It's Here!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

I won a Sherbert Party from Elle's New England Kitchen and it arrived today. I promised Drama Kid I wouldn't open it until he got home but I forgot it's a martial arts day! Grr. Now I have to wait and patience isn't one of my better traits. I'll post pictures of us sampling all the flavors (and trying to fit five cartons of sherbert in my freezer!).

What Would You Do?

I took my son to martial arts on Tuesday. I forgot to turn off my cell and of course got a call. I took it outside and when I walked out the door I had my back to another mom. She was seated with her back against the wall helping her daughter with schoolwork.

I turned back toward the studio to watch the class and almost dropped my phone. Not only was the woman sitting with her knees up in a dress, but she was wearing a maxi pad in her lace underwear! Eeew! Ick! Blech! My eyes!

I was floored. I finished my call and hurried back inside where I promptly whispered what I'd been unfortunate enough to see to hubby.

Normally, I can be pretty upfront with my opinions. It was on the tip of my tongue to tell her to close her legs already, but I didn't say anything.

Would you have told her to keep her menses to herself?
What have you seen that you wish you could permanently erase from your mind?

Wordless Wednesday #17: The Happiest Place on Earth

A Day in the Life at the Drama House

Monday, October 13, 2008

Mrs. G has asked that we share a typical day with you. Being an at home mom, many of my days are carbon copies of one another: lather, rinse repeat. And I'm OK with that.

I have my
book club, my blogging group, my adopted soldier and The Bitches to help mix things up. And this past weekend I took a little trip to Orlando to meet some of my newest blog friends (more on that later).

My day starts fairly early.

After much grumbling and stalling we head upstairs.

I feed both animals, make lunch and it's back downstairs for the brushing of the teeth and hair, finding of the shoes and Star Wars Lego guys and then off to school.

Occasionally I get to walk Drama Kid into school to say goodbye and if I'm lucky I get a hug and kiss before he runs off.

After drop off I head down to the beach for my walk.

By the time I get to the beach it's about 9:15. I walk for distance not speed so I'm usually not home until close to 11:00. I have breakfast which is some combination of coffee, tea, chai latte, cereal or my oatmeal.

Then I shower and spend hours some time on the computer. I'll start laundry, load the dishwasher and try not to cringe every time I walk by Drama Kid's room.

After this it's errand time. I'm either at Costco, Henry's, Trader Joe's, getting gas, returning library books and/or movies, buying birthday presents or any of the other things that "someone" should be doing to keep the household running smoothly.

By now it's close to pick up time at school and the mad dash to make it to martial arts class somewhat on time (school lets out at 3:10, class starts at 3:30). I read and listen to my iPod.

Class ends at 4:20 then it's home for homework, a little play time, dinner and getting Drama Kid to bed. Writing it out makes it seem really boring. Sometimes I think I need MORE in my life but then I take a step back and realize I have everything I need, and lots of stuff I want and it really can't get any better than that.

Head over to Mr's G. for a list of other Day in the Life stories.

Sincere Thanks

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Several people have been really helpful with my 50 State Postcard Drive. I'm overdue in thanking them. I really appreciate you taking up my cause and helping me get the word out. I'm about halfway there! (Read the update here)

Thanks again to everyone who has sent a card. Your messages are so kind. I've enjoyed reading them and know Sgt. will too. THANK YOU!!

I'm Good Enough, I'm Smart Enough...

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Steph tagged me with a meme. Since I love her dearly, I will happily play along. The rules:

"It’s easy peasy, kids. I just want you to write five positive things about yourself. I don’t care how goofy or weird those things are; I simply want them to be things you think are rad and that you absolutely believe with your whole heart. Like don’t hand me any “I’m a great mom!!” stuff if you actually think you’re only a pretty good mom. See what I mean? After you write your list, tag five other people to compose a list. Maybe we can fight this blogfluitis, five bloggers at a time."

I'm feeling pretty good so this will be easy:

1. I'm very organized. I have been called anal and take it as a compliment.

2. I am a good friend. I don't make friends easily, but once I decide I like you, we're like velcro.

3. I'm a good dancer. Not ballroom (though I love the Tango) but on the dance floor. I have been told I'm sexy.

4. I am very generous. I really like to give and make other people happy.

5. I make great baked beans. Ask Deb. Or Cheri. I think "orgasm" was mentioned somewhere.

I will reach for the sky and tag
Mr. Lady
, Bossy, Moosh in Indy, Tootsie, and Latte Mommy.

What do you like about yourself?

I'm Not Here

Friday, October 10, 2008

I'm here:

Right now I'm on the plane or on my layover in Denver. I've been told the airport is great. I hope so 'cause I'll be there for 2 hours! I'll be back on Monday with all details of the Disney Mom Blogger Mixer. I hope to post something over the weekend and you can follow me on Twitter. Have a great weekend!

(Almost) Wordless Wednesday: Look at Those Lashes!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

5 Minutes for Mom is having a Sleeping Angels photo contest for a chance to win a Summer Breeze bedroom set.

I check on my little guy at least once (usually twice) before I go to bed and I always wonder where he got those lashes. Certainly not from me!

Now That You Mention It...

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Perhaps my son's interest in fire isn't so hard to explain after all. Here are some of my favorite parts of the Miramar Air Show (besides the Blue Angels).

First, the fireworks. These are better than 4th of July. This is only a little bit of the 10 minute show.

Next, Shock Wave. I love this truck! Jet engines, semi trucks and fire. I
should move to Florida and start following Nascar. My video isn't that great since it's nighttime. There's better footage here.

And last, The Wall of Fire! Because it rained, there was a misfire. This video is of the "mini walls."
I didn't get video of the big wall, but got a great still picture.

I Made A New Friend at the Beach Today

Monday, October 6, 2008

It's amazing how long we were willing to stand around and watch an animal do nothing!

(Please scroll to the bottom of the page to donate free mammograms)

Sarah Palin's Debate Strategy

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Easy Weekend Recipe #3- Crockpot Breakfast

Friday, October 3, 2008

Dr. Oz recommends starting the day with steel cut oatmeal. Being a devout Ozzian, I went right out to get some. The half hour cooking time was a total turnoff so I forgot about it until I saw it pre-cooked in the freezer section at Trader Joe's. I like the Trader Joe's version but at $1.99 for two servings it was too pricey for me to continue buying.

Dr. Oz brought it up again on another Oprah episode and someone in the audience mentioned they use the crockpot to make it. Hallelujah! I set out to find a recipe and the slow cooker gods were looking out for me because
I found a great book on clearance and it had this recipe in it.

The first time I made it I forgot to take pictures which was actually a blessing because I got busy
clearing my reader doing other things and left it plugged in two hours too long. Ahem.

"Wake up to Health" Cereal

2 cups chopped, peeled apples

3 cups water

1 1/2 cups uncooked steel cut oatmeal

1/4 cup chopped almonds

1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

Combine all ingredients in the slow cooker on low for 8 hours.

I substituted one cup of the water with apple juice (steel cut oats are pretty bland) and this time I added a dash of brown sugar. The recipe makes a lot. I was getting kind of sick of oatmeal by the time it was gone! Enjoy. Have a good weekend!

(Please scroll to the bottom to donate free mammograms. Just one click!)

Breast Cancer Awareness: My Mammogram Vlog

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

I had my first mammogram on September 10th. Everything I'd heard about them made me nervous.
Oy! The squishing, smooshing, squeezing and flattening! Yes, those things do happen, but like
Tootsie, after it was over I left thinking, "eh, that was no big deal."

I've given birth, had an episiotomy, cracked and bleeding nipples and stubbed my pinkie toe countless times. For those of you who haven't had your first mammogram, please don't stress about it. It was over in a flash and only mildly uncomfortable. It was kind of fascinating actually.

Anyway, in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness month I thought I'd play with my new toy and share with you the details of my second mammogram. Sorry it ends so abruptly. Apparently I talk too much. Image from here.
(Please scroll to the bottom to donate free mammograms)

Just Because There's No Smoke...

Monday, September 29, 2008

My son almost set our house on fire two weeks ago. I light candles all the time. I love the glow and the smell. Drama Kid has never shown an interest in fire, not even as an infant, so having lit candles all over the house has never been a concern for me.

He was in the powder room supposedly washing his feet. He hates shoes and always plays outside barefoot. I was in the kitchen making dinner and heard him make a strange noise. I ask "what are you doing?" and of course I get no response.

My Spidey Sense went on alert and when I walked into the bathroom, I saw the sword from one of his Ninja Turtles on the counter. Melted. I figure he'd been holding it over the flame and nothing more. I yelled and he got a spanking (he didn't cry, I must be losing my touch) and I sent him to his room.

Something made me go back into the bathroom and that's when I saw the trashcan start to flame. I call him back upstairs and ask again, "what were you doing?" He was lighting the toilet paper on fire! One of the pieces caught and he dropped it in the trash when it singed his fingertip.

I stood over the flaming trashcan yelling at him about how dangerous and stupid that was and how could have burned not just our house but our two neighbors' as well. In hindsight I guess I should have put the flames out first but hopefully they added to the drama and he's learned his lesson.

I almost went to get my camera so I could post a picture but changed my mind. My husband says all boys get into trouble playing with fire. How about your kids? Any near misses?

Easy Weekend Recipe #2 - Vegetarian

Friday, September 26, 2008

I sampled this at Trader Joe's and was surprised that I liked it. To me, it's not chili without meat. The recipe is so easy it's a good one for older kids to do by themselves.

Vegetarian Tamale Pie

2 cans Vegetarian chili (8 oz I think)

1/2 bag of frozen fire roasted corn

1 chub of polenta (found in the aisles not the dairy case)

Shredded Cheddar cheese

Mix the chili and corn in an 8 x 8 baking dish. Slice polenta and cover the chili. Top with the
cheese. Bake at 375 for 20-25 minutes or until the cheese browns slightly.

I wasn't going to tell Drama Dad it was vegetarian until I'd served it, but I did anyway. He really liked the flavor though he's not a huge fan of polenta. He suggested crushing tortilla chips on top instead which I might try. I also won't slice the polenta but mash it to form more of a crust. The slices were a little thick. Let me know if you try it.

Have a great weekend!

On My Mind

Thursday, September 25, 2008

I was walking on the beach yesterday (don't be a hater) and ran into a former co-worker. She was a temp while another person was on maternity leave and she was able to find a good job when the woman came back.

I hesitated to ask what SHE was doing at the beach at 9:30 on a Wednesday because I kinda had an idea what her answer would be. Sure enough, she was laid off three months ago.

She is younger than me, not married, no kids, no mortgage and she has more experience than I do. And she's been out of work for THREE months because in her words, "there's nothing out there."

Bush's speech last night didn't reassure me one bit. Husband just laid a financial bombshell on me. Our economy is in the toilet. I have officially moved from worried to scared shitless.
I'm not going anywhere with this, it's just what's floating around my head today.

Wordless Wednesday #16 - I Looked in the Rearview Mirror and Saw

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Must See TV

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I love TV. I know what people say about it being a time waster and rotting your brain. Whatever. There's some great stuff on TV! I'm stoked all the fall shows are back. Here's what I'd be watching every day if my family decided they didn't need to eat or wear clean laundry (click on the picture to view larger):

What about you? What will you be watching at night?

This Kid is Going to Go Places

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Take a look at this inspiring young man, Dalton, from Dallas. I can only hope my son has this much confidence in himself.

Updated Reading List

Thursday, September 18, 2008

My mom and I have the same taste in books. Whenever we're together, whether it's at Costco, the mall or Target, we generally end up cruising through the book isle. If we both see something we'd like one of us will buy it and pass it on to the other.

We can often be heard saying something along the lines of, "I don't need to bring another book into the house right now!" but invariably the deals will be too good to pass up and we'll each leave the store with an armload. The last time she was here, I took her to my library's used book store. She was in heaven. We rarely go anywhere without a book.

We're both pretty picky about who we lend our books to. We're "good" readers and treat our books very well and expect others to do the same. I have rules when I lend out a book:

1. No dog-eared pages
2. Don't crack the spine

3. No leaving the book open, turned upside down to hold your place

I know. I have issues.

Anyway, when I first started this blog I created a thread with some of my recent reads. At the time, I wished it could have been a more complete
list, but I had given my mom a giant stack of books and couldn't remember all the titles.

You know where this is going, right?

Click over to my reading list. I've added all these titles starting with The Alphabet Sisters (scroll down, it's in red). I've also linked to the reviews on Amazon. I'm thinking of selling all these on Amazon or posting them on Craigslist. Anyone have good luck with Amazon? Is it worth the hassle?

Wordless Wednesday #15 - Momma on Skates

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Update on 50 State Postcard Drive

Monday, September 15, 2008

***Read the original post here.***
Thank you SO much to everyone who has offered to send a postcard! I really appreciate it. I've gotten a great response but still need more participation.

One of the reason's I decided to do this is because of something Sgt. said to me. I asked him what a typical day is like and many other questions in an effort to get to know him better. This is part of an email that went back and forth:

Me: Is there more we can be doing as citizens to show our support?

Sgt: There is always more, but it's not in the deeds being done it's the amount of people doing them. Hope that makes sense.

Me: No, elaborate, please

Sgt: Like I stated, what you are doing is awesome [adopting a soldier], and let's us know at least some of America cares that we chose to do what we do. So I guess what I'm saying is keep the care packages coming, but get more people involved.

To me some of America isn't good enough. I'd like to see most of America getting involved. And I also know that a lot of people don't support the war here, and that's fine, but at least support the troops. We didn't choose to come here, but we are here, so at least acknowledge that we; the American military; have sacrificed so much for a country we love and support us for that if nothing else.

Well, after reading that I decided care packages weren't enough. If you have friends or family in any of these states please consider passing this along. These are the "taken" states (but the more the merrier, international would be great too!)

The states I still need:

New Mexico
New York
North Dakota

South Carolina
South Dakota
West Virginia

**Update 12/10** Only need 28 more!

***Update 10/9*** I now have 20 cards not including duplicates. Keep 'em coming!

***Update 9/23*** I have received 10 postcards so far. People have asked whether they can send a card even though their state is "taken" and the answer is most definitely yes!

Suzanne gave me this address to where you can upload a photo onto a postcard and THEY will pay the postage. Thanks Suzanne!

Yet Another Thing Making Me Feel Old

Saturday, September 13, 2008

I am blown away that it's been 10 years since the first book in the Harry Potter series came out. It took me awhile to jump on that bandwagon but I'm so glad I did. I absolutely loved the books and have been impressed with the way the movies have followed them so closely.

Head over to MomDot and enter their anniversary contest from Scholastic. The books are being re-released as a boxed collectors set with new artwork. Good luck!

Easy Weekend Recipe: Poppin Fresh Barbecue Cups

Friday, September 12, 2008

I'm trying to an attempt to do more cooking in the kitchen than heating things up. Trader Joe's makes it so easy to be lazy! But, I do like to cook and now that I don't have the excuse of a job, I've been looking for recipes on other blogs.

I found these Poppin' Fresh Barbecups on Food Gawker (LOVE it!) then went to the host site Taste and Tell and promptly added Deborah to my reader.

Poppin' Fresh Barbecups
from Pillsbury Dough Magic

1 lb. ground beef
1/2 cup barbecue sauce

1/4 cup chopped onion (I used onion powder and onion salt on the beef while browning)

1-2 T brown sugar

1 can Pillsbury Golden Layers Refrigerated Buttermilk or Flaky Biscuits
Shredded cheddar cheese

Heat oven to 400°F. Grease 10 medium muffin cups. In large skillet, brown ground beef over medium heat until thoroughly cooked, stirring frequently. Drain. Stir in barbecue sauce, onion and brown sugar. Cook 1 minute to blend flavors, stirring constantly.

Separate dough into 10 biscuits. Place 1 biscuit in each greased muffin cup. Firmly press in bottom and up sides, forming 1/4-inch rim over edge of cup. Spoon about 1/4 cup beef mixture into each biscuit-lined cup. Sprinkle each with cheese.

Bake at 400°F. for 10 to 12 minutes or until edges of biscuits are golden brown. Cool 1 minute; remove from muffin cups.

This recipe was really easy. I mean really. I ended up with leftover meat which I meant to eat Sloppy Joe style and forgot. I think I could have made 3-5 more cups with it but would have needed an extra tube of dough which would have left me with extra biscuits.

Next time I'll buy 2 cans of biscuits and make the leftover dough and have the biscuits for breakfast.
I also might omit or reduce the brown sugar. They were a little on the sweet side. I'm sure it depends on the barbecue sauce you use. I used Sweet Baby Ray's and the taste wasn't nearly as tangy as we would have liked. We had a few leftover and they are definitely better reheated in the oven than microwave. I think this is going to become a staple in the recipe box. They were fast and filling.

With martial arts, my book club, the blogging group I joined and the holidays approaching (only 113 days, 11 and 46 minutes until Christmas!) I know we're going to keep getting busier. Let me know if you try it!

An Excellent Question

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Tonight at dinner:

Drama Kid: Mommy, some days I feel just so happy to be alive.

Me: You should feel like that every day.

Drama Kid: Because it's just so amazing that God made us, right?

Me: Exactly.

Drama Kid: But who made God?

Me: That's a very good question, I have no idea.

Edited to add this morning (9/12) at breakfast:

Drama Kid: What would happen if the world split into two pieces?

Me: I don't think that can happen, but if it did, it wouldn't be good.

Remembering 9/11

Just for being Americans... By Dave Barry of the Miami Herald

Published Thursday, September 13, 2001

No humor column today. I don't want to write it, and you don't want to read it.

No words of wisdom, either. I wish I were wise enough to say something that would help make sense of this horror, something that would help ease the unimaginable pain of the victims' loved ones, but I'm not that wise. I'm barely capable of thinking. Like many others, I've spent the hours since Tuesday morning staring at the television screen, sometimes crying, sometimes furious, but mostly just stunned.

What I can't get out of my mind is the fact that they used our own planes. I grew up in the Cold War, when we always pictured the threat as coming in the form of missiles - sleek, efficient death machines, unmanned, hurtling over the North Pole from far away.

But what came, instead, were our own commercial airliners, big friendly flying buses coming from Newark and Boston with innocent people on board. Red, white and blue planes, with "United" and "American" written on the side. The planes you've flown in and I've flown in. That's what they used to attack us.

They were able to do it in part because our airport security is pathetic. But mainly they were able to do it because we are an open and trusting society that simply is not set up to cope with evil men, right here among us, who want to kill as many Americans as they can.

That's what's so hard to comprehend. They want us to die just for being Americans. They don't care which Americans die: military civilian Americans, young Americans, old Americans. Baby Americans. They don't care. To them, we're all mortal enemies.

The truth is that most Americans, until Tuesday, were only dimly aware of their existence, and posed no threat to them. But that doesn't matter to them; all that matters is that we're Americans. And so they used our own planes to kill us. And then their supporters celebrated in the streets.

I'm not naive about my country. My country is definitely not always right; my country has at times been terribly wrong. But I know this about Americans: We don't set out to kill innocent people. We don't cheer when innocent people die.

A DECENT PEOPLE The people who did this to us are monsters; the people who cheered them have hate-sickened minds. One reason they can cheer is that they know we would never do to them what their heroes did to us, even though we could, a thousand times worse. They know that when we hunt down the monsters, we will try hard not to harm the innocent. Those are the handcuffs we willingly wear, because for all our flaws, we are a decent people.

And now we are a traumatized people. The TV commentators keep saying that the attacks have awakened a "sleeping giant." And I guess we do look like a giant, to the rest of the world. But when I look around, I don't see a giant: I see millions of individuals - the resilient and caring citizens of New York and Washington; the incredibly brave firefighters, police officers and rescue workers risking their lives in the dust and flames; the politicians standing on the steps of the Capitol and singing an off-key rendition of God Bless America that, corny as it was, had me weeping; the reporters and photographers who have not slept, and will not sleep, as long as there is news to report; the people in my community, and communities across America, lining up to give blood, wishing they could do more.

A GOOD COUNTRY No, I don't see a giant. What I see is Americans. We may have the power of a giant, but we also have the heart of a good and generous people, and we will get through this. We will grieve for our dead, and tend to our wounded, and repair the damage, and tighten our security, and put our planes back in the air.

Eventually most of us, the ones lucky enough not to have lost somebody, will resume our lives. Some day, our country will track down the rest of the monsters behind this, and make them pay, and I suppose that will make most of us feel a little better. But revenge and hatred won't be why we'll go on. We'll go on because we know this is a good country, a country worth keeping.

(Pentagon Memorial)

Those who would destroy it only make us see more clearly how precious it is.

(all photos pulled from Google Images, clink on photo for source)

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