book, The Girl Who Stopped Swimming, I stand by that statement even more. The book was really good. No, great. I couldn't put it down. If you're not reading her, you should be.

I've been using my local library more and more since our budget can't keep up with book bingeing. I got the email that the new book was available last Wednesday but didn't pick it up until Friday literally minutes before the 5 o'clock closing time. I started reading it in the evening after dinner, stayed up till about midnight and finished it at 12:47 pm on Saturday. Did I mention it's a really good book?

Jackson has a very easy writing style. Her characters are unique and vibrant. The stories flow and the plots are engaging. When I saw one of her books on the clearance rack, I knew it would make a great giveaway.

The winner will receive a new hardback copy of Jackson's book Between, Georgia, a $5 Starbucks card, $5 Barnes and Noble card and a re-usable tote.

To enter:

1. Go to Joshilyn Jackson's site to read the synopses of her three books (She doesn't know I'm doing this).

2. Come back here and leave a comment on this post and tell me which you'd like to read first (under the books tab) - required.

3. I MUST have a way to get in touch with you! NoReply@Blogger will not send you a response. I will have to delete comments with no contact info.

4. Comments will close on Friday, October 31st at 11:59pm CA time.

5. I will use to draw the winner and post the results/notify winner via email and in a "Winners" post on Saturday 11/1.

6. You don't need a blog to win, but I MUST have a way to contact you. US residents only (sorry!)

**Enter the day 1 chocolate giveaway here and the day 2 pendant here**

Updated Reading List

Thursday, September 18, 2008

My mom and I have the same taste in books. Whenever we're together, whether it's at Costco, the mall or Target, we generally end up cruising through the book isle. If we both see something we'd like one of us will buy it and pass it on to the other.

We can often be heard saying something along the lines of, "I don't need to bring another book into the house right now!" but invariably the deals will be too good to pass up and we'll each leave the store with an armload. The last time she was here, I took her to my library's used book store. She was in heaven. We rarely go anywhere without a book.

We're both pretty picky about who we lend our books to. We're "good" readers and treat our books very well and expect others to do the same. I have rules when I lend out a book:

1. No dog-eared pages
2. Don't crack the spine

3. No leaving the book open, turned upside down to hold your place

I know. I have issues.

Anyway, when I first started this blog I created a thread with some of my recent reads. At the time, I wished it could have been a more complete
list, but I had given my mom a giant stack of books and couldn't remember all the titles.

You know where this is going, right?

Click over to my reading list. I've added all these titles starting with The Alphabet Sisters (scroll down, it's in red). I've also linked to the reviews on Amazon. I'm thinking of selling all these on Amazon or posting them on Craigslist. Anyone have good luck with Amazon? Is it worth the hassle?

Yet Another Thing Making Me Feel Old

Saturday, September 13, 2008

I am blown away that it's been 10 years since the first book in the Harry Potter series came out. It took me awhile to jump on that bandwagon but I'm so glad I did. I absolutely loved the books and have been impressed with the way the movies have followed them so closely.

Head over to MomDot and enter their anniversary contest from Scholastic. The books are being re-released as a boxed collectors set with new artwork. Good luck!

Coming Attractions

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

For the past few weeks. I've been in a blogging funk. (Here's the part where you say, Really? I hadn't noticed!).

I've sat in front of the computer with nothing original coming to mind and said ah, screw it.

Hopefully having some quiet time will help and if nothing else I can use a distraction from missing my baby.

Here are a few things I've written in my notebook that I hope to get to soon:

1. The fall TV and movie schedules and how I'd love to be a couch potato.
2. Cascade vs. Electrasol
3. Adding to my reading list and the books I've purchased recently (I think it's becoming an addiction. I just can't stop!).

4. My adopted soldier and how I'll need your help (it will only cost you a stamp).

5. The 10 Things About Me meme Steph tagged me for.

Very ambitious, I know.

Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read - Groucho Marx

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Since I still can't string a sentence into an original post, I give you my reading wish list. Well, part of it. I keep a running list of books I want to read in my PDA. Here are a few. Click on the book title to go to a synopsis. If you've read any of the titles, let me know!

Why Girls Are Weird, Pamela Ribon

The Senator's Wife, Sue Miller

The Rest of Her Life, Laura Moriarty

Mermaids in the Basement, Michael Lee West

The Heroines, Eileen Favorite

Don't You Forget About Me, Jancee Dunn

The Grift, Debra Ginsberg

(Book covers from Google Images and Amazon)

Bloggy Carnival Giveaway Day 4

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

***COMMENTS NOW CLOSED**** Today I'm getting right to the point (my mom is coming in town and my housekeeping standards have slipped this week, not sure why...).

Please check out my other four giveaways. All are open until Friday. I will have another (different) glass pendant for tomorrow. Day 1. Day 2. Day 3.
Day 5.

Back to today: I love to read. Usually I'm at home, but there's something about going somewhere else to read, like the beach or a coffee house, that I really enjoy. So I'm giving one winner a $10 Starbucks card and a $10 Barnes and Noble card.

To enter:
1. Leave a comment on this post and tell me what you have planned for the weekend - required.

2. I MUST have a way to get in touch with you! NoReply@Blogger will not send you a response. I will have to delete comments with no contact info.

3. Comments will close on Friday, August 1st at 11:59pm CA time.

4. I will use to draw the winner and post the results/notify winner via email and in a "Winners" post on Saturday 8/2.

5. You don't need a blog to win, but I MUST have a way to contact you. US residents only (sorry!)

Thanks again for coming! Be sure to keep checking the Bloggy Carnival Giveaway hub for more great prizes. I popped in before posting and there were 960+ giveaways. 1,000 should be no problem. Have fun!
add to kirtsy

Bloggy Carnival Giveaway Day 2

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Hello! Today I have books to give away. Hopefully this author,

Jennifer Coburn, will be new to you. I love discovering new authors. It's like finding $20 in a jacket pocket.

I first read one of the books in the giveaway, The Wife of Reilly, a few years ago when I was working at a TV/radio station. This book was sent to one of the on-air talent.

I asked if I could borrow it and I read it in a few days. It's a quick, fun, funny read - just as Chick Lit should be. Coburn is currently living in San Diego. Gotta support the locals.

The winner of today's giveaway will receive three (new) paperbacks: The Wife of Reilly, Tales from the Crib and Reinventing Mona. I'll admit I've never read the second two (not sure why, probably because I'm cheap and waiting to come across one at the used book store). I wonder how quickly and carefully I can read them before I have to send them to the winner? Kidding.

To enter:

1. Go to Jennifer Coburn's site to read the synopsis of each book.

2. Come back here and leave a comment on this post and tell me which of her books you're most interested in reading - required. Easy like Sunday morning.

3. I MUST have a way to get in touch with you! NoReply@Blogger will not send you a response. I will have to delete comments with no contact info.

4. Comments will close on Friday, August 1st at 11:59pm CA time.

5. I will use to draw the winner and post the results/notify winner via email and in a "Winners" post on Saturday 8/2.

6. You don't need a blog to win, but I MUST have a way to contact you. US residents only (sorry!)

*Enter my first pendant giveaway here, the re-usable totes giveaway here, the Starbucks/Barnes and Noble here and the second pendant here (not required, but c'mon, more free stuff!). The easiest way to keep up, of course, is to subscribe to my feed. But I won't make that a condition of entry (unless I get really desperate).

Thanks again for coming! Be sure to keep checking the Bloggy Carnival Giveaway hub for more great prizes. The last time I popped in there were 580+ giveaways. Have fun!

OK Book Lovers! Show Me What You Got!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Hey everyone! Sorry I'm late to my own party. Childhood friend + last minute visit = night of drinking. Anyway, I hope you have your books handy 'cause I really need help.

The book we're reading now for Book Club, Love Monkey by Kyle Smith, just isn't doing it for me. I should like it. It has funny parts and Smith really has a way with words, but so far I just can't into it. It's about a single guy, Tom, who lives in New York and writes the headlines for a tabloid. He's single and still hung up on his ex.

This synopsis is from Google Books:

"Many men aim high; Tom Farrell dares to be average. While his friends accumulate wedding rings, mortgages, and even, alarmingly, babies, Tom still lives alone in his rented apartment with nothing but condiments and alcohol in his refrigerator. He spends Saturday mornings watching cartoons and eating Cocoa Puffs out of an Empire Strikes Back bowl, and devotes the rest of the weekend to his other favorite hobbies: sports and girls."

There are parts that made me laugh out loud. I really should like this book. But I don't. So, please tell me what you're reading. On this post or on your own site using Mr. Linky, give us the title and author, a review and three sentences from page 38 (I used the length of Love Monkey - 336 pages - to choose the number).

"Now Eli's in the Zone with Hillary. I confronted him about it one night. They had been making cute little call-me-later gestures at each other across the newsroom as I was stuffing my backpack with stolen office supplies, and when I left, he and his gonna-get-some-tonight smirk followed me onto the elevator."

My hope with this carnival is that one of you will get to post three really exciting sentences from your book that make me want to read more. And then I can go to my next book club meeting armed with awesome suggestions and everyone will love me and think I'm brilliant and well-read. So have at it!

add to kirtsy

Attention Students! 1-2-3 Eyes on Me!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Hello! Not a lot going on today. Drama Kid and I are headed to the beach campgrounds where Drama Dad's cousins spend a week every year.

Your homework assignments: I have two different meme's/carnivals scheduled, one for readers the other for football fans.

For the readers: Have whatever you're reading handy next Tuesday 7/15 (I think I saw this at Kate's). I'm reading Love Monkey for my book club and just can't get into it.

So, I want to know what you're reading. I need some suggestions to take to the next meeting. I'll use to come up with a page number. And I'll use Mr. Linky so that anyone who wants to participate can post the title, a review of the book and three sentences from the chosen page.

For the football fans: Are you getting excited?! Opening day of preseason is only 28 days away! I'm sqealing and clapping like I just got nominated to Homecoming Court. I got a new sticker for my car and I'm on the lookout for new shirts for Drama Kid and jewelry for me. I can't wait for Sundays! And Mondays. And some Thursdays.

I want to know who you'll be cheering for this season. Post one of your best fan stories, pictures of you in your fan gear, all your memoriabilia and inflatable fingers, your tattoos; whatever you want. But no team bashing or name calling please. I'll leave up another Mr. Linky so we can see who's the biggest fan. I'll do this the following Tuesday 7/22.

And, just to see who's out there today and who read this far down, the first four people to say "Ska Doosh" in their comments will win the Kung Fu Panda Panda-Monium activity CD from HP and Mom Select.

Enjoy your day!
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Judge Not Lest Ye Be Judged (Matthew 7)

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

First, I will say that I am not perfect and that DS doesn't get to wear his halo all the time. I know being a parent is hard and I know we should all be supportive rather than point and whisper behind one another's backs.

But, what can I say? I'm judgmental and opinionated. At least I'm honest.

I was reading the May '08 issue of Parenting magazine one morning over coffee and came across a short, funny excerpt from Stephanie Wilder-Taylor's new book Naptime is the New Happy Hour.

"Ever been around a parent who starts off every sentence by whining, 'He won't let me'- as in, he won't let me put him down, cut his toenails, mix a martini, etc.? Um, last time I checked, you outweigh him by at least a hundred pounds. Man up."

I laughed because 1) I agree wholeheartedly and 2) it reminded of something that happened at the outlet mall last week. I was in one of the kid stores looking for a birthday present. When I first walked in, I noticed a mom and her toddler girl. I'm guessing she was 3. Said girl was getting a talking to about the display mannequins that went something like this:

Mommy: No, no. We can't play with that. See the nice lady over there (points to store employee)? She's working very hard on these to make them look nice and we don't want to mess them up.

Girl: Mmphf mmp scherpy (couldn't understand her with the pacifier in her mouth. what? I already said I'm judgmental)

Mommy: Now put the dolly back.

I browsed for a bit then went back to a cute outfit in the front of the store. Girl still had the mannequin, and was sitting in the front window undressing it. Mommy was choosing to ignore her and hoping no one would say anything looking through the racks but then her friend in the back of the store called out for her to come back and take a look at something.

More eavesdropping by me:

Mommy: Come on honey follow me.

Girl: No response

Mommy: Sweetie come here please, put that down.

Girl: Crickets chirping

Mommy: Put the dolly down and come with me.

Girl: Makes eyes contact, totally blows Mommy off

Mommy to Friend: Just leave it there, she's not coming with me and I don't want to leave her here.

WT? By now I'm ready to take "dolly," get right in Girl's face and tell her to straighten up or there will be no organic, agave sweetened soy treats for you when you get home missy!

Come on folks. It's time for real discipline to make a comeback. I'm not talking about going out in the yard and cutting a switch, but stop negotiating. Say no, mean no, and move on.

I've read the same articles as you have about behavior and positive reinforcement and not focusing on the negative to better your child's self esteem. Most of that is horse pucky. My parents didn't sit me down and make "I statements" when I misbehaved, they told me (not asked me) to knock that s**t off or else (I'm paraphrasing).

Saying no and being negative all day long is a drag. I feel you. But bending over for your kids may make today go by more smoothly, but what about tomorrow and next week? IMHO, If Mommy doesn't let Girl know right now who's in charge, they're in for a heap of trouble later on.

I can see it now: Girl and my DS meet at school. She's a sophomore, he's a senior and he's tutoring her in Algebra 2.I invite her to stay for dinner and she takes one look at my starchy, carby meal and says, "like, I can't eat this, " and I'll have to bitch slap her.

Granted, maybe I caught Mommy on a bad day. But I don't think so. Feel free to follow me and DS around and post anything you might see or hear on your own blog.

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2009 Reading List

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

For 2009, I want to keep a reading journal so at the end of the year I can look back and see what I've read and what new authors I found. I will try to keep this list current.

My Best Friend's Girl, Dorothy Koomson- A light, cute fast read. Thumbs Up (Jan 09)

To Have and To Hold: A Novel
, Jane Green- Very good, typical Green. Thumbs Up (Jan 09)

Snow Flower and the Secret Fan, Lisa See- Very good. Rich in Asian culture. (For book club, Jan. 09)

The Next Big Thing, Johanna Edwards. Cute and fast. The main character is overweight. A little cliche with the ending but I'm glad she didn't feel the need to drop down to a size 4 to be happy. (Jan. 09)

Barefoot, Elin Hilderbrand. Thumbs up. A fast, light read with one main character named Melanie. This was the first book I've read by her, I will definitely look for her others. (Feb. 09)

Bitter is the New Black, Jen Lancaster. Thumbs Way Up. This was hilarious. Even though I wasn't a VP I could relate to the laid off, lifestlyle adjustments Lancaster made. I can't wait to read her other two. (Feb. 09)

Forget About It, Caprice Crane. Thumbs Up. Cute and fast. Made me wonder what I'd change if I could fake amnesia. What inner parts of me would I want to bring out? (March 09)

A Long Way Down, Nick Hornby. Neutral. It was a little hard to get through at first. I stuck it out to see how the characters worked through the issues that made them want to commit suicide (it's not depressing) and if they found ways to be happy. (For book club, March 09)

Still Alice, Lisa Genova. Thumbs WAY up. I flew through this after my mom passed it on.It's gripping and sad. It's got me a little freaked out. Every time I walk into a room and forget why I'm there I'm wondering if I should see a doctor! (April 09)

What I Subscribe To

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

I love books, and I love magazines. I'm not sure what it is about them that has me so hooked. Maybe it's my way of clinging to my college dream of moving to New York and writing for one.

[Remembering what it's like to be young and naive]

Anyway, when I open my mailbox and see the new issues arrive I get giddy.

I subscribe to so many it's hard to keep up. My newspaper rack is usually full and I can't get rid of a single one until I've made sure to review all my dogears. As I read, I fold over a corner of the pages that have something I want to look into later like a recipe, book suggestion or product I might want to buy.

Before I take all the issues to the library bookstore I grab a pen and paper and make notes from the dogears, then use my printer to copy the recipes or articles.

In no particular order, the contents of my mailbox:

Working Mother
Black Enterprise
O at Home
Family Fun
Real Simple
Good Housekeeping (got this one free from AdPerk)
All You (sold at Wal Mart)

What I've Read - 2008 Reading List

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to read. I just don't get people who say they don't like reading. Reading is the ultimate escape. It's relaxing. It's entertaining. It's informative. I'm sorry non-readers but you baffle me. What's not to like about reading?

Anyway, I wish I could list all the books I've read this year but there's so many I can't remember them all (not braggin', just sayin'). So, I'll list the ones I've read since I've been on holiday with a rating: Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down or Switzerland (get it? neutral?) and a short note for the ones I didn't like.

I'll add to the list as I finish a book. Feel free to agree or call me a moron. I welcome spirited discussion. Earlier this month (4/08) I joined a book club through Meetup and I'll note which books were for the club.

In no particular order:

The Girls' Global Guide to Guys Theresa Alan- Thumbs Up

Goodnight Nobody: A Novel
Jennifer Weiner- Thumbs Up

The Red Hat Club
Haywood Smith- Thumbs Up

The Red Hat Club Rides Again Haywood Smith- Thumbs Up

Dreamboat Judith Gould- Thumbs Down (Cliched and predictable)

My Favorite Mistake Beth Kendrick- Switzerland (Cute, fast read but characters were formulaic)

Suburbanistas Pamela Redmond Sutran- Thumbs Up

The Pact Jennifer Sturman- Switzerland (Chick Lit mystery, predictable)

The Chinchilla Farm: A Novel Judith Freeman- Thumbs Up

Wife in the Fast Lane: A Novel Karen Quinn- Thumbs Up

Between, Georgia Joshilyn Jackson- Thumbs Up (Way, way up)

Tales from the Crib Risa Green- Thumbs Up

Julie and Romeo Get Lucky Jeanne Ray- Thumbs Up

Pug Hill Allison Pace- Thumbs Up (Despite my dislike of small, yippy dogs)

Gods in Alabama
Joshilyn Jackson- Thumbs Up! - Methinks she's going to become one of my favorite authors

The Ivy Chronicles Karen Quinn- Thumbs Up

Promise Not to Tell: A Novel Jennifer McMahon- Switzerland (I was expecting more creepy and scary)

The First Assistant Clare Naylor/Mimi Hare- Thumbs Up the The Second Assistant the first book, was also good

Just Between Us Cathy Kelly- Thumbs Up (A little too long)

Rescuing Rose Isabel Wolff- Thumbs Up (Stay away if you're tired of the Bridget Jones knockoffs)

Always and Forever Cathy Kelly- Thumbs Up (Again, a little long)

The Secret Life of Bees Sue Monk Kidd- Thumbs Up

Awake Elizabeth Graver - Thumbs Up - Her writing style is a bit flowery. There were times when I got tired of it, and others where I loved her sentences

Oh My Stars Lorna Landvik - Thumbs Up - This was very good

Weekend in Paris Robyn Sisman - Thumbs Down - Couldn't finish it

Adventures of an Ice Princess Liz Maverick- Thumbs Down (Vapid)

The Almost Moon Alice Sebold- Thumbs Up

Remember Me? Sophie Kinsella- Thumbs Up Finished 4/20/08

Naked David Sedaris (for the book club) - What's between neutral and Thumbs Down? I didn't hate it. There were parts that made me laugh out loud. But it was weird. It's in essay format, but I didn't feel like I was learning about his life. Read at your own risk. Finished 5/10/08

Love the One You're With Emily Giffin- Thumbs Up

Flirting with Forty Jane Porter - Thumbs Up Finished 6/17/08

Water for Elephants Sarah Gruen - Thumbs WAY Up - This was for the book club. I didn't expect to like it because of the whole circus thing but it was great!

Love Monkey Kyle Smith - Thumbs Down This was for book club. Smith has a way with words, but I didn't connect to the character at all. (Finished 7/23/08)

The Time Traveler's Wife Audrey Niffenegger - Thumbs WAY Up For book club. SO, so good!

Certain Girls Jennifer Weiner- Thumbs Up

Savannah Breeze Mary Kay Andrews -Thumbs Up - This was the second in a (sort of) series. I also read Savannah Blues which was good too. Both are light reads.

Dream When You're Feeling Blue Elizabeth Berg - Thumbs Up

The Alphabet Sisters Monica McInerney - Thumbs Up

Family Baggage Monica McInerney - Thumbs Up

Swapping Lives Jane Green - Thumbs Up

The Center of Everything Laura Moriarty - Thumbs Up

Revenge of the Middle-Aged Woman Elizabeth Buchan - Thumbs Down - I rarely put a book down without finishing it, but I just couldn't get into this

Ready or Not? Chris Manby - Thumbs Up
The Ex-Wife's Survival Guide Debby Holt - Switzerland - Light and fast but not the best ex-wife gets her life together book I've read

Happiness Sold Separately Lolly Winston - Thumbs Up

The Other Side of the Story Marian Keyes - Thumbs Up

Speechless Yvonne Collins/Sandy Rideout - Thumbs Up

Love Walked In Marisa de los Santos - Thumbs Up

Luscious Lemon Heather Swain - Thumbs Up

We Are All Welcome Here Elizabeth Berg - Thumbs Up - I think I'm going to like everything she does

High Stakes: A Tale of Vegas Vampires Erin McCarthy - Switzerland - I almost put it down, but it was such a fast read I finished before I got really bored

Ladies with Options Cynthia Hartwick - Thumbs Up

Middlesex Jeffery Eugenides - Thumbs Up

Hissy Fit Mary Kay Andrews - Thumbs Up

Home to Big Stone Gap Adriana Trigiani - Thumbs Up - I've loved all the books in the Big Stone Gap series

The Family Tree Carole Cadwalladr - Thumbs Down - Could barely make it past the first chapter

The Girl Who Stopped Swimming Joshilyn Jackson - Thumbs Up

Sweet Revenge Dianne Mott Davidson - Thumbs Down I usually enjoy this series despite the plot similarities, but this was so formulaic and almost painful to read.
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