Yummie? Not At the Moment

Friday, July 29, 2011

This post is my entry into the Say Wow, Not Ow Yummie Tummie Style Session at BlogHer.

I love my child, but the pace of our summer is starting to wear on me. Tonight, I needed a bit of a break. I decided to hit Nordstrom Rack and Marshalls to look for tops for BlogHer. I struck out, big time. Everything looked absolutely awful. It seems I'm at some size in between medium and large. The medium tops I tried on were just a bit snug and the large were droopy and shapeless. Now I'm all depressed and drowning my sorrow in gelato*. The problem? This area right here. Meet my Costco sized muffin top. 

I can't even blame it on dressing room lighting
This is my most stubborn area. Even when I lose weight, that flab sticks around. Everything else south of my belly button slims down except good 'ole Muffin. Consequently, my closet is full of A-line tops that fit great around my lovely lady lumps, but flare out to hide my pooch. Some of it feels like maternity wear. I don't like having to compromise fit and fashion over function. I know with a little smoothing, some of the tops I tried on today would have fit perfectly. 

Thus, my last totally minute entry into the Yummie Tummie contest. I've heard much about the magic of their Invisible shapers. Some of my blog friends are firmly on board the Yummie train. I want to ride, too. I want to ditch my pseudo maternity wear, and to do that I need help of the Yummie variety.

I'm desperate enough to embarrass myself by showing my goods to the entire internet. Hopefully, it won't have been in vain. Yummie Tummie? Please send help.

*Yes, I know that's counterproductive. Sue me.

Check out Yummie Tummie for yourself!

Meet Amara the Cheeta | Wordless Wednesday

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Amara from the San Diego Zoofari Park

Overdrive for iPad: Borrowing Library Books with an App

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Tyler and I went to the library yesterday. I've been flying through the Sookie Stackhouse books and needed the next in the series. I noticed a news camera and reporter while I was using the computer. I asked which station he was from because I was going to be on the news myself that night. We chatted and he asked if he could use me in a sound bite. Me be on camera? Absolutely! I love being in front of the camera. It's the Leo in me.

The topic was libraries in the digital age and the new system for checking out books on your portable device. I figured I should give the system a try since I spoke about it! The app I'm using is called Overdrive and it's free in the iTunes store. 

To use the Overdrive app, you need to have an account on Adobe (for the EPUB files) as well as as access to the digital library system in your area. For San Diego, it's the Serra Digital Download Library. Once you download the app, it will walk you through setting up your account including choosing the libraries in your area, adding your library card number and registering with Adobe if you haven't already. 

iTunes iPad screen shot
Once you have your account, it's really easy to search for and check out books. I've got one book available and three titles on hold: Once Upon a Time There Was You by Elizabeth Berg*, Dreams of Joy by Lisa See, Dead Reckoning by Charlaine Harris and Smokin' Seventeen by Janet Evanovich. Only the Berg title is avaialble now. Once the others are, I will get an email letting me know they're available for download. I love that, just like my regular online library account, the Serra system tells me what number I am in line for the checkout so I know how fast I have to read the books I have now.

Once a title is available for download, you authorize the app with your Adobe account ID. I downloaded the Berg book in just a few seconds and it will be available until August 9th. After that, unless I return it early, it disappears from my iPad. Since I installed the app only yesterday, I can't thoroughly review it but I have experienced some of the feedback in iTunes like the fact that you have to leave the app to search for books in a browser.

I've been wanting to try digital books and this is going to be a great way to dip my feet in. Between this lending system and the freebies that pop up on Amazon and Nook, I can still indulge my voracious habit and keep costs low. I still buy books every so often, but generally from the used books store. Combine the ebooks with the ones I buy, those I get from my mom and the ones I check out; my digital and physical book shelves will always be well stocked!

Have you gotten into the digital book revolution? Are you borrowing from your local library?

See the news piece on Fox 5 San Diego

*She's one of my favorite authors
ETA: you can also download Overdrive for your PC or Mac

Marketing Works!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

'crayons' photo (c) 2008, Firesam! - license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/2.0/
My son just gave me his back to school wishlist:

iPad 2
Samsung Tab
iPhone 4
iPod touch
Pokemon cards

One of these things is not like the other! And all of them are not going to happen.

Home Away From Home

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Our first family camping trip starts now. This is our view for the next two days!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

San Diego Staycation: Maritime Museum

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

This past Saturday Tyler and I spent the afternoon in San Diego. We don't go down there as much as we should. Usually, anything south of the merge is too far for me to do on a regular basis (locals will get that insider joke). But, every time we go down I remember how much I love my city and how much we have to do here. I need to make more of an effort at being a tourist in my own city. There's so much Tyler has never seen.

We went down to Spanish Landing because we were invited for a preview of a new exhibit. The Maritime Museum of San Diego is constructing a replica of the San Salvador. I've never taken Tyler to the Cabrillo Monument so this was his first time learning that part of San Diego's history. 

When he heard that black pepper was worth more than gold he said he wanted to invent a time traveler to take the pepper mill we have back to those days and then we can be rich. Kids.

We watched a blacksmith demonstration, sails being sewn together and the framing of the ship. Tyler even got to hammer his initials onto a board that will go on the back of the ship. When it sets sail, he'll be a part of it.

After Spanish Landing we spent some time at Seaport Village and in the Gaslmap. We had a good time. It was a good day and another successful Camp Mom* outing.

How are you keeping your kids entertained over summer break? 
Have you done any Staycating in your city?

*Thank you to the Maritime Museum for letting us attend and to Stacey for the term Camp Mom.

3 Day Walker Discount at Roadrunner Sports | 3 Day Thursday

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Last weekend I stopped in to Roadrunner Sports on my home from my training walk. The salesperson told me about their VIP program. Right now, you can join online for $1.99. He was nice enough to match the online price for me so I could join in the store. 

In addition to the VIP 10%, 3 Day walkers get an additional 10%. You have to mention the 3 Day each time you purchase because that data isn't stored with your information. 

It can't hurt to ask if your store will match the online price, too. This couldn't have happened at a better time since I'm ready to buy new shoes, which are easily the most expensive piece of gear needed for the 3 day. 

Happy shopping!

*Not a sponsored post, just an FYI

Coupon Organization Pt 2: I'm Getting There!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Slowly but surely I'm getting my system in place. Coupons were taking over the kitchen and I finally had to get serious about finding something that will work for me. I found a zippered binder at BigLots. It wasn't marked so the cashier looked up something in the system and charged me $3. Then I found baseball card sheets at Dollar Tree and bought two packs of 10. I used Target web coupons to buy tabbed binder inserts and great offer that got me two pairs of scissors for .49 each.

I stole the pencil pouch Tyler was using at school and found a mini calculator in our junk drawer. The binder still has a way to go because I want a few different sizes of plastic sheets for oversize and printable coupons. 

After I got the binder started I looked around for a storage solution. I wanted an expanding file so I can mark the insert date, file unclipped coupons, sort the store circulars and set up sections for store coupons. I stumbled across these scrap book pages files while I was in Michaels. They were in the clearance section for $6.99 each. So far, they're holding up well. 

Sometimes you have to spend money to make money and I know setting up a system will help me be a better couponer. I've lost coupons, misfiled them and let them expire. That is unacceptable! I'll keep you updated as I add more items to my system. 

Read part 1 about why I decided to go with the coupon binder system.

What are you doing to keep your coupons organized?

Lemons Into Lemonade

Thursday, June 30, 2011

A few days ago I got a really fun invitation in my email. It was for a press event this morning to see a new cheetah exhibit. It started super early so I made Tyler's breakfast last night and had it in his lunchbox in the fridge so he could eat in the car on the way. He didn't wake up very well so we were late getting out the door. Naturally, there was early commuter traffic. I took a chance and drove the coastal route more than halfway there which allowed us to make great time.

Except, the event wasn't at the San Diego Zoo in Balboa Park, it was at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park in Escondido. In my defense, though the two sites are no where near each other, the Zoo Safari Park used to be named the Wild Animal Park. We haven't been to either in ages and I haven't wrapped my head around the name change yet. I felt like such an idiot and said as much when I emailed the PR contact to tell her what I'd done. Next time, I really need to read the *entire* email!

I wanted to make it up to Tyler somehow and he loves going to the military base to look at the planes and tanks. Since we were in the lower part of San Diego I took him to the Flying Leatherneck Museum.

We ended up having a nice morning. It was a good way to fix my colossal screwup though I'm sure he would have much rather had his picture taken with a cheetah. 

So I don't feel so alone, please tell me if you've screwed up the way I did?
How did you end up making lemonade?

If you're into military planes check out my Flying Leatherneck Museum Flickr set

Road Tripping, Someday

Monday, June 27, 2011

"For my part, I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travel’s sake. The great affair is to move."                                     Robert Louis Stevenson

We have friends from Alaska visiting us in a few weeks. They are renting an RV in San Francisco and heading to Disneyland, Joshua Tree and Carlsbad Caverns. With three children under 10. They will be our litmus test. Phil has been wanting to rent an RV for awhile. Since I don't camp, this would be the best compromise.

When my family moved here from Illinois, we drove. We stopped at the Grand Canyon, the meteor hole in Arizona and the Petrified Forest. I was a little younger than Tyler. I don't remember all of the trip but I do remember having a good time. I played my handheld video games that were the size of a hardback book, read, napped and stared out the window. I love those memories.

I know it sounds cheesy, but we really want to get out and see our great nation. Aside from that trip across the US, I don't think I've set foot in more than 10 states. Tyler has only been to two. That's just sad. We want him to see Yellowstone, Yosemite, Glacier National Park, lightning bugs, see what a real fireworks show looks like, snow falling from the sky and the places he sees on the History Channel.

Travel is something I took for granted. I thought I had plenty of time to do it "when I got older." I had friends who took a family vacation every year. I thought that was the greatest thing ever and wished my family were the same. I missed out on the high school trip to Spain and I still kick myself for it. I don't want Tyler to wish we'd taken him more places.

We're trying to find room in our budget to set aside money for travel. We're starting small with a day trip to Catalina. If all goes as planned we'll be taking our first international trip in two years, two months (not that I'm counting). 

So, Alaska friends, if you're reading this (hi!) please keep in mind that your vacation is setting the tone for my future family outings. If things don't go well, don't tell me, tell Phil. 

How do you fit in family travel? What's the best vacation you've taken together?


This is the last in a series of sponsored posts from Safeway Dairy and National Dairy Month. You have a few more days to play at PackYourPicnic.com for a chance at a trip to a national park of your choice including airfare, accommodations, transportation, a picnic basket and a $200 gift card. Sweepstakes ends on 6/30/2011.

A Post Full of Cheese-y Puns

Friday, June 24, 2011

I have a confession. Maybe more like a secret to share. I haven't had a glass of milk in almost seven years. I can't. It makes my stomach do funny things. It hasn't always been that way. In fact, during my last trimester, a glass of ice cold milk always hit the spot. Same with when I was nursing. I drank milk all the time. 

Tyler self weaned a little after he turned nine months so we supplemented with formula, gradually increasing the amount of milk over water. Between the three of us, we were going through several gallons of whole milk per week. Phil was in heaven because we'd been drinking 2 percent before I got pregnant.

I remember the first time I poured myself a tall glass of milk and things went sour. I was so surprised. I switched us back to 2 percent thinking it would help but it was the same. Talk about heartbreaking. Since then I've tried soy and almond milk and just can't stomach the taste. The weird thing is, I can have cereal if I keep the milk ratio low, I can drink lattes and mochas, I always use half and half in my coffee and have a yogurt almost every morning. None of that bothers me. 

Now, before you go feeling sorry for me, let me say I have found my work around and it pleases me greatly. Cheese. I can eat cheese until the cows come home with no problems whatsoever. And boy, do I. Our fridge is always full of cheese in various forms: blocks, shredded, string, slices and snack sticks. If we're having a meal I can remotely get away with sprinkling cheese on, I will. My favorite thing to serve when we have guests is a fruit and cheese plate. Give me a hunk of cheese and some crackers and I'm a happy girl.

I should probably make an effort to find out the reasons behind my milk intolerance so I don't go another seven years without it and I'm sure one day I will. But for now, please pass the cheddar. 

This sponsored post is part of the #SafewayDairy National Dairy Month campaign. Visit PackYourPicninc.com daily through 6/30/11 for a chance to win a trip to the national park of your choice.

Motivation, Thy Name is iPod!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

I made Tyler an offer today: if he finishes this workbook, he can have my old iPod Touch. He'll only use it for games and music and I have the in app purchaes turned off. I don't mind him having it as long as he follows the rules: no sneaking to play after lights out, he has to ask before taking it to a friend's house and no taking it to school.

It seems to be working. He's already done 15 pages. When I told him we'd go to the library today for the summer reading, he asked if he could take the workbook with him.

"I will get that iPod!"

We'll see how long his enthusiasm lasts. I'll post updates as the summer goes on.

How Could I Not?! | (Almost) Wordless Wednesday

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

I had to buy this for the title alone! It was in the dollar bin.

From the cover: "She can have any pair that money can buy...but the shoes she really wants are priceless."

Apron Strings: To Cut or Not to Cut?

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Lately I've been feeling some tugging on my apron strings. Tyler is pulling, asking for more independence and trust. I'm a little afraid to give it to him, but also conscious that I don't want my own fears to infect him. I don't want him to second guess himself or not trust his instinct because he hears my voice inside his head.

A few weeks ago at after school pickup, he asked if we were walking home and was disappointed when I said no. Then he asked if he could walk home alone. Of course my first thought was "hell, no." But my clever boy played me like a violin. "You could drive along next to me." I didn't have a good reason to say no to that. Darn him for being so smart.

I thought about it for a few seconds and said yes before I changed my mind. We went over checking the driveways to look for cars backing out, what to do at the crosswalk and which way I wanted him to go to get to our neighborhood. I had him wait for me at a point just beyond the school's driveway.

I pulled the car around and waved. He set off. I'd let him get a little ahead and then catch up to him. I was hoping I wouldn't make the light at the intersection so we could go through together, but I did. I pulled over just across the street and craned my neck to watch him cross. Seeing my little guy on the busy corner brought a mix of emotions. I was anxious, proud, scared of the other driver's and happy he was following directions so well.

After he made it through the crosswalk I went home and waited for him. When he walked up the driveway, he was grinning ear to ear.

"That was fun, I want to do it again!"

Phil and I talked it over and he's OK with Tyler walking home if some of the other parents agree, too. We'd feel better if Tyler walked home with a buddy. I was all set to to agree and tell Tyler he could start walking home at least one day a week. He's going to be in fourth grade and will turn nine just after the new school year starts. 

But then I saw a story on my local news about a nine year old who was run over and pinned underneath an SUV. He owes his life to his backpack and bike helmet. Now I'm back to my original, "hell, no" with a side of, "not in this lifetime." I told Tyler, actually I apologized, that he doesn't have the same childhood we did. When I was a kid we roamed, didn't check in with our parents and didn't need to have pre-arranged play dates. I wish Tyler could experience being a kid the same way we did.

I know I have to let go. It's time. It's the right thing to do if I want Tyler to be self reliant and independent. But dang it, I'm not ready! My apron strings are fine just the way they are.

How old were your kids when they started walking home from school?

Calling All Campers | A Little Help?

Thursday, June 16, 2011

My husband comes from a big family. He has cousins, aunts and uncles I haven't met yet and we've known each other almost half our lives. Every summer, a whole group of them come here to San Diego and camp at a beach near our house. They've been doing it for years (I was pregnant the first time I met them out for dinner). Tyler and I spend the every day with them. Their visit is something we look forward to and plan around every year.

But. I don't camp. I don't like tents. I don't like sleeping on the ground. Phil's family has an amazing setup they have perfected over the years. They make the whole outdoor living thing look easy.

The whole campsite is this organized
Occasionally, I've been tempted to change my mind and spend the night. Then the sand in my butt starts to itch and I happily pack up and head home for the night. Well, I may have to suck it up because this year, Phil reserved a space for us too.
Phil and Tyler and the remains of the moat the kids played in all week
We have a tent and that's about it. So, I need all your frugal camping suggestions. What foods should I buy? How should we cook said food without a grill? I have no clue what I'm doing. Help?

Two Vegetarian Picnic Sandwiches | Saying Goodbye to a Friend

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

My very good friend M is moving to the other side of the country. We met training for the 3 day. She's one of those people who totally 'gets' me and we hit it off right away. We have so much in common, we can talk for hours and we have the same taste in shoes. I'm so sad she's leaving. The little kid in me is stomping her foot and saying, “it’s not fair!” over and over again. 

A few weeks ago, I decided I wanted to do something special for her and invited her on a beach picnic. I wanted to take food that would travel well, be easy to serve and would be budget friendly. To me, there’s only one perfect picnic food that meets all those requirements: Cheese!

I love, love, love cheese. Especially now that I have braces. No matter how uncomfortable I am, I can always eat cheese! I put together a great menu centered around cheese and crackers. If you plan to take cheese on a picnic, look for hard cheeses like an aged gouda, cheddar or parmigiano reggiano.

For dessert, I took fresh berries and some frozen whipped topping. I also made parfaits with chocolate pudding, whipped topping and crumbled chocolate chip cookies. They were divine!

M and I didn’t have the whole day to spend at the beach so I kept our meal light. But, if we’d had more time I would have made sandwiches. She’s a vegetarian and I would have needed something both of us could eat. Here are two easy sandwich recipes (with cheese!) that you don’t have to be vegetarian to enjoy that work well for picnics.

Apple Cheddar Panini

Whole grain bread
Low fat honey mustard
2 thinly sliced apples
Thinly sliced cheddar

Lightly and evenly spread honey mustard over bread. Layer apple and cheese slices. Lightly coat a panini press with cooking spray (I’d use my George Forman or cast iron skillet). Grill each sandwich for 3-5 minutes. Allow to cool slightly before packing.

Black Bean and Lettuce Cheese Wraps

1 15 oz can black beans
¼ c chopped chives or onions
½ c cooked brown rice
⅓ c Italian salad dressing
½ c crumbled Feta cheese
Boston lettuce leaves, washed and dried

Set beans and chives in separate small bowls. Combine rice, dressing and cheese in a third bowl. Lay the leaves flat and fill with rice mixture and then top with beans and chives. Or, combine the rice mix, beans and chives in one container and the lettuce in another so the wraps can be assembled onsite at your picnic.

The only silver lining about M leaving is that she's moving to Boston and I love that city! I'm sure I'll be able to come up with a reason to visit.

*While we were at the beach I made a short video to toast our friendship. It looks like I'm about to propose because M is trying not to cry! This is part of a series of sponsored posts for National Dairy Month and PackYourPicnic.com.

Sookie Stackhouse and Star Island | What I've Been Reading

Thursday, June 9, 2011

I'm one tired chick, but it's my own fault. I've been staying up way too late reading. In preparation for the new season of True Blood, I decided to start the series by Charlaine Harris that the TV show is based on. 


In the past two weeks I've read through the first three books (Dead Until Dark, Living Dead in Dallas and Club Dead). I checked out the fourth, Dead to the World, yesterday and I think I'll be finished with it tonight. The fifth, Dead as a Doornail, is reserved at the library and I should have it in a few days. I've heard the books and the series referred to as Twilight for grown ups. Since I didn't read the Twilight series, I can't confirm, but based on what Twilight haters have said, the comparison makes me laugh. 

While I was waiting for book four, I read the new one from Carl Hiaasen, Star Island. A former co-worker turned me on to his books and I've really enjoyed going through his body of work. If you saw the Demi Moore move Strip Tease, it's based off his book (which I have a feeling is way better than the movie). I like that he has the same character pop up in different books. Hiassen also writes young adult books. I've read both Hoot (which was a movie, too) and Flush. They're cute. Tyler didn't get through Hoot, but I think if he tried again and saw the movie he'd like it. 

I've already read the June book for my book club (Something Borrowed, loved it) and I have Breathing Lessons in my library queue (Anne Tyler, I really enjoy her work). 


What's on your nightstand?

Put Your Library on Your Smartphone | Works For Me Wednesday

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Hello, my name is Melanie and I'm an addict. A book addict. I know, I know. You're probably thinking there are worse things to be addicted to. I wholeheartedly agree. The problem is, I tend to buy the same book multiple times.

My library has a used book store. They're my dealers. I stop in every time I'm in the area. OK, sometimes when I'm not, too. I can get trade sized paperbacks for $2.50 at the most but I generally stick the $1 cart. How can I pass that up? I can't, that's how. But, I get so excited I can't remember if I have a title at home or not. I've probably spent about $15 buying repeat titles. $15 isn't alot in the grand scheme of things, but that's 15 books I haven't read, wasted.

When I came home with my second copy of Women on the Edge of a Nervous Breakthrough, I got so mad at myself I knew I had to figure out something. I was going to write all my 'To Be Read' titles in the notebook I carry in purse, but this 2011. It took me a minute to figure out a solution, but I'm pleased with the results. 

There are 14 photos total

I took pictures of my book stash, put them in a folder on my computer and uploaded them into the photos section of my iPod. If I had a smartphone it would be a little easier, especially when I bring new books home. But, since I always have my iPod with me, for now the system is working. I scrolled through the pics the other day and they saved me from bringing home See Jane Date. Again.

I hope this Works For Me Wednesday trick helps my fellow 
literary addicts!

Mom, You Sure Do Love Coupons

Monday, June 6, 2011

I assumed Tyler has been absorbing the importance of coupons because of how often he sees me clipping, getting inserts from the neighbors and using them at stores. But, every now and then I see the opportunity to have a teachable moment and reinforce the lessons I'm trying to teach him.

When we were checking out after my awesome Albertson's trip yesterday, he made the statement about my coupons and I said, "absolutely, I love my coupons. Did you hear the cashier tell me what my savings were?" I had him look at the receipt and do a little math.

I've told Tyler before that part of my job is to take care of him, his dad and our house; and I include making sure we're using money wisely and saving wherever we can as part of taking care of everyone. I said he should start thinking of coupons the way I do: as another type of money and not just pieces of paper. Those pieces of paper save us money we're using for other things, like the breakfast we had yesterday at Mimi's Cafe with some of his hockey teammates.

Some of my big fears for Tyler is that he will leave home not knowing when to match his shoes with his belt, not knowing how to do laundry and iron, make a few basic recipes and not knowing how to manage money.

When I talk about things like that with him, I get eye rolls and impatience (please tell me I'm not alone!). I try to explain things in terms he relates to. Sometimes I think I'm getting through. Like the time we found a boxed set of a series he's reading for $3 at the library book store and he was just as excited over the deal as I was. But other times, I wonder if he's only hearing and not listening.

I've been using coupons for awhile, but not as seriously as I have in the past few years. My mom uses them too and I grew up watching her. But, she doesn't do it to the level that I do and she didn't really explain what it was about, why she used them and how much she saved. I really hope it sinks in with Tyler. Financial savvy-ness is one of the best things I can have him absorb (but I'll be working on the shoes and belt thing, too.)

Just in case you're curious (and so I can toot my horn a little)
1 trail mix
1 box Albertson's brand oatmeal
2 Ronzoni Garden 
2 Ronzoni Smart Taste
2 Ronzoni Healthy Harvest
10 Knorr Rice sides (4 of the taco flavor from the Mexican Lasagne)
4 Ragu pasta sauce
2 gallons of milk
1 multi pack of baby carrots
1 rotisserie chicken

Before coupons: $70.53 
Actual spent: $20.33

Cheap End of Year Teacher Gift | Frugal Friday

Friday, June 3, 2011

I posted this on Facebook a few days ago, but now that my order arrived I wanted to share it here. I bought the book, Things Cooks Love: Implements, Ingredients, Recipes off Amazon because it was so cheap I couldn't pass it up. I'm so glad I did! The book is gorgeous. It's a hardcover from Sur la Table. It has 330 pages. It's all about different kitchen gadgets like cast iron skillets, tagines, braisers, dutch ovens, mattones and a whole bunch of other things I've never heard of but now want to own. 

Pardon my sub-par photography

The book is broken down by Asian, Mexican, French, Indian, Italian, Iberian and Moroccan cuisines. Each section has recipes with what to make with the various cooking tools. I'll definitely be copying a few things before I give it to her! The price has already gone up since I bought it, but having it in front of me I can definitely say it's worth the current $4.09. I had something else to buy so it shipped free. Even with the free Super Saver shipping, I ordered it Wednesday and it was delivered today. It was such a bargain, I feel I can even splurge on a cute apron or something similar.

*Affiliate link

Shop the Bulk Bins and Be Green | Frugal Friday

I know that shopping from the Bulk bins is a money saver. The bins are one of the things I like most about shopping places like Henry's. I get a lot of things pretty regularly: Phil's sunflower seeds, granola for Tyler, a variety of trail mixes, pretzels and some dried fruits. The savings buying in bulk as opposed to traditional packaging is noticeable. But I started to feel guilty about all the plastic bags I was bringing home so I cut back a little. Luckily I subscribe to every daily deal site out there and a few weeks ago I took advantage of one from Deal Pulp for two sets of reusable produce bags. I love them! I'm kicking myself for waiting so long to invest in them.

I bought 2 sets of 6
They are from Esse and so far are holding up perfectly. I haven't had to wash them yet. If they fall apart I'll let you know. I get compliments and questions every time I use them. While I'm no where near the family who generates almost zero consumer waste, we are trying to be more mindful and those plastic bags were a real sore spot with me. I have my own reusable bags for grocery's and have almost completely cut out bringing plastic bags home from store. Now I can continue to save at the bulk bins and feel that I'm still doing my part for the environment.

Do you have any more green grocery tips for me?

UPDATE: Score! There's another daily deal site I just read about, SaveMore, that is offering a $10 credit for new sign ups. They have Esse bags $20 for $8! These could be free with your credit depending on what you order (just pay $3.95 shipping). Fantastic! I bought two of the Produce 6 Packs at $11.95 ea. So, for just under $8 you can get two great teacher gifts. Buy two $10 grocery cards and you have two gifts for $14 each!

Thanks, My Frugal Adventures!

*Not a sponsored post. I think the bags are great. If you plan to order your own bags from Esse try code DEALPULP25 for 25% off. I don't know how many people can use it, but it was printed on my receipt to share.

Questions Kids Ask

Thursday, June 2, 2011

This morning Tyler asked me, "Mom, is Zoe a mammal?" I wasn't even out of bed yet, let alone fueled with my first cup of coffee. I had to reach way back and try to remember the technical definition of a mammal before I could respond. 

Our Fur Baby
Of course, after I dropped him off at school I turned to Google to make sure I'd given him the right answer. 

What out of the blue questions have you gotten lately?

Mexican Lasagne (or Burrito Casserole) | A Crockpot Win

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Because of Tyler's hockey schedule, I have no choice but to dust off the crockpot and get organized with meal planning. We're out until odd hours and when we get back home everyone is starving, especially Tyler.

Last night I decided to try a recipe on Stephanie's A Year of Slow Cooking. I like Mexican food and I was able to do this almost entirely with things I had on hand. I modified Stephanie's recipe because I wanted it to be even more of a one pot meal. I also cut the recipe about in half. We're not that good with leftovers and so many crockpot recipes make huge portions. Phil re-named my version Mexican Lasagna. Below is Stephanie's recipe with my notations after.

1 small onion, peeled and diced
1 green bell pepper, seeded and chopped
2 (14.5-ounce) cans diced tomatoes, undrained
1 (4-ounce) can roasted green chiles, undrained
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1/2 teaspoon chili powder
1/4 teaspoon ground cumin
8 flour or brown rice tortillas (brown rice tortillas are GF; read packing carefully)
4 cups cooked pinto beans (three 15-ounce cans, drained)
4 cups shredded Mexican blend cheese

Optional garnishes: sour cream, sliced avocado, etc.

Use a 4-quart slow cooker. If you only have a large one, that's okay--but reduce cooking time a few hours.

In a mixing bowl, stir together the onion, bell pepper, tomatoes, chiles, and spices.

Put a layer of tortillas into the bottom of your cooker---you may need to tear them a bit to get good coverage. Add a scoop of the onion/tomato mixture and layer on a healthy spoonful of beans and then a layer of cheese. Repeat layers until you've run out of ingredients. Top with a healthy dose of cheese.

Cover and cook on low for 6 to 7 hours (if using a 6-quart, do 3 to 4 hours on low, then let it click over to warm--there's nothing really to cook--you're just heating thoroughly and getting the cheese to get that yummy crust).

My Changes
I did not use an onion, pepper or green chilies. I only used one can of tomatoes (because all of us don't care for whole tomato). They were Mexican style with onions and chiles, the store brand equivalent of Rotel. 

I used two 15 ounce cans of beans and partially drained one (to make up for the missing liquid from the second can of tomatoes). I only used 4 tortillas. My crockpot is just the size for Mission's medium soft taco size tortillas. The tortillas were just barely too big. I did use a lot of cheese, but maybe only three cups of shredded taco seasoned cheese. 

Now for my biggest changes: I bought one 6 ounce package of Tyson grilled chicken strips and two packages of Lipton Fiesta Sides Taco Rice. I made both packets according to directions but cut the water to 3 cups. I diced the chicken into pretty small pieces.

I layered the ingredients: tomato, rice, beans, chicken, cheese. The top was tortilla to keep the moisture in. Since the rice and chicken were already cooked, I only had this in the crockpot on low for an hour just to warm it through. I didn't use all the prepared rice in my dish. There's about 1 1/2 cups leftover. I still think I'd make two packages; using only one would make the meal skimpy unless I doubled the chicken.

Please excuse my lack of food photography skills
The results: we loved it. I cut it into four really good sized triangles and served everyone a wedge. Tyler could barely finish. This is very filling! The only change I'll make when I prepare this again is to add some salt. The brand of tomatoes I used made the dish sweeter than I like Mexican food to be.

If you're in need of crockpot inspiration, definitely take a look at Stephanie's site. I've had good luck with her recipes. Which food site do you have good luck with?

Where Has Melanie Been?

Monday, May 23, 2011

Well, hello! How are you? I have neglected you guys the past week and I'm sorry. I have no excuses, just lots of reasons.

Tyler's hockey schedule keeps us hopping. We had an 8am game this past weekend at a rink about 40 minutes away. 

I've read three books since my last review.

I've been working on the San Diego Blog Conference site (which I haven't told you about!) that I started a few months ago with Katie and Deb. If you'll be attending BlogHer this summer you'll definitely want to check it out.

I bought another URL. I've been looking into ways to get that project up and running. 

I started online traffic school for my speeding ticket. 

I've been to a social media Tweetup and a Mad Men theme birthday party.

I'm revising my promo/giveaway documents.

I'm fighting with my bank over a charge I didn't authorize and hoping all my money shows up in the proper accounts post haste.

We've had a Pirates of the Caribbean movie marathon and went to see Thor.

AND I took on a consulting client. 

Y'all, I've barely got my head above water. If you could see the condition of my house, you'd agree.

But, I'm having fun. Better busy than bored I always say. What's going on your world?

Future San Diego Padre | Wordless Wednesday

Hoorah! | Wordless Wednesday

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Monday, May 9, 2011

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.' We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we're liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.                                                           - Marianne Williamson
This has been in my head for days. I don't get quotes or passages stuck in my head. Usually it's song lyrics. I heard the first five sentences of the quote and was moved enough to look up the rest. I know I'm supposed to do something with this. Take action somehow. There's a specific message, just for me, in here somewhere. Hopefully I'll figure it out soon. They are such beautiful words, it would be a shame not to pick up on whatever the universe is trying to tell me.

From: A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of "A Course in Miracles."

(Gently) Pushing Buttons

Thursday, May 5, 2011

I'm used to being the OBITR (Only Black In The Room). It happens all the time. Depending on the situation, occasionally I take my position very seriously and use it to raise awareness of an issue, challenge a perception or present another way of thinking. I feel as though I've been talking about race a lot lately, but it's been all around me in posts, books I've read and discussions I've had so it's been on my mind a lot. Most recently I had to educate my book club friends a little bit. [warning: book spoiler alerts]

The last title we read for book club was The Hunger Games. In the first part of the evening while we having dinner, almost everyone was talking about the books (most went on to read the other two right away). The comments were all about how much they loved the series and were excited to hear all the casting news for the movie. After dinner we talked about the current book, The Kitchen House.

All of us loved this book, too. It's set on a tobacco plantation in the south. The story is told through two narrators. One is Lavinia, an Irish indentured servant whose parents die on the trip over from Ireland. Her brother is sold to a different owner and she lives the first years of her life on the plantation with the slaves. The other narrator, Belle, is one of the slaves on the plantation. She works in the kitchen house and her connection to the plantation owner causes problems for everyone throughout most of the book. 

As the conversation went on, someone said they typically don't like to read books with a lot of tragedy and violence in them and said she was glad the author, Kathleen Grissom, didn't get too descriptive with the treatment of the slaves because she probably wouldn't have liked the book as much. Many others agreed.

Now, if you've read The Hunger Games series, you might be shaking your head. If you haven't read them, let me explain the premise: Every year, the ruling class of a post apocalyptic dystopian society, The Capitol, hosts The Hunger Games. The games are a punishment for the lower classes' previous attempted rebellion.  The Capitol creates an outdoor arena with all types of hazards and then forces 24 children chosen at random to fight to the death in the arena on live TV.

I had to take a moment because it struck me as odd. In The Hunger Games, half the contests die at each others' hands in the first few moment's of the games. Through the rest of the book there are poisonous plants, wasps whose venom either kills or brings on hallucinations, knives to the back, rocks to the skull and death by spear. And that's only in the first half of the first book!

So, reading about teenagers killing each other or dying violently as sport for the rich is fine, but slaves being whipped, burned or hung is just too much? As OBITR, I felt I needed to (gently) point out what I saw as a hypocrisy*. I said I was glad Grissom didn't try to clean up what happened to slaves. 

"I think it's sad authors have to dumb down the type of violence blacks experienced at the hands of their owners and make it more palatable in order for people to want to educate themselves about the time period."

Yep, I went there.

I can only presume the woman who made the original statement was thinking that Hunger Games is pure fiction, whereas The Kitchen House is fiction based in factual events. For the record she also said she couldn't watch Schindler's List for the same reason. I guess I just can't imagine avoiding certain topics because of their truth. In my mind, it's the truthfulness that leads to empathy. I'm not Jewish, but the little I know about the Holocaust made me want to learn more about the difference between Judaism and Catholicism. 

In my opinion, The Kitchen House isn't overly graphic. I think the events in the book are part of the characters' truth, and the truth is they were slaves on a plantation. Bad (beyond horrible) things happened to slaves on plantations. To ignore that, to leave it out of the story wouldn't have been an accurate representation of the south during that time.

My fellow book club members' response struck me as the literary equivalent of sticking her fingers in her ears. "La, la, la, la I can't hear you." Which everyone has a right to do.

My statement was well received. Not that I care about that too much but I don't want to make book club awkward. I enjoy my time there but don't want to be "that person" who turns every conversation into controversy. I can only hope I gave everyone something to think about. Omitting details or downplaying them doesn't make them any less true.

Do you feel the same way as my club member about the books you read? Is there such a thing as too real?

*Hypocrisy is probably too strong of a word but I couldn't think of better one. Photo from Google Images

Threepeat! | Wordless Wednesday

Thanks for the Warning

Monday, May 2, 2011

Happy Mother's Day to me?

Tyler: "Mom, I'm sorry."

Me: "What for?"

Tyler: "When I was coloring your Mother's Day card at school, I messed up."
Me: "I'm sure it will be fine."

Tyler: "I don't know how to draw faces. I accidentally gave you a beak."

Me: "Oh, well, uh, thank you for trying."

Tyler: "I'm sorry I drew you ugly."

Me: "That's OK."

So now, in addition to Phil being out of town for two weeks and the 7am hockey game on Mother's Day, the only card I'll be getting is a portrait of me with a beak. 

The joys of motherhood. :D

Shopping at Target for Boys | Fashion Haul Friday {Vlog}

Friday, April 29, 2011

For this Fashion Haul I went back to Target. Tyler had a substantial growth spurt and we needed to look for summer clothes. If my dress looks familiar that's because it's from my last Fashion Friday.

If you have boys, where do you have the most luck in finding clothes 
you both can live with?

Four Ways to Raise Money for Schools

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

This post is sponsored by Welch's Harvest Grants

Drawing competition for school kids
photo © 2009 Simply CVR | more info (via: Wylio)

Last year, our school started an initiative hoping to get each family to contribute $250 per student to help offset the costs of school programs. They must not have had as many donations as they needed because I got an email two weeks ago that the PE program for 3rd grade is going to be cut. Honestly, how many more things are our children going to have to lose?!

I know this economy isn't helping. Combined with the costs of school clothes, after school activities, field trips, year books, teacher gifts throughout the year and donating supplies to the classroom, that amount of money probably isn't doable for many families.

We try to support Tyler's school whenever we can. We haven't written our own $250 check, but we go to as many of the PTO events as we can and I'm religious about collecting Boxtops. One time when I was at Costco, one of the sampling events was using zipper bags. There was a pile of empty boxes with Boxtops on them. I stood there looking at them and thought "could I? Should I?" before I  chickened out and walked away.

Since my last post about the education system and schools, I've been keeping my eye out for affordable and practical ways we can all help our children's schools:
Many office supply stores offer incentives for teachers in addition to their customer rewards programs. I used a Staples rebate to buy free paper and donated it to the classroom.  Those types of offers are available all the time and definitely help offset the costs of all the supplies the teachers need.

It's sad the extent that families are having to step in to fill the gaps in our schools. I can only imagine how I'd feel if our financial situation were different and we weren't able to do anything above and beyond sending Tyler in every day. 

I don't know what has to happen before our educational system will get back on track. I fear it will have to get even worse before it will get better. And that? Is really, really scary.

Do you have any other ways schools can raise funds or families can get cheap or free supplies for the classroom?


This post was sponsored by Welch's Harvest Grants:
Last year, schools across the nation were invited to apply for one of 100 grants to start their own school garden. Five schools would receive $1000 grants and 95, $500 grants. Welch's had almost 7,000 entries! I didn't apply because our school already has a garden but I think it's fabulous that so many people got involved. Congratulations to the winners!

*I think School Deals is, so far, only local to San Diego. Check all sites to see if they are in your city.

Affiliate links have been used. This is a sponsored, compensated post but the opinions are mine.

Track Your Grocery Prices | Frugal Friday

Friday, April 22, 2011

Today I'm talking about tracking prices. I feel I still have a lot to learn about coupons and frugal shopping but I definitely know more than I did last year. When I go to the stores, increasingly I've been able to look at the price of something and know if A) it's a good price and B) if I might be able to get the item for a cheaper price at another store. I also keep the store circulars for several weeks so I can compare prices against stores and see what an individual store's sales cycle is.

Armed with that information, I'm better able to know when a special trip to the store is justified or not and if an item is at its stock up price. I haven't even considered starting a grocery price book, I keep track mentally, but if you're really serious about saving that's the way to go. When I finally get around to making my coupon binder, I think I'll have at least one tracking sheet in it for the items I buy regularly. 

Last week, Henry's had a great sale on meats. I don't typically buy meat there, mostly produce and items from the bulk bins, but the 72 Hour sale they were holding was a good excuse to stock up. I broke these down and froze them in more manageable meal sizes. The chicken breasts are huge so they're perfect for crockpot type meals. For $25.36 I now have enough meat for at least six meals.

Do you track prices? Have you noticed significant saving? Most importantly, do you have any recipes for all those pork chops?!

*Gift certificate provided by San Diego Bargain Mama and Henry's. No other compensation received. I love this store and shop there regularly. Opinions are totally my own. I'm serious about the recipes.
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